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__™'s Blog

2022-03-15 11:13:02 pm by __™ in category General
Epilog This is posted in reverse just as life sometimes is. Also most ppl I'm told always reads the last chapter first  Well according to Kookanutt......   This started out as a way to come to terms with an Illusion. Sometimes when two objects collided at the right time, It’s for a reason. Jyps was there to open another door in my Hobbit hole. It taught me that...
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2021-07-23 7:35:58 pm by __™ in category General
Chapter 14  The Aftermath After the infamous email Jypsy disappeared for a week or at least that nic did. Dog & Sage, Dazed and DontGiveaRatsazz were all sittin in MC4 with an occasionally surfer or two.. Havin been talked to by a few about the email and how  I should maybe  step back for a while. Let the dust settle. One of the things  Jypsy and I use to...
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2021-06-21 8:35:22 pm by __™ in category General
Chapter 13 The Confrontation  After I stepped back for a few days I got more not upset, it wasn’t hurt, more like having been lied to. This certainly not a “freak” thing. More like Pre planned from the start. The pieces started to unwind after Billy and I spoke. He said he suspected by their behavior when Jyps arrived. The bar already had her brand of drink there,...
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2021-06-06 2:27:46 pm by __™ in category General
Chapter 12 The End Begins the Move Home Jyps seem more and more distant as she packed to move home, her drinkin increase and she was evasive about her time. Shagg and Sage seemed to also be having issues, now that Sage got his wallet. Rumors began to appear from friends who I new from other rooms about seein Jyspy using her Wings nic in some rooms along with Dog. So I did what any red...
2021-05-25 1:12:23 pm by __™ in category General
Chapter 11 The End Begins or How I blew up a Chatroom Pt 2 Dog sent me the folder on Messenger; all 92 of them yes Ninety-Two.  He “forgot” to remove the one  Jyps asked him too. (insert folder here), Yes I still have them…. Something I learned Very early in hosting & assisting in our Community alwys save  Always…  as they say it...
  • M𝔢lly™: I was around for much of your story, and it's interesting to follow the chapters, having known a...
  • N o r a: I read the first blog, I guess my first thought would does he remember so much. My story...
  • fang4: I did not sit through it but have herd bits and pieces of it. It was good to read it all in writing...
  • Spangz: I sat thru it ... :D love ya man!