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da tail of a chat hobbit By jonCarloâ„¢

Current Mood: Weird
__™ (__, tm)
Undisclosed - under the shire, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2020-04-27 7:32:19 pm Category General Viewed 25 times Likes 1

Aug 15th 2003

da tail of a chat hobbit 
 By jonCarlo™

  This is a tail of how I got here, and why……..
  Four years ago I think (who nos ok I do) one nite  I was  first  learning how to surf the net ,first pc  online  (holy chit ).I venture thru Msn pages ( 3 yr. rebate program with Msn ) well now  I t was late I was  lonely (key word ), my wife spent her life in her room. Not having anyone to spend my time with and well frankly being a homebody, I figured OK what the hell lets go surf (I never even wanted a PC it was her idea thank god :D).Well now I saw  this header people and chat hmmmmmmmmmm k  ,of course  I was on dial up and a compac ( for all u compac ppl they suck ).As the page opened I  saw Chat Home and  looked down the side  and well ok ill try the romance pages I said (now mind you wifey is upstairs).Typing  very quietly  I went on a page stroll and  ended up on the m pages. 
    Married but Flirting the sign said on the door and it had a ton of ppl  so I went in ,well tried too  this  page opened up sign in  or  guest  name preferred ..i went  for the guest_nic .Heres an original guest_jj
Well now im in and lurking and this  golden hammer asked me for an (?) ? k I think wtf is asl ? so now  this  LadyBelle_Emma  asked me again .. I said im sorry no clue and what’s that hammer about dumb huh .Em (her nic now) 30s f ns said to me  “would you like to see what is for?”(That’s not a copy and paste fyi) next thing I no bang im gone.worst part made one hell of a sound,” I heard a noise Jon? “Thinking fast  PC is doing  something  I was downloading ;) something…whew  so I went  back to home page (dummy) and started over  go back  to the same room  (one would think I wouldn’t b so dumb), well now I had to go thru that same dumb log in thingy  who new u could get the same nic  I went for guest_jc
And  again  Lady said to me (?) plz ( this  was  not the common  icon then  just asl),now having gone thru this once I said  48 male new york  and she said ty ,ty ??????? wft is ty , ah no biggie. Strange times began for me that evening  and there was  more to follow.
  The  next  room   I  surfed into was  really hoping   that nite Married and Needing  Spicy, now im only goin  in to check it out dontca no ……and  I came  upon this tiny  little texan. Man she  had me biting me tongue so I wouldn’t  laugh  (from here on  in lmao ).Now all this time  my  wife  was up in her room  and since im a tad hard of hearin the tellie was a  bit loud , plus I had figured out how to hide the page .. flip one over it ….pretty neat trick .Now im checkin out  the  sites not the profiles I’ll get to those  :P.
And all of a sudden I look down at my start bar and there are all this lites blinkin (this was pre ad bots)
So  like I opened it  asl asl asl , im like geeeeeesh  wtf  ??? 
 I met  my first  messenger person in there  Laverendal 30s f  can  and she seemed very friendly sort , but that dam little  texan  man could she  freakin type.Then  they had an ASL call and this  little chit asl’s 30s f Teaseville,(at this point  im like omging) ..What did I stumble into , u have to understand at this point I have yet to type  anything  other  than ez chit  48 m ny  and hi typos came later .
  So now I left  and went on a surf popped into this one  room  in the d pages Doms and the ppl who they use  so  I go in  read the  welcume thingy  says asl so I do ,at this point  a golden hammer  mentions my  nic in  the room  guest_jj , I couldn’t think  of anything  else , and he  says to me I should get a real nic,, nic ? Yes  nickname   ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!! :O:O so ok like how  so he said when you log  on to chat  etc on one side there is a pace for a regular nickname or a guest on ,pick a name .So I started to think  about   it .
  The nic creation is an interesting topic .The first suggestion he gave  me was make it all caps ..little did I no  that  a dom in theses   used that as a sign of  dominance, so on the nic quest .
   I came upon my first nic from combining  my own name Carl  which my children’s middle  name  of Jon and I had always like the sound sooo JONCARLO  was born ,little did I know I would becum him as well.
    Now having a nic I ventured back into this subculture and hit the romance pages, right to that needing No Spicey, well sure enuff they were there. Click in the name and Bing in and I even knew to asl on entry. Well now there was a very nice man hosting his nic was wildthing_3421 40s m ill Peoria to b exact fireguy /emt and he and I hit off a friendship. They were all having fun making jokes it was a hell of a time, partytime ……..Well it was kinda late and I had found my sound option and it was gettin noisy so I hit the big X and closed out for the nite. This would continue my lurking for a few weeks. Than I started to type or as most of u no typo (typing is not my strong suit).
 Well in the mornin I found myself drawn to that pc in the living room and since  she left before I did oh boy oh boy, I started the  am chat shift only to find very few ppl hangin out there.Ceri would  pop in 30s f can and so would man 40s m uk  little did I know they were a couple till later on ,ms_zesty 40s f wva and her niece Ginger 30f  nc would also pop in and we all started just chattin bout life and stuff.
  One morning I went in and omg  they weren t there …..Well now my first whisper was from Lav and she was very helpful, however she mistook my friendliness as a desire for her (something we settled yrs later). Well my second whisper was from wildthing_3421, and im thinking he can see I ve got a male nic wtf is this? But he whispered me that Tex and a few others mutinyed to another room Married and Bad and would I like to join them there. Quite frankly I was a little stunned and yet honored , so said ok  and he  left me a http (or link ).  I clicked on it next thing I no bam im there ,pretty kewl .Tex and Spicy had a little disagreement , never found out y .This was my first  hammer war and was clueless but I hung out , we  all had fun and when I had to leave for work Tex  said y’all cum back .
 Ok now my addiction was starting to becum a tad more  overwhelmin and  they had  pc on sale  at best buys  with a rebate program .4 yrs  rebate just sign up  wit  Msn and  your pc would cost less then a 100 .So ventured  in and of course  it was a cum on ad ,none  there .i took a raincheck and  waited  about  2 months and finally called and bytch and they said ok ok cum on in we will hook u up .im like there and off I went .
 Brand new out of the box E machine  and  monitor .Took her out of the box and hooked it  up at work  and  I was ready to go , so  I set  up  my dial up and awayyyyyyyyyyy  I go .Off to  Bad  and  pop in and here is Tex in her cup and I see a Yeeeeeeeehaw  pop on the screen and she  was there .Howdy  and we began a  friendship that  lasted a while ,until she left the net with her now husband triton_dude 30s m tx of course. That’s a later tail.. Tex  was doin all theses  funny symbols flower faces and chit  I was like  ok I give up  how ????and she taught m  my icons (little did I no there was a list) .Now  ever ten mins or so I keep getting blown offline  and would have to relog on. I would find out there was a settin  called a timer in my dail up  program  …duh 
  Guys would pop in and out and  Tex would  uhmm entertain em ask em questions .. like .. where yall from   do u work  u married? Then just pop in her cup and brb all of us .the guys were like wtf  is that about .. this is were my stories started.Tex was a huge Aaron tippon  fan and she use to have a huge tv  in her living room and cmt on  allllllllllll the time and when ever he would cum on  bam gone .so I would tell em all she was dancin nekked in her room and some guy  would actually buy it .Then wildthing would  cum in as did zesty  and a few others ,boy those were some slow azz days  but we have fun.
  When we left  Spicy’s room there had been an incident (well not really) about  theses three guys on a horse  and one was ridin backward with a cigar danglin  and  Tex  I told em all was doin em …all three guys and  it became a long runnin joke.. one day I think she booted me like  15 times  I was so annoyin. Now  this  nic popped in  lost_found24 blu e tiny font  poor  kid couldn’t stay connected  pop in pop out all freakin day long ,she was 24  f me and  I took a likin to her right off. I asked her me ? when she asled  and she keep tellin me and all I keep sayin is who is me ? maine  duhhhhhh , she  had a very  maine cense of humor  wit ha chitty  dail up  company .so I said u near T2 R7 and  blew her away  not too many ppl know of that  place  (do ya huh ). Then I asked her if  paul  was still standin in  bangor  and she laughed .along with her was  hard_times her hubby at the time  my first cpl chatters . every  am we would meet for coffee and chat and all got to b pretty tight  .
 Now in those days  we only had one gold allowed and no such thing as  a automated bot program so that meant  someone  would have to  make sure we  were open and that was Tex’s job ,plus the community  and setting up a link there (no favs available at the time ) and we started buildin up the room slowly .in ventured this guy Tex kinda new  Dale 40s m ny  one of the nicest men online according to Tex (she seemed to no a lot of ppl ).then  along came  8iron ,fisherman730 and  a few other regs and chat was goin good. This was our am shift, some nites I would sneak online and chat and just relax it was a wonderful time. Wild and zesty were a strong cpl, Tex had a lover whom never came and she would wait and wait and wait. And she would cry a lot, more than she should have but that’s love for you I no that myself.
As the days got busier Spicy and Tex merged the two rooms (my first of a few), and ppl form all over came to play.
   Tex had an online lover Dusty 30s m tx (supposedly) and he would pop in from time to time and they would cup. After he left the cuppin she would be all bubbly and yehaw herself all over the room and flirt, she was infectious she could get ppl going. Dusty would make her promises and then continually break her heart. I think this was when I first got involved with assisting ppl on matters. It was sad to watch this bubbly little lady get so sad she gave a lot of ppl fun and yet she was crying on the inside, and in my whisper.
   Meanwhile life online got to be more and more addictively fun, early ams and late nites. Things happen
A lot for some reason we never quite understand but it was a fun time. Dusty would cum and go less and less and the more she cried and the more she tried to hide her pain thru laughter. It’s a mask of hurt and despair. One day she told me she was plannin on meeting him and asked me if it was a good idea. By this time she and I became the closest of friends. I told her I didn’t think she should (I had info on him that he wasn’t who he said…big surprise). She said she felt she had to, to know if it was right I told her if she felt that it was the right thing for her then I would support her on this no matter what .I would also be there if she needed me.
 Lost_found24 interesting character, she was to becume my oldest best friend online she and I have been thru many a time and many a nic for her .She was like so young and new to all of this .She and hard lived out in nowhere and this seemed like a good way for them to pass the time and meet ppl, and boy did they meet ppl, lots and lots…They were having some martial issues and thought by trying something new it might help (something we all are looking for). Hard meet someone about a year later and moved and left her up in neverneverland with her children and no money to live on. She started surfing rooms to find other ppl and the room had been growing, our community was up to about 800 ppl. We found out later how and why.
 One day Tex showed up with a new addition to her nic a tm on it and it was kewl, so I asked her how she got it and she said from my keypad and couldn’t explain how. Lost and I started playing around and low and behold the number pad :O had a whole map in it. Playtime, when the room was slow she and I would chat openly and play with the toys we were discovering, we discover the entire map, little did I no then if u look on your character map the codes where there. However when usin Msn to make certain nics the map didn’t work, so it came in handy. So it wasn’t wasted time.
  Now we had a lot of regulars and were fast becumin good chat pals  Mac 30s m ks lawyer would pop in LilVestor 40s m ny and Kat 89 cyberspace  ugly (30s f ok) and  few others  started to  stop by regularly and  we  just had a blast. Guests were common and guest_Lyn 30s va would pop in and out, her husband was a pentacostal minister.Then there was Sunshine from munchie one day she and I used mapquest and I pinpointed her right to her street, this was getting to b great fun.
  Meanwhile my real life was heading more and more into the drain and I was concerned but what is and what will be will be .My wife had her issues I had mine. And quite frankly I new where it was headed and was just bidding time in all honesty. The real knowledge wasn’t that bad and I had chat to help me over the hump.
  Tex went and meant scumbag (he was a dog). He then disappear under the excuse his job required him to travel a lot, he would show up much later in time. She would continue to wait hours on end, listen to that dam cmt and typin the lyrics and pole dancin (an act only a few could type).
  Along the way a woman came into the room a UnicornFreedom 30s f nh, she had bee n a chatter for sometime and was married and again not sure what she was lookin for she did find it for a while. She and I use to tease a lot about pole dancin one day I had the room convinced I was her agent and would book room fulls for her dance (she was second to Tex in this). One day this guy came in who was from vt how ever was livin in pitts and he and uni hooked up, he whispered me about her and was curious about her. She would perform a jewel and boa dance just for him on the floor. She still owes me my 20% on ticket sales btw. One day she was dancin for him in Married Sooooo Bored (a room, which would becume my next home for a time) and well there was a massive moof, I had my pc blown all the way back to a 95 version and it came equipped with 98…..go figure .Uni and iceman (he should me  his  version of the bird, my first  homemade icon) hooked up he moved back to nh and she left hubby, it was good for awhile but as  all thing go  you can fill in the blank.
   By this time  Spicy had managed to overrun a lot of the  room and  Tex was  kinda in a slump over Dusty
But we still all chatted. Along came this  guy triton_dude and he would visit and lurk and flirt with Tex.,well he  was magical I will tell you that. He  and I became good friend  thru the whisperbox we both shared the love of blues , and of Tex  (he as a lover ,me as her bigbro).Tex was  an honest person and  until she resolved the Dusty issues she was committed to him and wouldn’t whisper anyone. Enter Mac to whom she  would ask for an online divorce, as the story goes and  then she would b free to go on with things.
She and tri, Rene as he is  now called live together now in houston and from time to time she still drops me a line .It was hard but they worked it all out thru online  and phone and such. They now are  very happy .




Chapter Two
The door opening to a heart
The tail of a chat hobbit

Lost and  I started to cense a lose in the room and she told me about this other room she had been hangin in Married and Sooooo Bored and how much fun it was, so I ventured in and lurked. holy chit this room was moving .The only other room  other than bad I would venture in form time to time was MBF is was alwys packed in those days 50 ppl as a  normal count. Among some of the ppl there  a wacko named Lizzy Swirly_girl. Sassyprincess,Lyla.Sculptress ,LongTallTexan.and a whole cast of characters could asl them all but most of you no all but Long and Lyla (she was from indy and boy could she cook).Lost and I would venture in when the room was dead and just hang and chat. This was mutlitaskin one  room cupped the other room chat and it worked.
   Lost had a man she got involved with from Bad named Horse and he was a texan (seemed that was most of the ppl there oddly). He was 40s m tx and married  with grandkids as well. The two of them chatted for sometime and he made her promises, professed his “love” for her and even went as far as to ask her to cum to texas. He was a correctional guard there,well he had some heath issues as well as a vietnam vet. One day he decide it was over after  messenger and chattin with her and came up wit ha great idea. He would die. So he wrote her as his brother (she knew he was havin an operation on his heart) and  his bro told her he had died on the table. Well to say she was crushed is an understatement. We all were this guy seemed nice and to hear he died and not have anyway of lettin his family  no how we felt. It devastated all of us. By this time Tex and tri were almost out of chat the only time we saw them was when they needed to get in touch thru chat. We all mourned and lost was pretty much  depressed not only did she lose a good friend but any  hope of findin a way out of her  hell up there, no car no money (hard  left her for a woman in oh) and  two kids. Then lo and behold who shows up a few days later Horse as if nothing ever happened. Lost was beside herself and didn’t quite no how to take it, so she  did the next best thing drugs lots of em. Her friend from nh exeter was up visitin her and found her almost out cold .When this first happened I gave her some lyrics to a song  Tomorrow Never Knows, by guess who and she would keep that in her head. When I logged on that morning , I got am im from her , well it was her friend tellin me how Lost was  out of it. Lost was  half in the  bag  on atom of pills and I made her tell her friend the lyrics to the  many of you who no KMA will no shes not one to  put up with much so I got a lot of Fu’s and such (I didn’t do phone in those da,so  I finally got her to type to me . Over the next  cpl of hours all she would  type to me is the  words to this stupid song over and over  till I new she was sober. Plus had her g/f keep givin her  stuff to drink (water) and a few good cold showers , and finally she  got her head on right.
   Horse still would pop in and out . He saw  nothing wrong in his behavior. He blamed vietnam on it all and he had pts , well he  started back up with her .. we all figured ,ok if she was ok with it then we were. It was the second time I lost it with him when he came into the room and went off  on everyone and I could no longer keep my fingers quiet and pop everyone on iggy and went off  on him and  havent seen him since. I told  him if he wasn’t  man enuff to end it  he should have just gone on his own way and he did after that.
   All this time we still floated back and forth to Bored and  were enjoyin  the room. After Horse I lost my taste for hostin so I left Bad, we had a whole new crew  PrincesClt  30f az, Lost and Mac and 8  and  they all seemed ok in there so I left and just surfed and hung in Bored as joncarlo.
   Late one nite ( was still at home ) I ventured in a room Married with an Attitude and found  Sculptress and a good friend of hers alone  hosting  Cheyenne 30s f neb, and I was a guest for a few visits  that nite  just to kinda play with  them .Tress  was going thru a  slump and needed some time to understand herself, she is a very good natured person  who loves her home  just  likes to chat and make  good friends. The room didn’t last too long  due to the hours  it was open so she went  back to bore.
  Now Bored  what  an insane place that was we had  sassyprincess, jack, jilly, kat .long ,swirl, lizzy. lost ,uni,lyla,pattie and Lanie .Jack and jilly were the rooms cpl jack never came out of his cup I don’t think, I new jack from his visited into bad, never said much just hi and stuff but seemed reasonably  nice.
   Perhaps this would b a good time to  tell u how I judge ppl . I alwys felt that chat was a place for all to meet visit and enjoy a few laughs  maybe a whisper  but not  to b cruel to others. That is why I never really booted many ,besides  why boot em talk to em and make em realize they were wrong. Such as ask b4 u whisper.. we all no noone pays much attention to that, and  if u made em feel like chit  then a ban wasn’t necessary they just left never returned or when they did  I would mention to them upfront  no whisperin without asking.
   One day a guy who was  one of those nasty whisperers came into bored and iwhispered lizzy (I did ask first) and told her .When chit she freakin hammered me, u tend to it she said ,so I whispered him and mention he best b nice ..he wasn’t  and  he was booted , I figured why no, and yes I banned him. Now bored was an open room place no need to join unless u wanted too but it was a place for fun and good times.
One morning this little thing popped in and hung out while she was at work Gypsy Wings 40s cali brown font comic sans lite and she had quite the sense of humor, I paid a little attention to her when she typed but then she would cup and every now and them a lmao or something would come out. Swirl was alwys carryin on about her gas or the kids or something, sassy was always in her cup (she holds the msn cuppin record I think. Lizzy was getting hassled by Relax 12 m turkey or ky dependin on his mood (now he was weird good ppl but weird),One time  he and I did echo guest, without copy and paste. Talk about insane with my typos tryin to keep up with him. However we did it and it took em a while to figure it out. 
  One time we did cookie nics, everyone had to get a guest_cookie nic. Iwas guest_cookies_deleted I think. We had guest_choc_chip guest_oreo and a whole cookie tray. We also had a lot of ppl who would cum in just for a laugh. I reacll the birth of Gypsys grandson and the cradling I think that’s when she started to noticed me and we would exchange flirts.
   All during this time Lizzy was going thru here changes, there was a guy form ga Sav, he and she were an item. Lizzy was tryin to get thru her life and needed someone to kinda open a door for her and he was it. One mornin I recall how he spilled his coffee and it became a mickey d joke for a while (the suin over hot coffee). We use to get r fair hare of billbroaders, u no the type …Hi 24 male looking for a hot woman whisper me im great…. So Sav made up his own little one Hi,im_____ care to whisper and that’s when __™ was born. I was Jon by then shorten joncarlo. In Oct of 1999, it was Columbus Day I slipped into bored as guest_1492 and poor Tress (sculptress 18x2 moon) got so freaked out. She had a stalker and well I new a lot about her and was givin her some chit she finally figure out it was me, didn’t type to me for about 3 days would tell someone else to tell em hi and stuff. Meanwhile every am this cute little nic from the West Coast would pop in visit tell us jokes; talk about her kid’s family life and just laugh a lot. And god could she type. Now all thru this period my marriage was pretty much over, the only reason I was there was for my son and it was getting harder to just maintain life but I stuck it out, I wasn’t lonely anymore. Had chat and it helped.the day’s truned into nite and chat got to be more of an issue for me.  I had learned a lot of trick of chat by these time checks, my own icons and how to make ppl laugh and was enjoyin it all. So much so I sometimes forgot about things, but who cared.
  One morning a friend of mine whispered me about someone who was interested in me; I was well slightly shocked, since finding some wasn’t on my agenda. The best part was when I asked who it was she only would give me one clue  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, I was ok that helped a lot. Now I had to wait till she showed her colour, and went on tryin to make ppl laugh and enjoy.
    One morning I got this whisper it was from her asking to add her to my messenger, this would be the start of the most wonderous two year travel…………and yes I added her  right then.
    The next couple of months we chatted imed a lot talked and just became friends. Meanwhile ppl in the room were goin about there lives while we made our bonds had no clue what she even looked like, she did describe herself to me, but this is online and well lying happens a lot. One day I went into the bored community and peeked and I was, well words cannot describe what I saw, it was  a shock to say the least….pure beauty and some a smile she had, That was  my first thought of her, that smile…
    Lizzy had by this time  decided to meet  Sav and she did and they seemed ok, but more and more he didn’t show up  in the room and she  began to wonder about him… in the end he left. She took it  somewhat hard but she also new it  wasn’t meant  to be, my thought was  she was more  disappointed  that she let her guard down.
    The  days grew into nites and  she and I would sneak  a few evening rendezvous and  just  messenger all day. We talked about  everything kids, music, life, spouses work  and  just general chat, but mostly  became close friends. She told me she didn’t like to share a lot with ppl yet she  kept opening up to me more and more.
     Her time zone was 3 hours off form mine and  yet we seemed  to grow and  get to know each. One day she asked to hear my voice, this  was something I mentioned early on the dos and donts of  jon, I didn’t do voice,partly out of self-protection partly out of  my voice  I wasn’t sure about. She suggested I call her  office and listen to her voice mail , so I dialed up her number and  holy  chit   what a great  voice ,,,,,,,,and  I called back and she picked up and that was the start of  a lot  of  phone cards.
     Every morning I would  get my son off to school and make a mad rush to work ( I was still living at home), log on and  go to  the room and wait. I want you to know there was nothing (oddly) more exciting then to c her nic pop into the room.
     One day we  started a game I called what if, and it  became an  opening to  paintin pictures for her.
She and gone off to yosemite with her husband and when she returned sent me pic, and oopps one of hubby. The more  I saw her photos the more I was drawn to her , but the more we chatted the more I fell.
Not for just her beauty but her mind, she was brilliant to me, yes I was a little smitten.
     My home  life was slowin  dying and my wife  keep tellin me she wanted a divorce  which was not a huge issue except  the money side of things which is so complex and im still trying to work it thru. We  adopted a child and  to say he was costly is an understatement. 
     Gypsy had asked if it was possible to meet someday, since we are were on opposites sides  of the  country or if we ever had the chance could we. I told her from the start that the reality of that might never be .We discussed that movie “same time next year” the alan alda movie and if that was all we had maybe that would be enuff. Well that’s  a later  story  
     Bored was moving along  and the ppl would  drop in Megg 30s ny and very pink use to  talk about walmart and  one day I started tellin ppl she was  a real greeter  there and she later told me ppl really thought she was. I had sassy (would was still in her cup)makin prs (pocket rockets)and had a whole network of sales reps. There was a woman from can dreemsindigital aka guest_oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyes 30s  barrie barrie I had her  as the  canadian rep and gyps was the west coast  one  megg and lizzy were testers.
  Enter  ekaknova  a woman from ill and  an extremely fast copy and paster  30s f ill and  at  first she  was  somewhat quite  but  that changed , she  could  copy and paste pretty dam good. She use to write programs for  pc’s. She went so far back  she told me  she recalled 8 in floppies. She wasnt sure what she was looking for  in chat but  justfun. One nite I taught  her the art of chat dance when she was a little down .Chat Dance ?????? That’s were u pop in a cd of  your pleasure and  just  groove along and type. Eke as we called her  was tryin to find inner peace  with her life as well cept she didn’t disclose a lot about herself cept to only a few.
   All this time  Dale and silky 30s f id a ho were makin plans to meet and  get married and Dale had finally finished his divorce sold his house ( his stepdaughter took it over). One day he packed his  bags and headed out west to meet the woman of his whispers and dreams. Along the way he stopped and visited a few chatter friends  Swirl ,Pattie (ill get to her) and a few others when he got to pattie’s home in indy ,fort john wayne  he received word not to go any further….silk got cold feet. Dale turned around and returned however not havin anywhere to  go home to he  went to nyc actually long island .Lizzy put him up for a bit (so that only goes to prove she wasn’t  really a bytch). Dale  as I said before  is one of if not the nicest males I have had the pleasure to know and respect. I asked him once why not just go back home  he replied principal…and I understood.
    There are few others  from those days I have yet gotten to so I guess this would be the time to go there . Jack and jilly they were the room cpl and they  had made plans lots of plans jilly was from mich 27 and single with a child and the two would cup all dam day. Jack would toss a beer out  or hammer someone from time to time and we never quite new if he was there. They  had planned to  get together a few times and jack would back out and jilly couldn’t take it anymore and  started to ween out. I had her on my messenger and one day she told me she felt like she wasted her life  in waiting and left, then there was katie_girl 30s md, she had  so many ppl on her messenger it was  unbelievable she told me on all of her  messenger’s she had over 300 ppl. One day her husband had had about  enuff and tried to take her  pc away. Not a good idea she picked up her monitor and broke his nose, needless to say he pressed charges.
She disappear for a while she is still floatin around  and boy she could chat and chat. One-day chat was down   and she couldn’t  get in any rooms (radio da she imed a bunch of ppl and we had a mini chat on im, those days u could only had 4 ppl on it at a time , now with 6  I think its like12 (technology).she was actually shaking,,,, her words too.
    The other was lady)bug 30s f la formally of tx and she was married and claimed she didn’t whisper… her husband  was a control abuse freak whom she had an order of protection against. He installed a program in the pc Krec; this allowed him to c what and where she was goin online, who she talked to but only her side not the other. He used it in court so she said and we never heard from her again. Eke explained how it worked to me.
   Durin this time I would surf rooms finding interesting ppl to visit sometimes in the dead of night while my wife snored loudly upstairs (this helped the typin sound). One late nite est I found a room with two ppl in it this was when I happened upon Dazed Star and her friend Street, dazed had an asl almost as odd as mine 30s f left field I new right away. This was a special lady and we played humor games on and off for a few days. She liked tigers and was into pcs. She and I would only chatted a few times but for some reason we bonded as friends, perhaps it was because I accepted her for who she was not what ppl told her she looked liked. I have never judged any person on appearances not here nor in “real”. It was said to me many years ago that the character of a person is what is in their soul not their body. And for what I do for work I understand that line very well. Over time dazed and street would drop by bored and pretty soon they too would join our community. In fact I think she and sassy have a little thing.
    Sassy interesting person she is. The cupper I don’t think I ok maybe a few times have seen her actually pop out of her. U can tell a lot about a person online from how they type and where they hide and sometimes who they talk to. She and few others founded this room, married yet so bored with things in their environment.
    There was a room cpl in fact two jack and jilly were the ones everyone had hoped would make it. Jilly was a 27 f ill and jack was 30s m they cupped all the time. Jack would occasionally send a beer or a hammer or even a boot but rarely openly chatted. They were to me t a few times and jack didn’t only made promises. One day jilly had enough and sought an answer, got it and then poof gone. She talked me a few times and explained how she had wasted almost two yrs of her life in waiting for the elusive person to enter her life. She was single btw.
    The other cpl dale 40s m ny and silky 20s f idaho, they had chatted a long time before deciding to go forward. Dale still had to finish his divorce and close his business; he is a very smart and respected male and a man of high principals. One if the truly nicest male I have met. Once all was done he made his trek across the states to meet the woman of his dreams. He stopped along the way and visited the ppl he had come to know online. About a day out of getting to her she came to a decision and told him to turn around. It took him a longtime to recover and again poof another cpl gone.
  During all this time  the question mark of letters became filled, I received a whisper one morning askin for me if I would allow her to add me to  her messenger and Jypsee and I were born. I was actually very surprised that a woman of her character was even interested in me, boy was I flattered. We started  chattin regularly on instant messenger and the talks grew more and more interesting by the day , in fact some days by the hour. One day I couldn’t help myself and let  my dreams escape and we began a year of wonderment a term we called it. Some days we would  discuss our marriages and  what went wrong other days we would dream about what  could be or could  have been had we met a long time back. Slowly each of us opened up our hearts more and more, least I thought we did. She had to go away  on a  vacation with her husband.. to yosemite. She sent me some photos of the trip and theses were my sent of real pictures I had of her. I had no clue what she looked like the first month we chatted, made it a point not to look. Dam not only was she a very smart person but dam beautiful too.
 Lizzy had cum to  realize Sav had burned her  since he was no longer around or  would only stop by for a  quick second  or two. There was this one guy who  hung out with us while he was at work bluethunderblue 40s m ca  and one of the nicest  men I think we all can say we knew, he would just hang and chat while he could. One day he whispered me about lizzy and how  he was  pissed  about  sav and what he did to her. She and he would start a  relationship which blossomed and grew quietly too(they were discreet).  They would  meet later on in time. Lizzy fell in love with him and he with her.
 Meanwhile  Jyps and I would meet  regularly and  have our days filled with endless  instant messaging.  She  would work I would work. My marriage  was long over I was just killing time at home waiting for the right moment to leave or get pushed out. One of the  home life issues I had to sort thru was a big one money, I have a son who we adopted and put me in the poor house (I will say he was worth every penny).
It was my attempt to save a crumbling marriage and didn’t  help that was when I knew it was over. Well that  and  an affair I had encountered and ended after realizing it wasn t the answer. Jyps and I discussed  that  a few times in fact and she had agreed with me.
  Lizzy and blue slowly started to show their colours. Dale was getting back into the groove and  sass was still cupped. Lanie was  starting to discover more and more about herself  growin and learning things she needed to know about her life. She  discussed a lot of different issues with several men. One  was a veloracer  he was stationed in korea  and a bicyclist he was in his 30s, well one day we received word he was in an accident and was hospitalized in critical condition, another causality cept well he wasn t he just  thought  it was easier to die than say goodbye…….Lanie  went thru a few changes  as well as the rest of us.
   At this  point I  was  still chatting  with pretty much all types of ppl entering  Bored, Jyps and I  chatted daily  on messenger and boy did  we have  some good topics. We discussed what ifs a lot  or maybe it was the emails and I , she  inspired me and was slowly stealin a part of me away.  My marriage was by this time  very much over and I was just buyin time  there till I could afford to move on. This was a matter of importance  from both sides. She would discuss a lot of home stuff from time to time but  we tried to both not go there. One of the early things discussed was the search for the person within ourselves we were looking for.
  Music was a link for us or at least one of the topics we seem to share, she was a heavy metal type and I was a variety. I came across a song from someone called Birdcall Morning this would become a song that in the end would have deep meaning. It’s about someone seeking to be free and keeping balance. That seem to get harder some days, but we discussed it a lot. We both had issues about that her sometimes much stronger than mime I told her if she wasn’t sure we should end it she said no we could work it out, so I stayed.
  The room was building and the fun was outstanding, many ppl would fly by some would even stay, many old time chatters I knew from the earlier days. Lizzy and Blue would talk and whisper Swirl and her friend (not allowed to type his nic) where having some issues. Sassy meanwhile and her Digger where well an item to say the least……. one night she must of changed at least 15 20 times her im, dam I wish we could have seen the  gray flannel thongs she flashed on messenger.
   Around this time my wife and I were no longer even speaking  I was residing in the house and payin the  bills mainly and the fights grew louder and harder. It got to the point where going home wasn’t worth it so I would either stay out late or go to a part time job I had. One  Sunday as I was on my way to the part time job my wife requested I not come home at all. So I didn’t  till 6 am the next morning  choosing to stay at work and when I went  to the house I was barred out of it ,I think the time had come for me to leave huh ?
Around the same time things in Bored had gotten weird  and well one weekend Sassy decided it was time to close it and it was gone. No longer was there  a playground for us to meet and play and tease. Well sometimes we would browse  married but flirting but we didn’t  stay long there. Am chat was like a morning cup of coffee to me  and to her I think it was how she started her day,little did I realize why or how till much later.




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