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The Great Room Merger

Current Mood: Weird
__™ (__, tm)
Undisclosed - under the shire, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2020-07-26 4:02:44 pm Category General Viewed 151 times Likes 0

The Great Room Merger

While Bored was goin thru the end Lanie had some us meeting in this room called Married Chatting 3… ( never leave out the dots).
The owner “Nightwhispers” and Lanie were personal friends as well. 
So Lanie got us all together and we worked out a Merger of rooms.
MC3.. was an all hammer room, as long as you were a member of the community,
You got a hammer. This was long before Bots and auto hammer.
It was the old /pass regedit days…
In Bored I was the Asl keeper, least Swirl thought I was LOL,
Swirl was from Arks. 30s married.. funny funny lady just dont cross her.
We met when I sue to go visit Bored and she was the Asler. In those days hosts had rules.. I like to say it was the Msn Host Manual and quote rules….

For Example : [style ff:Comic Sans yellow;co:#FF0000;b;]MSN rule 3: any  person who has  M.O.E.d 3 three times  as host you are  not required under msn sanctioned rules to welcume back (wb)  unless they  cry :'(
When she would ask someone their Asl I would answer for them.. So she whispers me Wtf Jon you got a list or sumthin? .. so I replied nah I try and recal them…
So she hosted me and said Fine u are now the new Asl guide… She and Sassys were co owners.
When we had the merging meetings with MC3.. it was what we called a civil merger nota take over… 
this were I met Kristen 30s f Ga/Mn ,Bad Company 40 n ga, he and Lanie are chats success story.. Still goin strong and married….
When we merged rooms and communities we grew to over 3000 members…
And on Swirls recommendation I was the Hammer guy LOL…….
Things developed  rapidly at this time between Jyps and I , I discovered something inside myself…..
Chat is something that has made me grow and come to  that place where tolerance is a good place to be
We'd talked daily about life and issues the time difference was interesting as well..
We were both still very married but we could share stories with familiar tones to it for both of us. 
More and more we grew to feel that “internet bond”……


Since my computer was at my salon I could chat between clients. When I started chatting it was usually in the mornings.
It was a different time for ppl to meet that early. Plus since it was worldwide you got you talk to tons of ppl how amazing is that????


So since Jypsy was on the west coast I was already 4 hours ahead of her so when I was having my morning coffee she was pop on… Either in the chatroom or messenger.
For valentines I calculated our messenger time , it was a lot  LOL
As are friendship grew we had uhmm rules… emails was the serious question to life 
she would alwsy have to edit my emails she said… I would not use punctuation marks and uses chat speak  and being a Typo Legend you can only imagine LOL..
I’m a two-finger one thumb typer .. but I did flood a room once when I got pissed at someone…
So in the morning we would hang with the MC3… group and sometimes go visit other rooms where we had friends.

This was where Dazed  aka Billy who I met his first night in a chatroom and  grew to be  one of my closest friends….. DazednConfused.. and trust me Billy could be just  that…
He and Lost were an item for a time still is good friends…. Billy had a need to send women money he didn’t have. He would disappear for days only to find out he went meet some  woman he talked to online in Ca. and well she dumped his at  a Sacramento bus depot broke… So he  was in the Guard and did a few tours in Iraqi, ( this also the beginning of Blank) I would send him mp3’s over messenger. We both shared the love of music… but that was later getting ahead…….

Lanie and Bad were usually in the room in the morning getting to know each other.
Nightwhispers aka Jane Doe who was the owner would visit at times  dependin on her nic at the moment ... That also comes in later…

NyChick would pop in as well as Lizzy and usually at night they would return. 
Chat was flourshin then
Jyps would go to work and so would I but I could also lurk in the room, since it was in my office.. and Billy Gates finally paid me off….

Some days my mother would come to my salon and hang out so I put her to work for me.. hosting as my nic
Sometimes she would write down a message and come and ask me what  to say..
Half the time they werent sure who was really typing 
I did have to tell here to stop giving out the salon number to whispers .. I think she kinda enjoyed those