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From the Navy Pier,Chicago to Little Italy Ny

Current Mood: Weird
__™ (__, tm)
Undisclosed - under the shire, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2020-07-29 6:18:18 pm Category General Viewed 227 times Likes 0

From the Navy Pier,Chicago to Little Italy Ny 

So when we took room breaks to sightsee, it wasn’t all sex all the time..
Everytime we left the hotel I had this feeling someone was there.
Anyone that ever visits Geno’s in downtown Chicago we signed the post when you enter. Great pizza. So when you enter look behind the podium to the left end post in the middle there is ™ . That b me I went back yrs later and erased hers LOL…

When we returned home we were on messenger and my salon phone rings. I had called I.D and up pops up a Calif.  Area code and it says Marine Exchange do I ask her whose number it is? Say shays it might b Dan… so I answered it as my business name and he asks if Jon is there. [Dan knew I existed he too chatted off and on, he thought it was just one of those internet things] So I said I’m sorry there is no Jon that works here. So he hug up. AT this point Jyps asked me for the number. I said no if it was Dan he will no .. So she insisted so I said ok and she calls it . Dan picks it up and says (ok heres the Big surprise or I should had know) “Bambi how did you get this Nevermind Don’t Come Home I was in Chicago!!!”
So that night she went home. They talked and they came to an understanding to separate for 6 months. She claimed she was confused and needed a break.
Dan was retired Coast Guard, the kind that went to sea for 6 months at a time.
So as they say while the cat’s away.. she did (more on that later)..

So it was at this time she got an apt moved out of the house, her daughter lived in the guesthouse. And she came to Ny in Oct for 5 days.
She flew into Buffalo so I picked her up and we took our time driving back. She had never been to Ny before so we went from one end to another.
Now I was living with my mother at the time, and since she was well familiar with  “chat ppl” so was ok with us there .
Besides I bribed her with a trip to see my Cousin in jersey. Which I had already spoke to him about. My aunt was  in a home there so she could visit.
So the plan was from Buffalo to Rochester to Nj to NYC.
So while I worked BayGirl picked Jyps up to take her around the city. 
We meant for dinner and Bay was giving me the eye.
Great friend and lady and Very Eyetalion….
The next day she gave me the lowdown
Jyps was concerned we were more than just friends
To which Bay said “I set her straight”

So off we went. I have a Nyc routine, which we had discussed over the yrs.
So we traveled it photos included.
We started at Ferraras Bakery then went up to the Dakota to Central Park to Strawberry Fields we took our time in the woods LOL
Then back to Little Italy.. 
Did I mention I was driving  no subway for this kid and you know they say “Pay back is a Bitch”  .. LOL
So we were shoppin  in this “eyetalion souvenir shop” corner of Grand & Mulberry
when the owner ( who looks like that guy Mum a Miaa theses are some spiecy meatballs) and looks at this woman and says “Mumamia you Moron” and grabs the Jesus ashtray out of her hand and throws her out …. 
Well she broke out laughin 

So after we got back to Jersey shared the pastries we brought back we al headed to bed.
So Roberto put us in the “bonus room” over his garage…
which was perfect for no worry about sound FX’s….

So we smoked a joint and got in bed somewhere I dunno 
time generally stopped at certain moments.. Until all of sudden she blurts out 
“Mumamia you Moron” at well that precise moment starts laughin and apologizing 

Then we headed back to Rochester for her return to LAX.

Now according to her she and Dan had worked out that she was free to explore what she needed too
And explore We did…..