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Chapter 7 The Beginnin of The End

Current Mood: Weird
__™ (__, tm)
Undisclosed - under the shire, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2021-04-15 1:52:10 pm Category General Viewed 66 times Likes 0

Married 3 was going thru some changes at this point Grey had returned after his hiatus from the room and  ppl were  getting along nicely and Dog and Sage had taken up on there normal find  a vacation spot. Dog ran a script and like reek havoc on a few rooms . which created a bit of a hassle for 3 ,since we didnt run one by choice and of course they would track him back and of course start the  flooding and chit , so Jane requested that he and sage leave ( one of many  ousting from 3 ). They reopened mc4  and  still contiuned in 3...  as in the past. Now dog and sage were an interesting cpl u could  say , their idea of a vacation to arrange parties in cities like would like to visit, which  in itself works, only well they  were into a swappin game of sorts. Sage would find a  male  of means and allow dog to find a female only after she herself a certified with his choice…. The first time  most of encounter their  trip was a texas  one. Sage  and dog found a cpl and hooked up one being a former gold  of  mc3 whom shall remain nameless  since it cost her her life. Turns out sage reneged on her side and  well dog didn’t. this cost dog a black eye  a possible broken nose and a tat he wore as his symbol to  the nameless one.  Sage wasn’t happy that dog got laid and she  well for lack if better  refused to  on the ground of the guy wasn’t her type. Now since dog did and sage didn’t  hubby considered it a  welsh on the  deal and  tossed his wife out  and divorced her, and this was the drama of the room cause dog’s ousting the second time. Now when he would play with his  script  and cloning ppl…once he went into a “rival” room according to him and publicly humiliated  some guys online lover and posted her number and  even called  her and  “broke up” with her  causin  even more havoc .. He was postin it  in the room causin a 24 hr.

MC3... (note the dots ) only had a few  major rules, since  all members cared wood .  The room was based on equality  and  all members  were considered  host level , we  had 12 gold and appx 3000 browns and oddly it worked well. We held the record for msn least  bootin cept for foreplay nite and well  mine and Lizzy’s boot contests between each  other. Keeping  in mine that  with no bot u had to  host yourself  usin the  code. Lizzy  would sneak up on me and kick me and we would  return the favor . Golds were the only  ones that imposed 24’s bans and no brown could another member , if they did they received the same.  
Grey  myself and few others likes to play flip the hammers from time to time  ..interesting game if u smoke a bit cheeky

 So  were was I

Dog and Sage  left for a while after all that and it seem to calm down a tad and  we all had  the good ole days of chat , mingling chattin  pervin and the  usual… durin this period of time  Jyps and chatted  (almost all day long) . She  started makin  well plans bout not moving  home and such and expressing  the possibilities and  getting sober. One of the things  u find  the more u chat  which vice works best with  what. Some ppl love to chat drinkin some  use  reefer  some  well u get wut I mean….. and  it was after the strawberry field tour of nyc that she  wanted  a relationship more than just  this  online life and  we discussed the opinions. Now  Jane will  tell ya as for my necessity to think stuff thru is maddening well at least to her .. I call it more obsessed  with details and chit……  it happen that I had a client whose sister owned a salon  in 90210 and mentioned to her which that I may b looking at an west coast job so she offered me a  chair. Which I made mention to jyps n we made some plans for me to go out west and check it out and think bout the rest little did I no at this point she was  also discussin her home return ….
Anyway  I went for 7 days  that Jan. and well had great sex  saw  the  job site and  returned  home to give it  thought. As I said earlier bout omens, seems to b a patterned.. Who  happened to come by the last nite I was there but  her hubby  but  she happened to sport  him as we drove in and we left …and we went back only to find  not one but several  phone messages. Now when we were in Chicago I alwys had ”that” feelin and I was correct so this time it was a tad stronger .so the next morning  when was packin to leave  I got a tad nervous he might just show up ( which he did ) and asked if we could leave early and she got  a well annoyed .. But we left  and by the time we got to the airport she was more than upset and pissed at both me and hubby . As I bored she was crying and pissed but I had no choice  but to leave…… perhaps  that was a sign