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Chapter 8 The End before the Dawn part 1

Current Mood: Weird
__™ (__, tm)
Undisclosed - under the shire, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2021-05-11 2:24:09 pm Category Journals Viewed 69 times Likes 0



Chapter 8  The End before the Dawn part 1

After I left L.A and returned home I new it was coming to an end between Jyps and me. I still needed to also proceed with my divorce, this I alwys new it would not be a good one.. or easy but had to be dealt with.
But chat life still proceeded as it had. We would still keep the “romancing “ going, things online were going well, it was more the realities  surrounding it that needed to be dealt with.

Jyps had another conference this time in AZ at a very nice  resort. She asked if it was possible for me to come out ? I told her it wasn’t possible financially for me at that time , knowing what was coming in the divorce. She  got somewhat upset and offered to pay my way. 
Now when I left  LA she still had 3 mons of the trial separation, so it was “ fair game” for her.
However Dan was still splitting the bills, she handled the finances and she said she could managed to work it out and take it out of their account. 
So I replied  Not a chance that would amount to me becomin your whore.. and on Dan’s dime.
She  didn’t  show her upset, but she was more than just upset.

Turning back to the beginnin of all this, we were the perfect “cpl” that would never meet, and then did. So now the dynamics have seem to change, and her  drinking increased the closer her deadline came. Now she  accepted where I was in what I had to do , as she was about too.
At the same time after my visit and checked out  the Salon I was looking at to workin in in 90210.
Back b4 chat, before Jon existed, I met a gentleman from the U.K. who took me under his wing.
He was the most unknown famous  man in my industry.. He created the new world of Hare Designing in the 60’s by creating a man named Vidal Sassoon, and a colour line that revolutionized  the entire world of Hares. I sub contracted with him for  30 plus yr.  working as an Educator.
So I phoned him up, he opened a factory in the States, and we had our usual chat about life and  I told him I was divorcing again and an opening has come to me to relocate to Beverly Hills..
His reply?
He hated the LA Scene, he was an aristocrat  of sorts, and says to me “Why do you want to go there , they are all Whores. I’ve told you for years just come to work at the Corp Hdqrs.
So I mentioned that ever time I asked about income  he would say “Don’t worry I’ll take care of you”
In his Eyetalion English accent. Which was every time we spoke.
So I said well my friend I actually need a number I can’t do what I need to do with that, Ok he said and we left it at that, for now.

On went the day to day chat, she went to the conference and did a magnificence performance on cam I will admit. She did have away with a camera ( and yes I still have them ). 
When she returned home it was time.
She had to choose back to hubby or  stay in her apt. So we chatted it over, I told her  if and its at this point still an If. 
Making a move in the normal cense it enough but to get divorce move  3000 miles with a maybe job and no where to live, and at that time I would have to take their license test, no matter how long u been a HareTender..!
The If
If she was not to go home she wanted to buy a condo
However she said If I go back to Dan and stay for another year and we sell I’ll get more money, she’s played this game b4 3rd time. There’s a song line  “The measure of the depth can be deceiving.
The bottom has a rocky reputation “
And If I were to relocate I told her I would not live with her but I wanted to have a real romance and do the wine and dine thing, plus I would have to live closer to work.
However all this would take at least a year, and if she moved back home she would have to play wife.
So her choice was a difficult one but she decided to play the wife for the year, that’s what I was told.
Meanwhile back in chat she would surf around at times and  sometimes I would find her thru Find a Friend
Now as any good chatter nos there is no Such thing as one  profile. I personally have 10 ty Bill Gates.
Some I would use to amuse the room with funny names ,one I kept very secret and then of course my JonCarlo, Jon and ™ . One of my functions in MC3… was to track flooders so over the years I amassed  a large file of profiles and periodically check them for the new names . It just happened that I also acquired Jyps “hidden ones”. So yes I guess you could say I was spying on her .
But it was fair play since how I got them was when she would whisper me in other rooms to test me.

About this time Dog and Sage were planning their next vacation.
A little background on them as a family, some have a name for them.
They lived in Kansas in a mobile home ( alwys b polite) park. They raised foster kids for a living.
A Chatter’s paradise for people who are home all day don’tca ya think?
Well they made the rounds over the years Texas one time which turned into a bowling hall brawl.
Here’s how they would work their planned vacation :
First Sage  ( one of many nics) aka Heidi would hook up with a guy
Then suggest she come to visit providing he pay her fare.
At the same time Dog would b find  a female in the area, unless the couple were swingers.
That changes everything.
Once they get to where they are going they have a Chat Party, the kit and whatever.
If it was at a home they might even cam ya.
In Texas when they got there Sage’s date wasn’t quite who he said he was, but Dog’s was Hot.
So he proceeded to get it on with TexasRose.
Well since Sage  didn’t get lucky and Dog did it  didn’t quite sit well. So at the bowling alley Sage decided to confront Dog and  well broke his nose.
Which yes they told us about.
So they were planning to go out to cali.
Sage hooked up Michael aka Shagg, he  was the assistant produce manager at Albertson’s
And he helped invent the  chat term Wife Alert 
Whenever his Very Rich wife would come into his room he would kill the page so she didn’t see him chatting, she was also a Very Christian Wife ( family was Loaded).
And  he was involved with a woman in No Strings. She was from AZ nice nice lady a sweetheart.
Her nic is not to be revealed for the info she gave me as are a few others.
When Shagg decided to end their  very Known online relationship.
He would wine and dine her in an open room ( quite common in some rooms in those da.
He even  met her since his wife’s family was in Az and so was oh gee a Albertson’s.
That meant while Wifey and Kids were at the Grannies he could go check on some of the stores in the area ( insert wink smile here ) and run off to see her.
So when he decided to end it all  and being the true Chatter he was instead of a phone call or an Email, MSN Messenger and any other form of secret way. 
He chose to Announce it in Caps in the Main Room 
And continued to declare his love to Sage.
Then Left……… such a Manly thing to do huh !

So the stage was starting to come together 
So Shagg invites Sage to his house if he can convince his wife to go visit Mom for six weeks, this now left the door open for Dog to find a date.
Durin this time I was starting to sort out the other side so there were times when I was in chat in cup only but Jyps would still come to the room or surf, and of course since she was planning her return to the house the black russians flowed.
Something alwys well annoyed me about some “ hosts” and how a simple hammer can change a person n the power thing happens. 
I’m not implying that I was more respected in our room, Jyps alwys felt like she was “awarded” her hammer because of our relationship, that I can’t answer nor care to b honest. She would from time to time as some do get annoyed with a chatter for something again not really me…

Around this time she seemed to get more “needy” for time online, much like a junkie goin into rehab that one last high and then she would “disappear”. The writing on the screen was starting to bleed thru…