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Chapter 9 The End before the Dawn Pt 2

Current Mood: Weird
__™ (__, tm)
Undisclosed - under the shire, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2021-05-18 3:44:27 pm Category General Viewed 67 times Likes 0
Chapter 9  The End before the Dawn Pt 2
≈ Party Time  L.A Style ≈
Shagg convinced his wife she needed to go visit her mom with the kids
He would go over and come back so he could work and return to pick her up.
So now he had a moment of clarity and freaked out, now he has paid for her ticket
already for her to come out. He lived in a very lush area of Calf., Sage was lookin so
forward to his pool and Tiki Bar ( not mention check out her stuff and well
who knows if something goes missing ).
Dog however had to pay his way. No big deal for him,, So now Shagg has
to figure out a new plan. S0 he arranges a lunch with Street
( nice lady who got put in the middle) and Jypsy asked to join them. They had a lovely luncheon in Shagg and Street offered
his place just outside of the PCH.Kewl Party was on ….
When Jyps got back from the luncheon she said she was invited and would I mind if she went ?
I was fine with it, now during this time she was  making her mind up about home. So she had a plan as I said b4 about  living a yr more with Dan,
that meant she would have to perform her nightly wife duties ( this was one of the reasons she chatted  he was  well cold the get on get off ty type )
and she felt I should find someone as well… Interesting
I told her I had no need and it was all-good and it was for me.
Looking back on the why I was in chat I wasn’t there for sex or anything like that, as well as personally. Sorting out  where I was going was a distraction.
So the Party :
Street and Dazed got it all ready for the group at Street’s condo. Set up a laptop for a group chatters seat and her cam was for messenger.
They got the food ready etc and Shagg went to pick them up.. Now he didn’t mention to Sage there was little  switch and the party has been moved.
Sage was No problem ( hell I’m in Calif with some moron for free ) and off the go to Streets.
This is all documented on 92 photos, which I still have in a cpl of places ( insert smiley face )
Let the Games Begin :
First of course lets get settled in, and then out came the party materials..
Laptop engaged and they put a Group Nic in the room and they all chatted.
So about an hour later Jyps arrived and they all greet and the usual chat party things.
So now  she  messengers me, she opened her messenger there and we chatted for a few. Then the cam went on ,
they are all wavin and chit jumpin etc. and 
Dog was next to Jyps
At this point  she was  pretty well toasty and so was he. So now he  types to me “ Man Jon she is hot .
Do you mind if I fuck her while she is here ?
“ and LOL’s and says just kiddin Jon ( little did I no was to come, prearranged )
Off they went and so did the cam.
Two days later up she pops on Messenger and she changed her banner and marked away.
So I sent her an Im and no reply it was interesting. I let it go and went on with my day.
Now I new Dan was at work and I rang her up. When she answer she
was still drunk and she needed to sleep it off and we would talk later.
So having her hidden profiles I did what any person would do I went to find a friend and
yep she was out there….