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Pretense, part I

Current Mood: Amused
ThieryW (Tye, *)
Male - 60 years old, Errant, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2016-07-09 11:48:36 am Category Lifestyle Viewed 97 times Likes 0

   I finished saddling Hafoc, my war tarn, checking the straps and buckles of the worn tarn saddle.  Everything is worn this trip. There was something comfortable and familiar about that. 

 Turning, I see the tarn keeper hide a yawn with his right hand. He then comments on the coolness of the early, still dark, the two moons shining in the sky. I shrug and say "good day for flying though." He then glances at my gear; he knows his isn't a patrol flight this time. He knows I'll be gone for a while.

  Checking that my gear is all stowed and fastened securely for probably the 24th time and call Joro, my sergeant to me and him some scrolls to be delivered for me and to who, telling him to deliver the scrolls for Petra and Bianciella first. They contain instructions concerning bana and I trust them to carry out my wishes concerning her. The one for Judas was about my effects and some plans. Not what I was doing of course. The last one o left for bana in my quarters, telling her my plans and some of my destinations. Again, not in the order in which I land on achieving my goals. Sharing a last joke with Joro insecure myself to the saddle and wind the wind scarf around the lower half of my face. Securing my leathers, I turn Hafoc to the entrance of the tarn cot and salute the two men and, pulling he one strap. I climb and bank right towards the mainland climbing higher I've told people I am heading for Thentis to look at tarns. That's just a pretense though  




2016-07-09 12:01:57 pm
And now I can't help wondering what you're up to! Looking forward to the next one.
2016-07-09 1:38:55 pm
Dang, My curious nature!
2016-07-10 2:41:36 pm
The story begins and the concerns of where is Thiery heading, what is going on. The small part of Gor in the different cities are slowly being revealed in the shared blogs. Where is the warrior off to?