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Pretense 1.5

Current Mood: Amused
ThieryW (Tye, *)
Male - 60 years old, Errant, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2016-07-10 6:47:02 pm Category General Viewed 86 times Likes 0

  I banked Hafoc, my tarn left and starts a slow, circular decent towards Corcyrus, looking for the orange glow globes that would single that the tarn wire was down and was safe to descend into the city.

  We landed at the "Hooded Tarn" tarn cot and after paying the tarn keeper for the care and feeding of Hafoc, I gathered my gear less my tarn lance and crossbow and walked out into the darkened streets of the city.

  I had spotted someone following us two days before while flying east. It was just a reflection off a he met or shield I thought and then I spotted the two tarns and there riders, staying behind us  I'm not sure if they'd new they had been seen, but I was more vigilant after that  I was certain that they hadn't gotten ahead of us, but they would be here by now and I knew that soon they would reveal themselves.

  I was familiar with Corcyrus, but couldn't remember how. Ever since my injuries all those years ago my memories on some things were fleeting and I would remember bits and pieces of parts of my past. Leading bana to the "collared kajira", I gained lodging for us and we went to one of the two rooms I had paid for. I had also paid the den keep to not disclose the second location. I was counting on having surprise on my side.

  Settling bana and telling her to prepare some food and drink, I told her to not to let anyone enter unless the have a knock: "3 swift knocks followed by a delay of 15 ihn to unlock the door, it will be me". Giving her my chronometer on the thing of leather, I winked and left the room, locking the door securely after me, my sword wrapped in a towel and in my left hand.

  I smelled them before I heard or saw them  and smiled a little. I was tired of this running away, tired or waiting for something to happen. That was about to change. I quickly ducked into the empty bathing area and waited, taking the towel and rapping it around my right hand. A brown haired man entered first, bigger than me, but soft looking. He would be slow and the easiest to deal with. The strange smell hit me again, familiar, but not quite able to place it.

  I moved into the light and made a "psst" and drew my right hand back and started a hard jab towards his throat when the second man walked in. I glanced at him and my jab missed. I recognized this man. He was one of the men who had tried to abduct Wamph and was the one who had tried to kill me by slicing my throat.






2016-07-10 6:58:00 pm
Ut ohhhhhhhhh!
2016-07-10 8:52:41 pm
But we have to know what happens!
2016-07-12 5:24:22 pm
Better than cliff hangers (or closet hangers) for that matter! Be wary and strong, Warrior! Fighting!