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Tales of Gor/World of Gor: Gorean Encyclopedia

Current Mood: Amused
ThieryW (Tye, *)
Male - 60 years old, Errant, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2018-04-28 2:22:13 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 340 times Likes 1

​I was perusing the internets this morning and found "Tales of Gor" role playing game and "World of Gor: Gorean Encyclopedia" on Amazon. As a veteran of AD&D and other fantasy role playing games my interest was piqued. Ordered both and ToG will be here the 4th of May and WoG:GE will be here between May 4 and May 11. I have to admit that I'm sorta excited. I'll let anyone/everyone know what I think and how playable it may be. Can't ask my FRPG friends to look them over. They already think I'm a little off because i'm interested in Gor.

2018-04-28 10:15:52 pm
The Word of Gor: Gorean Encyclopedia is on also. Both ToG and WoG:GE got good reviews.
2018-05-01 4:59:37 pm
ToG came in the mail today. So far it looks good. I’ll read it more throughly and give more of a review later. Yes
2018-05-01 5:48:37 pm
Thank you