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ThieryW's Profile

Current Mood: Amused
ThieryW (Tye, *)
Male - 60 years old, Errant, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Updated: 2021-01-25 7:04:30 pm Viewed 2,731 times Likes 10



Gorean Warrior~Tarnsman
1st Captain of Asperiche
Owner of the beautiful bana
Currently on the mainland errant with bana.

Height: 60 Horts/6'2". Weight: 53 Stone/212 Lbs. Dark olive complexion/muscular with black hair/green eyes. Impossibly handsome with a fine knife scar on left front of my throat. Took the stabilization serum at the age of 23 one drunken night in Treve along with a Phyiscian student friend and a Builder I knew. 
Weapons and gear as my Freewebs state (My Freewebs is wonky. Any questions, feel free to ask.)
22" sword on my person for either a rt or left hand draw, shoulder scabbard or hip scabbard depending on my mood. 10" knife in a neck sheath gifted to me by a Fleer Blue Sky Rider warchief in the Barrens for not killing his son, Gorean "Y" helm, 36" round shield, 7' war spear with an 18" spearhead and sarouter (butt spike) on the other end. A travel pack full of coin, gems and supplies with me also. Peasant Bow, Crossbow, 24 arrows and 24 quarrels along with 14' feathered tarn lance on Hafoc, my war tarn. Other equipment/weapons with me depending on the circumstances and/or my wishes.
PM's are OOC, Recognizes and Fights TB only. Earned my tags the real way; trained by Judas. Goes by the use name Polynikes on occasion and more often by his nickname Kallistos; a name he was given in Treve years ago and follows him to this day throughout Gor. Very good kaissa player. Winner of the Games of Tor the 2 years I participated in them at the invitation of the Administrator Griogair and First Scribe Siimone. 

Over 21.

email- Send it to me here in Buzzen  

My Freewebs is gone....


Shitify your own shit ~ Thiery's 1st Maxim

  Better than most. The others are the ones that matter 

It's understanding that makes it possible for people like me to tolerate persons like some of you.

There are no Mulligans in Gor ~ Thiery's 11th Maxim

Loyalty means nothing and everything ~ Thiery's 7th Maxim

We are Groot

  I’m your huckleberry

Some people are flakey like Pilsbury 

​I have the grace of a dancer, a golden voice. People seem to hate me like I had a choice. Being this blessed is a lonely way to be.

"To share the kettle of a friend," I said, "is to dine with a Ubar."
Blood Brothers of Gor  

"Do not harm him," said Kazrak. "He is my sword brother, Tarl of Bristol." Kazrak's remark was in accord with the strange warrior codes of Gor, codes which were as natural to him as the air he breathed, and codes which I, in the Chamber of the Council of Ko-ro-ba, had sworn to uphold. One who has shed your blood, or whose blood you have shed, becomes your sword brother, unless you formally repudiate the blood on your weapons. It is a part of the kinship of Gorean warriors regardless of what city it is to which they owe their allegiance. It is a matter of caste, an expression of respect for those who share their station and profession, having nothing to do with cities or Home Stones.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 119

  Hoop Diddy Diddy Hoop Diddy Do

I have seen things people like you would not believe. Warships on fire at the Worlds End; flames as bright and hot as the midday sun in the Tahari. I’ve hunted Kurri, afoot in the jungles and tunnels of Asperiche and on tarnback in the Voltai, the wind howling in my ears and the pounding rain soaking me to the skin. I’ve called some of the best men here friends. I've known the anguish of loss and the elation of victory. I've seen all this, experienced it and so much more!!

She's taking a swipe at fun....

Kick names....take ass

