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Ćãρŕĩ55's Profile

Current Mood: SeXXXcited
Ćãρŕĩ55 (Capri, *)
Female - 69 years old, Western Australia, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2014-02-21 8:13:17 am Viewed 2,136 times Likes 0

I am just me, what you see is what you get.

Long walks in autumn.
Long walks along the beach with the wind blowing through my hair.

Going to learn to ride a motorbike and set off down the highway...just me and the wind.

Spending time in my favourite place...with my favourite person.

One day at a time....
Everything in life is only for now...
you just need to live in the moment and experience life.

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