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So You tell Me

Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2016-01-12 2:35:31 am Category General Viewed 670 times Likes 0

Its a well known fact by now that I killed my last slave. This is not a post about her but gor in general.

what I want to know is what some one is suppossed to expect, I have been doing Gor for a long long time

Ive seen the wild years, Old Gor and all that, as some proclaim it, I just alway call it gor.

Am I to just accept this crap that some call gor, its nothing more than piss poor D/S

I have earned My tags and My status and I'll be stuffed if I am to suddenly be "Nice" because the so called slaves are a "wittle" scared.

I will never moddy coddle slaves, they are here to serve ME not the opposite like some pussy whipped so called Men

No One fights, No One spars, There are more FW Rambos than Warriors, most, not all ~ slaves are princesses who have to be kept in cotton wool, Homes barely interact,

People sit all safe in their homes because their Homes" rules will save them

the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to flicker, as this is not what I sign on for.

I am looking forwards to the reunion this weekend, hopefully see some old faces.

Theres a old saying, if you dont know ASK

So you tell me?

I am Judas


2016-01-20 4:44:00 pm
Heh, I role-played in GCN and will do so here, when I am ready to. Gor is indeed a collection of fiction, but much of the philosophies expressed within, that part of Gor that I find most interesting, are based on real world philosophies adapted by Norman. This alone makes most of the ideas presented in Gor adaptable to the real world. I am by no means the only one that understands that. As for belittling online Gor, I do not. However, some of it I don't care much about, which niggles some.
2016-01-20 5:03:04 pm
I would say, Oleander, that most that role-play Gor online do not live by Gorean philosophies and ideals, and that most have very little understanding of them. I certainly don't claim to be all-knowing or all-understanding of them. Seeing as most of us here were raised in cultures that pay lip-service to honour at best, at least those of us in the West, it is no surprise Gorean ideals are challenging for us to grasp, and for many to even mimic in role-play.
2016-01-21 8:46:40 pm
It used to be, in the very far back days of the past, that if you died, you didn't come back AT ALL. Obviously this was changed. If the current rules are two weeks with no room/blog/whatever contact then that's that. I'm not backing any specific person saying this, merely the law, if it could be called a law. It isn't a big thing, really. Considering the other alternatives to be in contact with people (Skype, Yahoo, phones) not being on Buzzen ought not be an issue.