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Pet Dislikes

Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2016-02-12 5:42:16 am Category General Viewed 359 times Likes 0

So We can have a understanding with whats "wrong" with roleplay I would like to hear some of EveryOnes pet Dislikes

Free and slave can have a thought on this as I really want too know

slaves you can post without fear of repercussion.

I dont want a Discussion yet! just the list.

I will start:  one of Mine is cups: your either in the room or Your Not, do NOT comment or think from a cup

and this )) rubbish when some one decides to go OOC,  IF You wanna suddenly change the room to OOC ASK!.

and lastly

This crap where some one leaves for 5 minutes and returns, and suddenly the whole room goes into goodbyes and welcome backs, and the slaves who return go thru the whole list to greet again: Thats Bullshit

If You leave for 5 minutes to feed the dog "WHO CARES"

thats a short list to start with.

please No Discussion ....Just state Your dislikes

I am Judas


2016-02-14 3:45:10 am
Extreme negativity and people doing their best to knock down others with no thought of how their words could affect people.
2016-02-16 3:09:39 am
Those that feel they have a say or right of approval of anything outside their own domain. Every man is the Ubar of his own home. By logical extension, it is only that home. Those that desire entry posts that would provide more information than is readily available upon entry. The idea that Gor is some sort of conceptual uniformity... Gor is Gor... when other that a small shared core of ideals, beliefs, and principles, it is much about diversity, as is show by the varied cultures.
2016-04-01 7:04:05 am
bad spelling and grammar