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Whats wrong with Gor Roleplay List

Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2016-02-13 6:29:51 pm Category General Viewed 96 times Likes 0

This is the list so far : If You think of anything else please post it on the *Pet Dislikes page*

I am locking this one from comment, and will update it as it needs to

Thanks for Your thoughts..... remember its Your Gor Roleplay  , so speak up

I am Judas


The things wrong with Roleplay

  1. Excessive use of greets and good byes .. in all situations
  2. The use of “Cups” and away from room needs defining
  3. People not watching or paying attention to serves, roleplay
  4. Attention to detail on entrances. * what’s happening , where are you etc.
  5. Excessive coddling and keeping slaves beside the Free, when there is things to do
  6. Asking OOC questions and OOC chat during roleplay.
  7. Asking a slave a OOC question then bring the answer back into Gor
  8. The use of “thoughts” to be disrespectful , or to post a comment
  9. The use of “actions” to be disrespectful
  10. Knowing Your Character, what They can and cannot do and roleplay it
  11. Basic knowledge of when a slave is in “Service” or not
  12. Bringing up the past transgressions  *Lives*…. Leave the past in the past
  13. The definition of a slave! * This goes across the board, definition of a Free Woman as well
  14. Slaves that play dumb, or new when in fact they are trained
  15. Poor Gor basic knowledge. No cups , Horses, etc on Gor
  16. The thought that every one on gor had access to everything on gor !
  17. Precious slaves, wont serve any one else, cannot be corrected by any one else
  18. Read profiles: Profiles should have basic general information in them
  19. Defining *Safe * rooms. Safe should not override basic gor standards or law
  20. The way slaves are addressed.. We are all adults.. well I hope so
  21. Collars…… the blatant disrespect and  not honouring a collar…….
  22. Homes etc.. This idea that any one of any experience can open and run a home.
  23. Unrealistic use of animals and beasts as pets