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A Gor Invite

Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2016-06-02 4:55:18 am Category General Viewed 267 times Likes 0


I have been spoken to and approached by so many that "seek" gor, thats a interesting statement as Gor has been butchered of what was considered good quality, and realistic, Gorean RP.


therefore I and the other members of Asperiche, will for a period of time, offer an open invitation to any and all who want to learn more about "traditional Gorean RP". I am not saying we are all perfect, as no-one is, but what everyone in Asperiche aspires to is provide and partake in what we perceive to be, and what most of you are seemingly looking for, Traditional Gor.

All we ask is that any visitor, Free or slave, shows respect to all who are present, show respect to the Home and show respect to Gor itself. Not knowing something isn't a crime and we encourage all to ask questions, to partake in discussion and hopefully everyone will learn a little something and the community here will be better off as a whole, which benefits us all.

Asperiche doesnt have zones, it is Gor. Your actions will control the consequence. 

A wise Man once said " better to be called a fool. than open Your mouth and prove it"

so come in the home, ASK questions, and maybe some can learn more

have a nice day

I still am Judas * naturally.

2016-06-03 8:18:27 pm
yay! very much looking forward to tomorrow!
2016-06-04 2:35:17 am
that sounds like that dreadful day two outlaws raided the food place in Vendara and made off down the hill on an upturned table straight into the docks Penel...... dam that was an unfortunate day... as for those outlaws.... never found....strange that !
2016-06-04 8:51:09 am
Yah, I think I was traumatized..... :P