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Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2016-06-21 7:40:48 am Category General Viewed 207 times Likes 0

so whats Your Belief?

I dont believe going to church every week and tossing 50 bucks on the plate will buy you a ticket to *eternity

I dont believe shoving your religion in any ones face will give you a ticket to *eternity

I do believe that if the *Church donated half its income there would be no world poverty

I do believe harming any one or any thing in the cause of religion is simply an excuse

I dont need religion to prop up my life, I simply try and live the good life and look after my family

If You find this offensive, thats fine, as it is for me to find the ear bashing of religion annoying.

Most of all the worlds wars and hassles have been caused by one thing "Religion"





2016-06-25 11:39:24 am Here Thiery. You need a little love in your life! ;)
2016-06-25 11:45:19 am
2016-06-25 6:20:19 pm
lmao!!!! Excellent! You are very talented Thiery!