I vote for myself. I would be impartial because I know the books and do not have any personal grudges with anyone. However I know no one will vote for me since this will be based on a popularity contest.
I vote for Auralee, who has been around as long as anyone else and knows what is what, has seen Gor from MSN to today and whatever else in between and is a pretty consistent person (terrifying ;-p)
I vote for Auralee for same reasons Wamph did, but I also nominate Wamph because I have never seen him be unfair & knows Gor, and Talarius because he too is a fair guy and knows Gor. I think the three would make a fine council and make it fun for all.
Are we allowed to nominate multiple people?? If so, here are my nominations.
-Judas, because He is a strong capable leader. - Wamph, because is strict but fair. - Petra, because she is a voice of reason and could be a great representation for FW.
if i am speaking out of turn, then i apologize in advance and shall remain quiet. But kanati has a question. Bearing in mind that slaves have no say, but as Master said this does affect everyone, what do the Free think to having a representatives for the slaves? .. As kanati says.. just an idea and knows she has no right to an opinion.
As Kyri said, it will be a popularity contest, and no one has really said what the exact purpose of the council is. I would like to propose that each home with members participating in the role play have one person on the council. While I understand there have been nominees who have characteristics that lend themselves well to serving in such a capacity, I don't think it would be fair for any one home to run the council. It would likely become an extension of that particular home.
Having one council member from each home would also make it more fair to those who do not claim a Home Stone for whatever reason since the representation would be by people of mixed views rather than of a singular vision.
I realize there will be cries of "I won't work with..." and "They won't work with..." I realize we all have our own opinions of people. But for this to really work, and to be fair, everyone needs to pull their big boy/girl shorts on and deal. In life, we all have those people we can't stand working with or being around, but we all have situations that require us to work with them to get something important done. This is no different.
I think this has the potential to be really good. But I think it needs to start by being fair to all homes and that egos and agendas need to be set aside for it to work.
Seriously though, Kyna's idea is the best. Rep from each place for however long also gives those who don't run cities a chance to see what it's all about.
If I can just say this..I agree with having some rules put in place regarding this. Maybe one from each home.. how many people will be on the council? ect ect... I will say this, maybe you feel it is a popularity contest (while others feel they are nominating them for a reason.. hence why they put their reasons). I am not choosing the people I chose because they are 'popular' but because of what they can contribute. In general, a vote is because people will feel they will do a good job..
While I did happen to nominate 3 people from different Cities/homes... i too like the idea from a member of each open Gor ran room be on the council. I am not in favor of all members of the council be from just one home, if that was the case we might as well forget it for it defeats the purpose of the idea. As for why the need of a council, well it IS what ran a city in the books.. I would love to see regarding homes open during the week & Gortopia open on the weekends. Just my opinion tho.
Bianciella, please don't think I'm discounting your reasons. But I do think it is natural too for people to vote for the leaders in their own home and that is where things can become lopsided for lack of a better term. I don't think there needs to be a limit on number of members of the council, other than to say one rep. per home. I think that is simply determined by the homes on the server whether they are BSR or otherwise, and as new homes emerge, they can have their representation too.
It's good to have the discussion kyna. Personally I chose to join a home because I believe in the people there. ... So yea I thinks it's natural that may happen. But not with everyone. The good news is there is variety in homes here (at least a bit). And not everyone will choose ppl from their home. Ex. Wamph nominating auralee. and I agree to the one person from each home... So long as the homes are at least somewhat open and a bit active.
I understand that. And it's not to say I don't see qualities in the people you nominated that would make them good for the council. Just trying to level it a bit. I do also like Airlia's idea of homes open during the week and Gortopia on the weekends. It provides a nice balance.
As far as homes that are not active, I think some consideration needs to be made at least initially. For example, there are some places that have active role players even if their own home isn't open as much. There are some homes, for example, that are open now and then, but no one else comes in and so they close the home. I don't think it is fair to penalize those role players and deny them representation just because people don't travel or stop in to visit.
For homes that truly haven't been open in a long time, perhaps a waiting period of a week for their home to become active again is in order if they want representation on the council. I don't think making someone waiting longer than that is a good idea because the goal is trying to get more people legitimately involved and it might put them off if they have to do longer without being welcomed as a part of it. Please don't think I'm trying to make the rules either. Just discussion.
How can you expect people who cannot run their home to now run all of Gor. Nothing has worked in the past. Gor will never be as great as it once was. It will be another popularity contest with a select few trying to run everything. People like me will not get a chance because we are not in the in crowd. A lot of people here are leeches. They attach themselves with what they perceive as the people running the show. A lot of times I come online and I am like why bother with the effort anymore.
Thiery, was it you that said "Old Gor, New Gor? How about Gor? Just that." Gor was Gor. Kyri, I think there are people here willing to try, but I do understand what you're saying also. And to Judas, I sincerely apologize for what this has become today...
I nominate myself for representing the Baker's caste. I think it needs to have a mix of high caste and low caste. I have a home stone but many are away or do not come around as much. So having a representative from a home might make it a bit difficult. I say one from each caste, therefore we get a good blend. I don't know many of you all from here outside of what I had r/ped with since coming. I'm pretty neutral in knowing the pasts verse the now, and future.
Shainaa, I think that would be too difficult to do one from each caste because again we could run into the problem of people who aren't really represented because the caste set of Buzzen Gor is pretty limited, and those chosen could be all from one home. There's not nearly the diversity of castes in role play than are found in the books.
No. It wasn't me. It Was bana. She's smarter than me. She's spot on though. Gor is Gor. If this keeps up though we'll be serving the slaves and they will be lower case free.
Perhaps you are right Kyna. Just let me know when its decided and what I can do to help. I can only offer some r/p scenerios really. I've got a pretty big imagination. I read LOTs of fictional books to keep my mind fresh with new ideas that can be incorporated into the gorean life. Good luck with this council if it happens.
Kyri, I doubt referring to people as leeches is the best way to inspire confidence in them to nominate you for anything. None of this is about popularity contests for anyone, but people will vote for those people who they feel would offer something to the task. If that is people that you perceive to be popular, then it will be, and if it isn't then it won't be but it isn't fair to criticise people for the choices they make. The purpose of voting is so everyone gets a chance to put forward ...
their opinion and not to have it questioned or belittled. I also agree that it should be limited to one person from each home to keep an even balance. Maybe each home who wants to participate should post their member lists and everyone gets to pick someone from each home. Those wth the most go forward. On the flip side, I hear Donald Trump is wanting to be nominated too, he wants to build a wall to keep out everyone south of Turia.
I disagree as it takes away the vote from the people and the idea behind a council chosen by the people is that it consists of who the people feel is best to do so. But that's just My opinion on the back of a Brexit
I'm not disputing the idea of democratic process, but even here in the US we can only vote for people based on where we live by deciding who we think will do the best job for our city, district, state, or what have you. In the case of the council, I don't know that I want my representation decided for me based on voting from outside my home. It puts small homes at a disadvantage. And Brexit was a good move.
raises hand to ask a question.... um excuse me. but why can't Everyone just run their home the way they want and if they visit elsewhere follow that homes rules?
well this has gone about as well as I expected. It proves the old point that No One can agree on anything. I will simply say Asperiche will continue to do traditional gor. Men will be Men, Women will be wary of the status etc and slaves will be slaves. We ill not be sitting around like a bunch of pedophiles with lil ones. snookums etc cuddling and treating slaves like little girls, They are enslaved WOMEN Your welcome to join in,,,,,,, as many have over the years....
May sevda please get some clarity on something? she may have misunderstood the answer that kanati was given. Are slaves allowed to nominate as well and if so, would any slaves be allowed on this council?
My personal thought is that slaves should do it through their owners and/or their home and that it should be a council of free representing all. Slaves will not be ignored through this. That is not the intent at all. Just a thought though.
I think we have come sidetracked... the original idea was for people to come together to roll play and to help grow the dwindling community through a commonality. Yes, we have many differences, yes we will not all agree on who we chose, how it should be done, ect. No one is saying it will be perfect..however if we can all try perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement or agreement perhaps we can see some progress. Kyri, allysin,kanati.. it is not to stop people from having their own rules
in their own home...but to explore the options of a joint community. Hopefully we can put our differences aside, get over our prejudices, and refocus on what the main aim is. If you have issue, easy, don't participate. HOWEVER for once it would be nice to see us actually do something with this.
I really think this being made overly complicated. To refer back to Talarius's post. All that is needed is a location, what he has suggested is as good as any. Beyond that combat rules can be standard TB which most people work with anyway. Women travel with guards were appropriate and slaves act like slaves. Beyond that the value of this council would be for RP purposes as I see it and is purely for the purpose of running the home which would also mean, no there would not be slaves ...
I nominate the following: Judas of Asperiche - leader experience, familiarity with Gorean tradition, nonpartisan; Bart of Lydius - leader experience, passion for Gorean adventure, loyalty; Talarius - leader experience, organizational skills, Gorean knowledge AND He suggested the whole thing. These three Men, in My Opinion, would "run and regulate" the show fairly for all. I don't care if they are popular or not. I selected them based on what I've observed and interactions. Thank You.
I would like to make the following comment. I think the council should consist of 11 votes as follows: 5 Free Men, 4 Free Women, and 2 slaves. There should be one more man than woman. I strongly encourage slave participation in the council because they have a big influence in the way role play is done on Gor. And each Home should be represented by 1 person only. I nominate the following to the Council, Free Men: JudasW, RobakW, Talarius, Bart, Warren. (Continued)
I restate my concept. We do not need a Council. Those that enter this proposed new home do so as citizens of that home for roleplay purposes. Our roleplay, based on mutual respect, will define the home and create its distinct character (Buzzen blogs will be used to post events in the home and enable continuity of roleplay). If W/we are "Of the home" let's interact that way. Let's see how that works out, but all that enter that home should try to make it work. Let's try to bring people together.
Master Talarius concept makes more sense then this whole council thing. it didn't work for msn Gor all those years ago. I don't foresee it working here for anything other than a push for power which is exactly what it is.
Not that it didn’t have merit, but I have written some stellar blogs since and they didn’t make the list. I reread this from start to finish just a bit ago; lots of “account deleted†posts and people mentioned who haven’t been or aren’t active for a really long time. Some I can’t even remember. Kind of sad really.
I feel People really wanted change, but they felt pressured not to, regardless of what they admit. Its a shame gor has deteriorated to where it is now. It was such a blast to be involved in.