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Rooms wont load ?

Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2017-04-26 6:31:51 am Category General Viewed 578 times Likes 0

I have been attempting to go into the rooms and they just sit and load?

I have not been able to go to any room for weeks

if I cant get a into any room soon wont bother trying



2017-04-26 8:31:26 am
Cheers all good now Ty
2017-04-26 10:43:39 am
I had some issues with Chrome and Firefox till I updated flash stuff.
2017-04-26 4:29:25 pm
Things will surely be solved