Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Guess I am just old school

Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2018-07-14 3:13:47 am Category Lifestyle Viewed 509 times Likes 3

Recently I came back to check gor, found a home with a half decent slave

Did nothing wrong just put her thru her paces as I usually do

left a message for her so called owner, that I was happy with the girl yadda yadda, and i might use her when it suits Me

next thing I am banned from the room for code of conduct breach. Like what the hell?

I am wondering why waste the time coming back for a look when this crap happens

I will be around and Asperiche will be open from time to time as we can

but We do Gor.. pure and simple.. not this meanie mouse pussy whipped rubbish some call gor

i still am, after a bloody long time.




2018-07-14 11:40:04 am
Such is Gor nowadays.
2018-07-14 12:28:58 pm
Nice to see you still around Judas
2018-07-14 3:44:29 pm
Was it buzzen coc? They've been nitpicking lately. If not, well...oh, well.