earlier today I went to this home, did a basic rp entry, parked my kialla, paid the pen keeper, and walks to the entry, and asked about entry. I wes left there for some time while the home continued its business....... I didnt interfere as I was still OUTSIDE, so after been ignored I left.
I then returned a few hours later and this is the scroll............... Its NO ZONES and I was ALLOWED entry
The Man named Haigan.. Mr Real Gor. then took this action to boot Me out.... REAL GOR at its best
I put this home and Haigan on notice, I am coming. No Zones is NO Zones.......... Gor is coming........
Now He as always will get on here an try to come up with all the bullshit reasons to why...... answer is simple........... weak !
01:53p] › You are now known as JudasW.
[01:53p] › You have joined the conversation.
[01:53p] Topic is: The Boswell Pass is a corridor linking the Barrens and the civilized West. Rustic and rugged homesteads are spread throughout this country. NO ZONES! Post a credible entrance to participate in the role-play. (Gorean Roleplay)
[01:53p] › Disclaimer: This room is a user controlled room. Rules for this room are set and enforced by this room's owners and hosts. Coc and ToU issues should be reported to the Helpdesk.
[01:54p] amari☰H☰fg pushing the tray and cup and saucer aside, i turned then to drape the fur gently across Her lap, tucking it in carefully to assure that She would not be chilled by any sudden drafts but would remain warm and toasty by the fire
[01:54p] Haigan reaching to My belt I took the black leather band from which hung the silver tag bearing the seal of Boswell Pass, showing the collar to the girl I spoke softly "you have earned your place girl, your observation period is over"
[01:55p] JudasW rides up the track with all His gear as stated, making His way back to where He was earlier, now with business to attend to , dismounts at the pens and tosses the pen keeper a few coppers,walks to the entrance and talks to the Gurds regards entry
[01:55p] yasmina looks at what was in His hand then glances up at Him, at a loss for words for a brief moment
[01:57p] amari☰H☰fg seeing Her covered and at ease, i turned back to the low table and gathered the silver tray, placing the saucer and cup upon it before lifting it and moving to the kitchen, stepping across the stone and sand floor with haste
[01:57p] Haigan unbuckling the band I opened it and spread it wide between My hands, with a nod and a warm smile I moved to encircle her pale throat and slipped the band through the buckle again, cinching it closed "your 30 days begins now"
[01:57p] Sana smiles watching...
Haigan : go see amari for your tunic
[01:58p] yasmina slowly reaches her hands up to her throat, feeling the band that now encircled it touching the tags as she heard His words
yasmina : yes Master
[01:58p] Haigan Guards allow the man to pass on
[01:58p] amari☰H☰fg placing the tray upon the work table, i lifted the plate and utensils, the cup and saucer and placed them within the wash basin for cleaning. wiping the tray clean, i returned it to its proper place beneath the work table
[01:59p] yasmina smiles as she rises up to her feet glancing around looking for amair then noticing she had gone into the kitchen she tried not to hurry as she went to find her
yasmina : amari that is)
[02:00p] JudasW nods to the Guards as He walks past, checking His gear, striding with purpose to where He was instructed the gathering was and makes His way closer checking the surrounds
[02:01p] JudasW stands and watches the goings on silently, looking over the gathering and the area
[02:01p] yasmina stands by the work table waiting as amari finished cleaning
[02:01p] amari☰H☰fg straightening, i looked up to see yasmina entering the kitchen. i noted the black leather band encircing her throat with the tag bearing the seal of Boswell Pass. smiling to her, i offered softly...
amari☰H☰fg : well done, yasmina, congratulations
yasmina : thank you amari...Master sent me to find you to get a new tunic
[02:03p] JudasW stands with His arms crossed, and just watches carefully ,
[02:03p] amari☰H☰fg turning, i stepped to the storage closet and knelt upon the floor, pulling out an large woven willow basket. lifting the lid, i reached in and gathered a gray work tunic with a black stripe sewn into the shoulder and set in sleeve.
JudasW :
Haigan : Tal Judas
[02:04p] amari☰H☰fg holding the folded tunic gently in the cradle of my arm, i gathered a length of bleached rep cloth as well, then replaced the basket beneath the low shelf and lifted, stepping from the closet and back to yasmina.
[02:05p] JudasW looks across to the Man that spoke to Him
JudasW :
so Your going to speak to Me now Haigan?
[02:05p] amari☰H☰fg holding both the tunic and the head scarf out to her, i nodded and instructed her regarding the head scarf
Haigan : You spoke, I answered
JudasW :
not leave Me at the gate like a lepper, till I gave up and left
[02:06p] yasmina reaches out and takes the new tunic and head scarf from amari
JudasW :
I came earlier this day........ not that You took any notice
amari☰H☰fg : you must braid your hair and wrap it in the scarf unless told otherwise. it will help keep it out of the way as you are doing chores.
JudasW :
You left Me outside, No acknowledgement, zero
JudasW :
and I am pissed off about it
[02:07p] Sana looks towards the man who entered, remains silent as a discussion happens
yasmina : will make sure to do that whe i get up in the morning
[02:07p] amari☰H☰fg nods
yasmina : hate to do this but i need to call it a night its late)
Haigan : You stated You were chatting to Guards, You didn't mention anything about entry, what am I a psychic now?
[02:08p] JudasW walks in a few paces closer and lowers both His arms to His side, again scan where each Person is
Sana : congrats, yasmina...good night girlie))
amari☰H☰fg : i wish you well, yasmina
yasmina : thank You Mistress i wish You a good night
yasmina : sweet dreams tonight amari
JudasW :
so You have taken up comedy now....
Haigan : I live on a farm, aint no gates around here. You could have been in Fort Haskins for all I knew.
JudasW :
You got the post?
yasmina : wishes good night to the Mistress snuggled up in the furs
JudasW :
I did the exact same post I do every time I come here, stop at the entry and talk to the Guards
JudasW :
I dont say gates
[02:10p] yasmina quietly slips out to her kennel not wanting to interrupt the business of the Free
Haigan : and You could have easily rped having them pass You in.
[02:11p] › yasmina has left the conversation.
JudasW :
and changing Your position does not change the fact I was ignored ....... which I find rude
JudasW :
You cant rp instant entry?
JudasW :
whats the use of Guards and gates then
JudasW :
every time I enter any where I ask to enter
JudasW :
thets Gor
JudasW :
and now I am lucky.......... You let Me in
Haigan : I didnt see You ask to enter, I saw You stop and chat with the Guards.
[02:13p] JudasW shakes His head
JudasW :
You didnt give a shit more like it
Haigan : what the Hell do you think this is? Everyone stops what they're already doing just for you?
[02:13p] › Haigan +o Haigan
JudasW :
I have been rped entry before by NPC's
[02:13p] You have been kicked out by Haigan. Reason: (ban 24 hrs).
[02:13p] Disconnected.