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Some thing to Ponder !

Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2018-10-20 9:51:06 am Category Lifestyle Viewed 413 times Likes 3

I was just sitting and doing some thinking , about things that have transpired recently and it has now made me , jot it down so people can think on it as well

Now before I say anything........ This is from the Typist of Judas...... for those that dont know my name is Peter. This is just my ramblings as the TYPIST on some thing that I have enjoyed been apart of for 15 years.

So if you want to attack Me for this post I will say now......... I dont give a fuck as I have a very full life, and My gor and roleplay now are a very small part.  I work, I race cars, and I have very little "spare  " time

The fact is that we all come, or came to gor. for all kinds of different reasons, how you found it, etc....... Thats just a date that you entered into a "Fictional Lifestyle"  

Gor , Gor rp, any thing to do with Gor.... has been derived from the books of Gor that were written along time ago by John Norman

I have read them, still got multiple copies in the cupboard... and they are one of the only set of books I can honestly say I have ever read.

now heres My quandry , Gor is based on books..... information written down,... for all to read.

Our lives revolve on words written down from years, centuries past. but the words still remain as they were and accepted as they were from the day they were written. 

Why then cannot people today still accept GOR, as the written word it was, and accept it as it was , from years ago. The words havent changed, 

Some have tried, as we all know with the multiple onlineisms etc , but we can see the failure in them because we have the ORIGINAL words from when they were written down.

You cannot change the label on some thing and call it the original, You cannot change the ingredients of a pie, and still call it the Original.. because it isnt.

Regards Gor roleply nowdays etc......... The biggest killer of it is the fact that people dont give a rats arse about the 'Words" written down by the Author, They just make it up

Chuches have has the same ceromonies for thousand of years and the WORDS are the same.

Why then do People want to just make it up....... do some home work and learn the "Original" words.

That in its self is why Gor has dropped off......... the "New" Gor has nothing to do with the original words written by One Man.

No One reads, No one studies, No One trains, No One understands or wants to understand the laws and meaning.......... thats all to hard.

Gor will never return to what it was, its so badly tainted, its frustrating to observe.

now I do have friends here I come and see and chat to via my gor. I have visited people across the world via my gor, stayed at people places all across Australia  with friendships I have made from gor.....

I am not hanging up the sword or walking away, thats not Me, I will come to see My friends and chat, and will enjoy the roleplays etc that we do

but just ask ya self................

why hasnt any one bought out a "New up to date hip version of the bible," where if it does not suit you can just make it up?

have a nice day.... and for fuck sake.........dont go preaching gor to Me, thats NOT what this post is about, If you dont understand my point message Me.

I am the typist of the Amazing Judas........ same Char and name for 15 great years






2018-10-20 1:46:06 pm
I asked how it was evolving. A few people have mentioned that relatively recently and I’m curious as to how it’s doing that. By easier I mean this place isn’t MSN or even Yahoo (where I started out 19 years ago). In my opinion GCN was the best place to RP because it kept people mostly honest (hard to dual etc). Here I’m sure it runs rampant and people only get caught if out themselves by entering a room as Bill the drifter and RP when they are in their gwen the pleasure salve profile.
2018-10-20 1:56:11 pm
2018-10-22 6:38:21 pm
I left way back because I got bored with it, and everyone else started fading away.