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Re inventing Gor

Current Mood: Thankful
JudasW (Judas, *)
Male - 63 years old, Asperiche, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: n/a

Posted: 2019-08-25 10:42:47 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 441 times Likes 8

There is No need to change anything within gor rp except the attitude of People

For years Gor was done with No drama and bullshit about endless rule changes and roleplay changes

do some homework, learn your character and simply follow Gor protocol.

This new Gor idea is bullshit, pure and simple

Gor is a set of fictional books. It has nothing to do with changing with the times etc

I am about fed up with, this idea that something that has worked so well for so long needs changing

Heres an idea........ Learn Gor, Roleplay Gor..........if that's to hard ......... go somewhere else

I will NOT ever be changing MY Char and understanding of GOR to some new piss weak wishy washy GOR that the NEW movement seek

There are a few old school left , please Never change 

I am Judas, and the typist of Judas........ My mind will NEVER be changed on this subject


2019-08-26 6:58:45 am
I agree with Judas. There's no need to reinvent the wheel, just enforce the current standards. However, I do realize that sometimes, things need to be updated. As long as we stick with the basics, I see no reason why we can't find common ground all around. Quit injecting the endless stream of variables and "what ifs", all that does is cause more confusion. Bianciella, your third comment is exactly the problem we have right now. Well stated.
2019-08-26 12:52:55 pm
Don’t be a fuckhead, know your role and play it. Have questions? Ask. Don’t assume because the odds are that you’re wrong and questions are a good thing. People will help and people succeed here and it’s not that hard. It’ll come. Have a good Gor and freaking relax. No one here is splitting the Atom.
2019-08-27 4:01:09 am
well said Thiery, too many won't ask, They just make it up