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_LeoSkiis2⛷️'s Profile

Current Mood: Peaceful
Male - 69 years old, Northern CA, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2017-05-05 9:26:25 am Viewed 1,881 times Likes 1

Another MSN chat refugee, here for entertainment and making friends.  (H)

[font f="Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif" s="2" c="#6600cc"]All of the above and playing/training our little yorkie, Cooper

Now 9.5 years later, Maggie and Toby are no longer with me, they will be remembered

Water and snow skiing, fishing, camping, motorcycle riding, home improvement, windsurfing, cycling, and more fishing.  :-D

[b]JUST DO IT ![/b]