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The Glory - Part the First

Current Mood: Accomplished
Talarius of Helisto (Talarius, *)
Male - 76 years old, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2015-07-02 5:35:18 am Category General Viewed 41 times Likes 0

“The Glory” – An Ongoing Helisto Adventure

This story is continuing in the Lifestyles room of “The Island of Helisto on Gor”.  All those in the room have a chance to shape the way the story goes. This is a brief overview of events, coloured with quotes from the roleplay. The story has moved on much further than the extract here and if there’s interest I’ll post additional instalments.

After leaving dry dock, when repairs following the battles in the Tamber Gulf were completed, the Helistan flagship, the Herlit, a three decked ramship, went on a shakedown cruise north along the Cosian Archipelago. 

Some 50 pasangs south east of the island of Farnacium a roundship was sighted, which headed directly towards the Herlit. This was “The Glory”, out of Lydius, and the vessel had obviously been in a battle as it was badly damaged, sinking and with many dead and wounded on its decks.

Its captain, named Travis hailed, saying : “We were attacked but lost our attackers when a sea fog descended! We took damage and are letting in water - We have important cargo that MUST be saved and would appreciate help if there are men on Your ship that can help shore up the hole in our side!”

The Herlit sent over a repair team that allowed Glory’s pumps to get ahead of the flooding. The Merchant Dyani, however, had had recent dealings with the Glory and ...

“Dyani hisses saying to Admiral Aiken "that’s not the Glory's Captain"

It seems that Travis’ ‘valuable cargo’ was a large sealed chest and, because the Glory was still in some peril, both the chest and Travis were transferred to the Herlit, though the captain was not made aware of our doubts ...

“Talarius sees a hundred seamen of the Herlit swarm aboard the Glory - meeting no resistance from the few score left of her crew and obviously none from the chained thrall rowers”

Three vessels, serpents from Lydius from their sails, are sighted on the horizon and closing fast on the Herlit and her ‘prize’. The Glory is cut clear of the three-decker and both vessels hoist sail to return south.

“Aneesha steps back from the rail as a missile thrown from the other ship barely misses My head and lands with a thud to the deck - well that was lucky .. I think to Myself and go to take a closer look ... how strange .. ....leans over picks it up ..”

“Talarius !! ??? look at this ..  I hold up a .. 'bota' !! and look to Talarius with a quizzical glance.”

Inside the bota, engraved with a tree and a cursive A, is a piece of rence.

“Talarius extracts the rence from the bota and reads it. We have a friend in the Glory's crew - it seems Arader is aboard that ship. I assume that is what the A signifies and if He is with that crew - then something serious is afoot”

“Aiken : every time Arader shows up its a Mystery wrapped in an enigma”

“Talarius : It says - "We need to talk - but do not single Me out - I cannot be revealed - A"


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