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Board Based Gorean Roleplay

Current Mood: Accomplished
Talarius of Helisto (Talarius, *)
Male - 76 years old, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2015-10-28 9:44:11 am Category General Viewed 67 times Likes 0

Helisto has tried a few board-based roleplays in the past and often they have led to interesting and unpredictable storylines. Buzzen blogs seem to offer a good opportunity to try that format in a more ‘open’ environment, with the advantage that anyone can post to the story at any time that suits them.

I would strongly suggest that those taking part choose a character other than themselves to play. This means ‘you’ can be killed, enslaved etc. without it really mattering, just re-enter the story as a new character! So let’s roleplay and sort out any ‘issues’ as we go along!

The story begins as a large caravan with a rich and varied list of characters leaves Ven’dara and enters the Hafner Valley, en-route to the Sardar Fair. It will be a long and perilous journey of well over a thousand pasangs, with the first three or four hundred pasangs through the treacherous terrain of the Dara Mountains, until the road north to the Sardar is reached.

Tramius sits beside the slaver as the jolting wagon starts the ascent out of the plain of Ven’dara, the bosk snorting with the effort of the steepening climb. Not for the first time he wonders why he left the security of Ven’dara’s Hastasi and signed up as guard on this long journey. He listens to the idle chatter of the shackled slaves behind him as the caravan stretches far out ahead ...


2015-10-29 11:33:03 pm
Regina Arivella gasped again, as the palanquin that She was being transported in by the six thralls lurched alarmingly to the left. What was going ON out there, She thought in annoyance. The Slaver, Krenlen, cracked the whip and the FW heard the soft cry of pain from the male slave that dared to stumble. No doubt when the caravan stopped for the evening, the thrall would be whipped again. Good, Regina thought and leaned back amongst the cushions as the group travelled on.
2015-10-30 11:22:04 am
very good idea Akab this is Khalid
2015-11-21 4:30:38 pm
Regina checked the box, making sure it was secure beneath the pillows that She lounged upon in the palanquin. It wasn't much to the eye, but held three important scrolls that She'd been entrusted to get to the last stop of this caravan. To a certain important Man of a certain prestigious household.....