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Events in Port of Gor ... Uk 10pm - 00:30am

Current Mood: Accomplished
Talarius of Helisto (Talarius, *)
Male - 76 years old, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2016-07-09 8:05:09 pm Category General Viewed 70 times Likes 0

On 9th July - Present ... Talarius, Aiken, Wamph, WinterWolf, Aneesha, Penelope, Dahna, mari, kanati, renee.

Roleplay - Penelope and renee fished near the dockside. Wamph fought "Crunk" and defeated Him, sparing His life. The rest met on a table outside the Limping Larl on the Street of Taverns - landlord called Caldas ( there are a score of taverns there ) just off the docks. Talarius came from a meeting of the Council in the Main Cylinder unhappy about events there and a subsequent conversation with a fellow Scribe called Trassis. kanati has a run in with a tavern slave. Aneesha sees an uncollared slave on the street and gives her to the Guards to take to the slave pens. Dahna will organise a slave auction. Trade to the port is increasing and the Market is expanding in the Main Square. Full scroll on request from Please post future events.