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The Free Companioning of Lady Dahna of Argentum and Admiral Aiken of Helisto

Current Mood: Accomplished
Talarius of Helisto (Talarius, *)
Male - 76 years old, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2016-07-25 4:31:19 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 229 times Likes 0

Those Present:

Free Men – Aiken, Talarius, Robert, Mortimas, Wamph, Thiery, Robak

Free Women - Dahna, Aneesha, Penel, Shainaa

slaves - mari (who danced before the ceremony), sariah, kanati

The Ceremony

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto applauds the entry of Dahna and beckons Her to join Aiken and Himself at the far end of the Stateroom

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral turns to see the vision of beauty that is soon to be My FC

Anee§ha~FC~Talarius~Helisto passes Dahna the bouquet of Blue roses from My garden .. trimmed with red and gold ribbons

Dahna steps forward and is now with Her Admiral. I turn and smile to Aneesha and take the blue roses mouths. "thank You"

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral stands straight, holding the deep lapels of My dress coat

Anee§ha~FC~Talarius~Helisto nods to Dahna smiling

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : Are You Both ready to proceed?

Dahna I peek over to look at His handsomeness then smile up at Talarius grateful for He and Aneesha these past days

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral turns to wink at My Woman, whispering, wow you look amazing

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral : We are Talarius

Dahna looks to Aiken and then again to Talarius with a little giggle of nerves hearing My soon to be Companion

Dahna nods

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : Admiral Aiken and Lady Dahna - You stand here together to pledge Your Free Companionship. Is that the case?

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral : It is Talarius

Dahna : yes it is.

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : Free Companionship is a solemn estate not to be entered into lightly - and I need to ask if any here know reasons why it should not be valid

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral looks about the room

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto waits a few ihn and when no voices are raised walks to a table set on the stage and picks up the long red silk cord there then continues

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : Each raise the arm nearest to the Other

Dahna peeks through the netting as I raise My left arm

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral I’m on the right of Dahna so I raise My left arm

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : sort it out ~grins~

Dahna places my right arm close to the Admirals left

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto takes the red silken cord and binds Them together at the wrists in the knot of companionship

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : If Either of You have words to say to the Other then You may say them now

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral smiles to My Woman and winks to Talarius

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : Admiral?

Dahna feels the cord around Our wrists and looks to My Man

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral : I wish to state Talarius, that I am getting the best of the exchange, a truely beautiful and educated Woman, one I have coveted since I first set eyes on Her. There is more I can say but for now that will suffice

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : True enough Akab - and You Dahna have words?

Dahna I turn and look up at Aiken.

Dahna : Aiken, You are My Admiral. My Dear, My Man and love. Thank You for having Me Yours. I am sure it will only get better each day with You.

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto turns to the Admiral to say

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : Aiken - do You swear before those present to defend Dahna with Your life and honour Her as Your Free Companion for a period of not less than one year?

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral : I so swear Talarius

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : Dahna - do You swear before those present to honour and respect Aiken and defer to Him for a period of not less than one year?

Dahna : I swear

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto takes a fine goblet charged with Turian wine from a small table and holding the goblet in His left hand draws a dagger from His belt with His right and cuts the cord that binds them saying

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : In the eyes of A/all assembled and all of Gor - You are Free Companioned - drink of the wine of Companionship.

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto offers Aiken the goblet to share with His Free Companion

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : Congratulations Admiral Aiken and Lady Dahna on Your Free Companionship!

Dahna a sparkle due to happy tears are seen in blue eyes.

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral takes the goblet and hands it to My FC saying

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral : Drink My Woman

Dahna hands the flowers of blue roses to Aneesha before taking the goblet and drawing it to lips. drinks in the wine then hands the goblet to My FC

Dahna whispers just to Him. "drink My Man"

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral taking the goblet from My Woman’s hands I smile at Her comment, saying

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral : To a long and happy FC Dahna

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : You make a very fine Couple! ~joins in the general applause~

The Gifts

Mortimas~M~ nods heading down to the stateroom seeing all the other gifts and dropping them off heads back up to the main deck

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto :  Aneesha and I have gifts for You Both ~gives Them each a single coin set on velvet to commemorate the occasion with Their portraits on each side~ Cast in Argentum silver - plated with gold - the first coins from Helisto's new mint - just these two - the mould has been broken.

WamphW holds out an axe, crafted from silver, a good 6ft and more in length, and heavy, the handle encrusted with the occasional ruby. This, came from a fierce warrior ....And this...lifts the bag and turns it upside down, the overly large head of a Kur, severed at the neck falling out on to the deck. I stopped it with My foot from rolling. And this is the head of said fierce warrior, fresh from the mines of Argentum

Robak~W stands and takes a pouch from his belt with 20GT inside and moves towards Aiken and takes his right hand and lifts it and places the pouch in his palm and then closes it

Robert~1~RTG gives Dahna a circular wine rack made out of tem wood  and hands Aiken a gladius that was the older Tarl’s Father’s gladius

Anee§ha~FC~Talarius~Helisto : some items the girls. tasha, iona and zana of House of Talarius made for Your girls to welcome them Home Sister . anklets .. made of the shells of the shore here . and beads the girls had . and thread made by tasha

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral takes out a small jewellery box, inside a clasp made to look like and anchor inset with rubies, then an inch of gold chain, and the other end in the shape of a capstan, a gift for My woman to use to keep Her cloak fastened

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto : There is a rank higher than Admiral - the highest rank - I hereby award You the rank of Fleet Admiral in recognition of Your services and an extra 2 gold per annum ~passes Him a new sash with the insignia inscribed~

◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ took the boxes and set them before the couple. They were stacked as a pyramid I opened the top box to reveal three crystal bowls of different coloured salts...Red from Klima, white from natural flats, and sea salt. Next, I opened the second box and took out a basket of fresh breads from the finest Baker I knew...(grinned at Shainaa) and finally, the last box was opened and there were three orbed oil lamps and a supply of scented, colored tharlarion oils.

The Menu

Roasted bosk, sa-tarna bread, tur-pah sullage, bosk slabs, spit roasted verr, stuffed mushrooms and vulo puffs, vulo eggs, bosk cream cheese, spicy tarsk ham, oysters and fruit, ramberry tarts and pies, bosk and verr cream cheesecakes. All served up on silver platters on the long stateroom table.

2016-07-25 5:39:15 pm
Aiken sosorry I missed the ceremony congadulations to you and Dahna
2016-07-25 5:57:25 pm
Congrats May it last forever ( or aleast till the rp ends)
2016-07-26 6:13:47 pm
I would like to thank EVERYONE From the Free there to the slaves, for all the work and time given and time to be there and the well wishes that have come to Myself and Aiken. the gifts were wonderful and will be used well, I have much to do in the home to make it appear a Lady now lives there. the Kur head has been placed just in the midway mark of Argentum and Helisto. My Guard Drat placed it there. close enough to warn but far enough I cannot see it. . Once more Thank You!