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Builder Required in Helisto

Current Mood: Accomplished
Talarius of Helisto (Talarius, *)
Male - 76 years old, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2016-12-03 6:51:14 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 471 times Likes 0

The Bay Light, that directs shipping at night or in bad weather towards the fortified entrance to Verr's Hoof Bay and the Island's docks, is in urgent need of repair.

Talarius and Admiral Aiken have discussed the situation with craftsmen on Helisto and there are none that feel confident to take on the project.

The small island on which the lighthouse stands has been affected by a seismic tremor, there is a semi-active volcano to the north of the island named Mount Hyrrokin, and the very rock on which the light stands has suffered subsidence causing cracks to the outer brickwork and tilting the structure five degrees out of perpendicular.

Any Builders ( or those that may wish to NPC Builders ) are invited to tender for the repair work. Naturally only the very best standards of work will be acceptable. Visits to the island to view the task are highly recommended.

(( This can be role played in this blog as 'board based role play' - anyone can contribute ))

The story so far ....

Khalid~Tor~HOC As we sail closer to the Island we see the lighthouse tilting. We get out walk around looking, inspecting the damage. I talk to my crew and we all agree the job needs to be done down.we see the cracks to the outer brickwork.I say to my men We can do this job, but it must be done soon before the lighthouse is lost I think if we work from the water up gradually getting to the lighthouse we can raise it back to normal.The job will be hard and lots of sweat but I’ll talk to Akab Talarius and tell him we can do the job for 3 double gold tarns . Ok men lets sail back to Helisto for food drink and rest. We sail up to the dock, tie up get off and walk away

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto Meets the Builder on the dockside and takes him and his men to the Dock tavern for refreshments and a discussion on what needs to be done to stop the lighthouse falling into the entrance to the bay. Before they can get down to business the Admiral strides into the tavern looking less than pleased.

Khalid~Tor~HOC As we drink with Akab Talarius,I notice the Admiral walking towards us not looking happy, I start to wonder what is wrong.

Kyna (oooo....intrigue....)

Aiken~Helisto~Admiral Entering the Tavern I see Talarius and Khalid, storming over to them I say, About this Building work on the Bay Light House, I thought We were going to have a site meeting with Bythell the architect, and Us three?, In My opinion there is more to the work than the brick work above the water line, I don't doubt Your skill as a Master Builder Khalid, but I think it may be a bigger task than You imagine, and looking at Talarius I say, "and I think You will need to dig deep into your gold reserves, I have asked Bythell to meet with Us at the dock in an Ahn, We will take a trip out in the dingy, and He can give us His thoughts, after all it was He who designed the Light House, Ok We have a while before We meet Him, So who's round is it?”

Khalid~Tor~HOC Aye I say it might be beyond my skills. so I’m willing to meet with Bythell to see what he says and ok.if tis beyond my skills I shall step back and leave it to Blythell

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto Bythell's an Architect not a Builder so don't give up that commission yet Khalid! There's no point in rebuilding the Light unless we can be certain the foundations are sound. I'll send word to Tacitus to join us - I know that he and Bythell hate the sight of each other, but at least he's had some experience as he planned the foundations for the Bay Barrier. Aye let's drink signals the Landlord Gratticus to send a girl over and pays for the first round but worries over his gold reserves!

Khalid~Tor~HOC Aye Ok Akab looking forward to it

Talarius~FC~Aneesha~Helisto ((Just a reminder that anyone can get involved in this role play. Play your character or take on a different character and turn the story in a new direction. You can play Bythell, Tacitus or Gratticus ( as they are NPC characters ) or introduce a new personality to the mix. Go on - have some fun! ))

Khalid~Tor~HOC ((Ok Akab good idea ty))

2016-12-13 7:08:51 pm
I say to Tacitus I have been a steel worker do you tik there might be away if I can make up some steel poles we might set them in wholes filled with some large stones the length we ned get them under the light house and drive thme under bringin it straight then maybe usin somew mortar to stable them?
2016-12-14 11:11:32 am
Sounds feasible Khalid, I have just had a thought, if all else fails, maybe We can moor a light ship, We may have to line it with mud, so embers of the fire don't set the ship alight, just a though in case the present light cant be repaired, any thoughts Gentlemen?
2016-12-14 11:32:55 am
sounds like a plan Bro if my idea fails