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A Wanted Fugitive!

Current Mood: Accomplished
Talarius of Helisto (Talarius, *)
Male - 76 years old, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2018-06-21 5:11:03 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 613 times Likes 2

One of the Fleet Pursers has absconded from the Island of Helisto with

200 double-gold tarns intended as payment to the officers of the squadrons.

His name is Midus and he has been a trusted official of the Isle for over a

dozen years. He has a tattoo of a Wingfish on his left arm, above the wrist.

His current wherabouts and co-conspirators are unknown.

A generous reward is available for his capture.



2018-06-21 8:27:45 pm
Lol....200 DOUBLE gold tarns? Wow.
2018-06-22 6:26:10 am
Tell us more, Talarius!
2018-06-22 12:51:06 pm
hope you find him