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The Dara Mountains – A group based ( board based ) Gorean role play adventure.

Current Mood: Accomplished
Talarius of Helisto (Talarius, *)
Male - 76 years old, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2019-04-06 5:14:52 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 352 times Likes 2

The Dara Mountains – A group based ( board based ) Gorean role play adventure.

This adventure is set in the Dara Mountains, a place of legends and sudden death that can come from the brigands that roam the area or a sudden shifting of rock to spill boulders onto the paths below or send men tumbling to their doom into deep ravines.

This role play will be group rather than room based and take place in Helisto Group in the section ‘Group Based Gorean Role Play’. Many of those I’d like to see taking part are already members of that group and any who are not and wish to take a part in the adventure need simply ‘join group’ and they will immediately be added.

This enables all those that take part to post to it at any time that suits them best. Post as you would into a room but much more detail and thought can be put into what you post. You can play as your own character and/or any number of NPC’s. You can be anywhere you wish on the map with any sort of objective in mind. Obviously the idea is that, as the role play develops, those taking part will eventually converge and interact.

When you post you can take the "More Reply Options" which will allow you to modify font size and colour as well as add any picture that you find to add some atmosphere and depth. Maybe have a different font/colour for every character that you introduce. I'm also looking for a Narrator or two, to sum up the "story so far" maybe after about every dozen posts.

This role play is open to anybody who enjoys creating a story, be they Gorean or not.

If there are any comments or questions please add them below.

Link to the Dara Mountains adventure ....

2019-04-07 4:18:49 pm
Here's the first post to this story ...... After docking at Ven’dara Station, Talarius and Aiken of Helisto, disguised as Merchants, organise the unloading of two bosk carts and the beasts to pull them. Since the opening of Ven’dara’s Canal this small port has almost fallen into disuse, which suits their purpose. Then, accompanied by four guards and with the slaves and ‘goods’ spread across the two wagons they set out on the perilous mountain road that ascends towards the village of Beritus.
2019-04-07 4:20:23 pm
.... The Javlynn river, unnavigable as it flows north-west from Ven’dara to the Thassa, thunders over falls and cascades to their right at the bottom of deep ravines (( No Uruk-hai or Elves thus far!! ))
2019-04-07 6:28:32 pm
B and I will be happy to join in where we can, Talarius. Great job with the map, lots of potential!