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The Merchant of Menace

Current Mood: Accomplished
Talarius of Helisto (Talarius, *)
Male - 76 years old, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2019-06-11 4:57:24 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 289 times Likes 3

Ulyssus went to the Militia Keep at the 6th ahn as the new day dawned, as was his chore and, yes, his pleasure too, to give some short exercise to the slave eshani. The open log of the previous day’s visitors caught his eye, lying on the table by the barred gate to the lower cells complex.

He noted an entry there from the Militiaman Alexander, concerning the admission of a certain Free Man, robed as a merchant, under the name of Camras of Cos, for the purpose of seeing that slave. Attached was the pass that the merchant had carried, bearing the seal and signature of Talarius.

He puzzled on this as he was allowed entry to the lower cells and escorted to that one that held eshani. Why would a Cosian merchant have business with the girl? Entering the cell he almost tripped on the blanket, now dragged from her bare bed under the window and set beneath the bars furthest from it.

At first he thought that the cell was empty, then he saw her, curled up and pressed tightly into the corner of the cell to his left, she got to her feet then fell onto her knees as he entered then, as he listened carefully, she recounted, between sobs, the details of the strange visit she’d received.

After ordering a guard to be set to watch eshani’s cell and another to be posted by that of the traitor Penna he made haste to find Talarius, taking with him the pass that had allowed the merchant to gain access to the slave.

After he had relayed all that he had learned from the slave, he gave the pass bearing Talarius’ seal and signature to the Scribe.

Talarius : You acted well to have those extra guards posted Ulyssus. I know nothing of this ‘Camras of Cos’ and this pass is a very elegant forgery! Easily good enough to have fooled Alexander so no blame falls on him. Return to the Keep and bring eshani here to my home so I can question her closely.

Ulyssus salutes Talarius then returns to fetch the slave.

2019-06-11 5:23:52 pm
Mysteriouser and mysteriouser...