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Home Sword

Current Mood: Accomplished
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm (Bashir, Artimidorous)
Male - City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2024-09-30 12:59:36 pm Category General Viewed 289 times Likes 0

Word is making its way into our community that Home Sword, aka Rudi Miller, has passed away.
Having spoken with his FC, Asya, plans are being made to celebrate his life. Another message will be posted with details.
The City of Dust has a new protector. Semper Fi, Devil Dog.

2024-09-30 6:28:12 pm
r.i.p. bro, may your angel, and the rest of them, welcome you with loving arms. Ooooh Rah!
2024-10-06 2:55:45 am
I feel honored to have known this FM such bravery he had and very honorable man he will be sorely missed look out the unworld here come a brave FM and his name is Homesword
2024-10-13 2:27:44 pm
Didn't he post on Facebook not all that long ago?
2024-10-19 8:59:41 pm
I am not sure as I barely look at facebook