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Happy Independance Day

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Anee§ha~FC~Talarius~Helisto (Anee§ha~FC~Talarius~Helisto, Scribe)
Female - Helisto ~ Gor, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2019-07-04 8:13:31 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 592 times Likes 9

From the UK'ers of the Isle of Helisto .. to those of the Land of the Free


Image result for happy 4th july from the UK

2019-07-06 5:53:48 pm
mmmm I am gonna enjoy reading that...smiles
2019-07-06 6:40:55 pm
I gotta clear my good name ~winks~
2019-07-07 4:43:23 pm
It was treason from any point of view, as the people at the time well knew. Revolutions are inherently treasonous. It was felt to be justified, and with the Colonials the victors history agrees, with it ultimately becoming idealized, and later romanticized, over time. Had the tide of war gone the other way the penalty for treachery would have befell them, also as the people of the time well knew.