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banaThiery's Blog

2021-07-10 12:58:22 pm by banaThiery in category General
It is indeed with a very heavy heart that bana relays the sad news she received today that the typist behind the character of Mistress SpringRain passed away on June 20th.  To Those who may not have been around long enough to remember Her, Mistress SpringRain was the Free Companion to Master Rowan. bana will always feel honored to have known them both. Life at times has a way of...
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2020-11-05 2:05:54 pm by banaThiery in category General
With all that has been going on real time these days, bana has not been as active online as she once was.  Therefore, if this news has already been shared, she apologizes.  Not sure how many still active in Gor remember Master Gilgamesh.  For those who do, to say that he held a very special place in our hearts would be an understatement.  It is with a heavy heart that bana...
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2020-08-19 8:45:35 am by banaThiery in category General
Happy Birthday Master !! May your day be every bit as wonderful as you are !!
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2020-06-08 5:40:55 pm by banaThiery in category General
When it rain it pours but you didn't even notice It ain't rainin' anymore, it's hard to breathe when all you know is The struggle of staying above, the rising water line Well the sky is finally open, the rain and wind stopped blowin' But you're stuck out in the same old storm again You hold tight to your umbrella, well, darlin' I'm just tryin' to tell...
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2020-05-27 8:05:35 am by banaThiery in category General
To plant a garden Is to believe in tomorrow  ~Audrey Hepburn    
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  • AjaxW: This is such sad news. She was not only a great woman she was also a great role player and loyal FC...
  • doesitmatter: So sorry to hear this.
  • just me: Sorry to hear this. I remember her fondly. Peace be with you in your journey to the afterlife.
  • Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm: Terrible news. She will be missed.
  • Account Deleted: I remember Her and am deeply saddened to hear of her passing.