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Pretense 1.6

Current Mood: Loved
banaThiery (*bana, *)
Female - 42 years old, At her Master's Feet, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2016-07-10 11:25:42 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 100 times Likes 0


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[09:19p] It had been a long flight, she wasn’t sure at what point she had drifted off, an abrupt landing propelled her body forward startling her back to consciousness, instinctively putting her hands out she was able to keep from doing a face plant in the bottom of the basket. Looking up she saw her Master smiling down at her, concern crept across his features when he turned to look out over the horizon as if searching the skies for something or someone unknown.

[09:22p] Without having to be told she gathered up the small travel pack, thrusting arms through arm straps to draw it up against back, scrambling up she waited for her Master’s assistance, with ease he lifted her from the wicker container, hoisting her up till she gained footing on the ladder, stepping up and over the edge of the basket she climbed down easily, releasing her hold to land a bit wobbly, back on solid ground

[09:26p] travelling through the City she had appeared to keep her head lowered, however she was constantly looking, taking in her surrounding, doing her best to memorize the way back to the tarn cot. It was the shadows that gave her cause to be nervous, more than once she had looked over her shoulder to see movement. Or did she? Was she just seeing things?

[09:29p] Master had led her along the winding streets, he walked with the confidence of someone returning to a childhood Home, her curiosity peeked as they entered the quaint Inn, she remained silent as her Master spoke with the Inn Keeper, fidgeting a bit as she felt the Inn Keeper’s gaze upon her at times.

[09:33p] Master had quickly counted out coins, accepting the two iron keys handed him, although odd she dared not ask, surely her Master had good cause to acquire two rooms, she was more than happy when the transaction was done and they were out of sight of the Inn Keeper, keeping close she followed behind her Master to the top of the stairs, turning left then down the hallway to the first room

[09:36p] the room was small but adequate; its furnishings neat, easing the leather straps across shoulders she lowered the backpack to the floor, turning to listen as her Master spoke. she always listened, always obeyed, yet this time his tone carried the weight of urgency, his instructions precise……”Do not let anyone enter unless you hear three swift knocks followed by a delay of fifteen ihn then unlock the door, it will be me”.

[09:40p] with that he handed her his chronometer, tiny fist clutching it tight, she looked up into his handsome face to see him wink before turning to leave. It was the sound of the tumblers turning in the door’s lock that made it all so surreal. Holding the instrument with care she carefully placed it on the small desk near the bed

[09:43p] looking once more to the room she grabbed the travel bag carrying it to the small table, untying the leather straps, rummaging around she withdrew several wrapped packages, one containing smoked meat the other cheese, a third bundle removed held fresh bread. Not knowing what time her Master would return she left the items wrapped merely arranging them with a bota of water so they could quickly be cut and served once he arrived

[09:48p] Ehns turned to ahns, time seemed to drag on. At first she simply paced, walking slowly back and forth across the room, each footstep slow to keep the belled anklet silent, at one point she had digressed to counting the footsteps needed to cross the room. Growing weary of the counting game she examined the space more closely, taking note of the window, the only other escape from the room.

[09:55p] moving to the window she peeked through a crack at the side of the curtains rather than push them open, with luck Master had obtained an upstairs room on the front side of the inn, from the window there was a good view of the street below, watching the coming and goings below she barely heard the sound at first

[09:59p] it was almost inaudible, a light scratching or dragging, pulling back from the window she listened breath held, canting her head to listen, tiptoeing she crossed the room towards the far wall, hands reaching out to press flat against the cool surface, turning her head she leaned close pressing her left ear against the wall, closing her eyes she concentrated listening

[10:03p] again she heard the noise, only it was louder and seemed to be growing closer, a muffled moan or growl, followed by dragging, jerking back from the wall she looked for a place to flee to, any place to hide, it was then she saw the shadows under the door, movement like feet as if someone was right outside the door…….


2016-07-11 9:45:58 am
The suspense! Well done, bana!
2016-07-11 10:24:06 am
Thank you Master and Mistresses. It's been a lot of fun so far....plenty of openings left for others to join in...
2016-07-12 10:31:17 am
Always a beauty bana. thank you for the good read.