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Collective answers

Current Mood: Loved
banaThiery (*bana, *)
Female - 42 years old, At her Master's Feet, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2017-04-04 10:33:40 am Category General Viewed 568 times Likes 3

As bana was reading the blogs this morning she noticed with saddness some can't be commented on.  So here are some collective answers.

1.  Waking up from a really hot sexy dream

2.  bana can see you are not here for Gorean role play

3.  Some people do not comprehend what they read?

4.  Glad you figured that out, best of luck!

5.  bana didn't mean to do that, promise.

6.  no its not but then its in the eye of the beholder?

7.  beautifully written although all that is she belongs to Him

8.  ~smiles~  bana's Master says that to her

9.  Nope it didn't work

10.  Thanks for the History lesson

11.  Agreed!!!

12. Buddha's words often ring true.


posted with her Master's permission


2017-04-12 8:04:34 am
Gor lives on in the HEARTS and MINDS of those of us who love it. Good people have come and gone, some still remain. Greetings Mistress (Bianciella) and thank you for your posts. ~waves to cheree~ bana is glad you got a laugh as that was what this post was meant to do, bring a smile.
2017-04-12 3:15:37 pm
Who cares what a non-Gorean has to say about us. Come back to gor then we will talk
2017-04-17 2:57:31 pm
Beayatch. I do not think "Good Gor" is missing from this place. I have met many fine Goreans. Iskander. Dahna. Penelope. Auralee. It makes wonder, if need reason to good role play. Maybe?