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Life’s Constants

Current Mood: Loved
banaThiery (*bana, *)
Female - 42 years old, At her Master's Feet, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2019-11-03 8:00:29 am Category General Viewed 309 times Likes 6

There are three constants in life . . . change, choice and principles. 
~ Stephen Covey

Don't let others belittle that which you know is right, especially when they hold no honor in their heart.  

2019-11-03 11:29:44 am
I woke needing this today. Thanks bana for always knowing what to post and say.
2019-11-03 5:31:28 pm
bana is glad you found the quotes meaningful Mistress. she hopes your day has been peacefully wonderful.
2019-11-03 8:15:21 pm
My day was one of many blessings as I hope yours was too.