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Every day is a new beginning

Current Mood: Loved
banaThiery (*bana, *)
Female - 42 years old, At her Master's Feet, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2019-11-05 7:14:19 am Category General Viewed 282 times Likes 5

Success is not final

Failures is not fatal

Its the courage to continue that counts.

~ Winston Churchill


New beginnings are often disguised 

as painful endings.

~ Lao Tzu

2019-11-05 12:16:25 pm
2019-11-05 7:23:14 pm
Absolutely spot on bananana.
2019-11-06 7:29:27 pm
Thank you Mistress (Nyx) )and Mistress (Petra)