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Mistress SpringRain

Current Mood: Loved
banaThiery (*bana, *)
Female - 42 years old, At her Master's Feet, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2021-07-10 12:58:22 pm Category General Viewed 120 times Likes 2

It is indeed with a very heavy heart that bana relays the sad news she received today that the typist behind the character of Mistress SpringRain passed away on June 20th.  To Those who may not have been around long enough to remember Her, Mistress SpringRain was the Free Companion to Master Rowan. bana will always feel honored to have known them both.

Life at times has a way of leading each of us in different directions, or rather tossing us down different paths.  Not really sure who all is still active within these walls of Gorean Roleplay, however….Legends, names and memories tend to sneak into our thoughts and tug at our hearts, maybe even bring a smile.  So to Those who remember, bana hopes you do so with a smile.   

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2021-07-10 1:18:44 pm
I am very sad to hear this news, I shall indeed always remember her with a smile. My condolences to you and her Family.
2021-07-10 9:39:18 pm
I humbly offer sincere condolences to those who knew, loved, and will miss her
2021-07-11 4:14:34 am
That's sad, I have very strong memories of Her. Life can be a bastard at times. I always had the utmost respect, for Her.
2021-07-12 5:51:33 am
I’m not here a lot but , Spring Rain, and a few others that role play free and slave helped me to understand Gor so to those Ladies I give my love , Rest In Peace Spring you will be missed and always respected!
2021-07-12 9:44:13 am
I remember Her and am deeply saddened to hear of her passing.
2021-07-12 8:44:09 pm
Terrible news. She will be missed.
2021-07-12 9:23:10 pm
Sorry to hear this. I remember her fondly. Peace be with you in your journey to the afterlife.
2021-07-14 8:21:41 pm
So sorry to hear this.
2021-07-22 8:13:21 am
This is such sad news. She was not only a great woman she was also a great role player and loyal FC to Rowan. She always gave wise counsel and we had some interesting chats. Wherever she is I hope Rowan/Warren is welcoming her with open arms. She will be sadly missed. RIP Liz/SpringRain