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Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2018-10-04 4:54:04 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 253 times Likes 1


[02:06p] › You are now known as Dalamar~O.
[02:07p]  You have joined the conversation.
[02:07p] Topic is: A Trading post where you can get anything. Come in and either learn Gor and or roleplay Gor. Simply use your imagination
[02:07p] Welcome to the Trading Post of Gor, goods from Gor wide are here, plus all kindsof wares, medical facilities, armoury, etc are available. Please read the basic information in the group ! , This is a Sanctioned Zone Actions = Consequence. if You don't know please ask !
[02:07p] Disclaimer: This room is a user controlled room. Rules for this room are set and enforced by this room's owners and hosts. Coc and ToU issues should be reported to the Helpdesk.
Iskander goes to put his sign on his stall AFK be back in about hour - hour and a half
[02:07p] Q Master kneeling before me raises the ale as high as her arms can reach taking a coin from pockert placing it into her lips and nods taking the tankard and raising it too lips saying
[02:07p] › Iskander went away.
[02:07p] EyotaFW hums a soft tuns as she takes a sharp blade carving the designs for the small pockets this first bag will have
Q Master : the ale is fine just like the serve beast may return to bar
[02:08p] › Iskander has changed your modes to +o
[02:08p] › Iskander +h EyotaFW
[02:08p] › Iskander +o EyotaFW
[02:10p] ¤zia¤ICF she fishes her Masters coin from the pouch and places it between lips as she offers it over to the Master of the stall as he pushes the platter of food toward her she thanked Him and turned noticing her Master hung the afk sign on His stall zia was to slow.... seeing Mistress she took the food and the skin of water and set off across the post ... approaching Mistress's stall she settled the food and bota of water at the side table near where she worked....
¤zia¤ICF : Mistress may this help aid You in feeling better this day
EyotaFW looking at the leather She wonders if She should dye it or not remembering the comumster likes plain She decides against zia approches the wonderious smell of food comes across Her stomach grummbling
EyotaFW : mmm zia you read my mind woman
[02:13p] ¤zia¤ICF backing away respectfully she turned and took to sauntering off in a brazen manner... sky blue eyes twinkled as she weaved abut the stalls admiring the wares each vendor sold...
EyotaFW places the leather down and takes a deep drink of water and a large bite of bread
Dalamar~O I wake up in an unfamiliar bed; it smells strange, as if it's been...cleaned before. Note to self, get a slave to do laundry. All of it. I get out of the bed, reluctantly, and walk to the door, and open it, looking both ways down the hallway, and spots a bowl and pitcher of water, and some cloths, which i carry back into the room, and use them for the obvious purpose of bathing.
[02:15p] Q Master whistles and watches the jit come running towards Me jumping itno lap
EyotaFW feels as if She as not eaten in days and eagerly devours the meal
[02:16p] ¤zia¤ICF weaving her way down the walk she could hear hear the hisses of chained slaves along the sale block as she passed... another FW gasp and turned her gaze away from zia's nudity as her golden hair is all that adorns her a smirk and gleam of eyes looked about but never stopped as she sauntered on
[02:18p] ¤zia¤ICF she knew the sale blocks well and tried to fight the tightening of her belly as she swiftened her steps heading for the spice stall... as she left the area her heart eased its beat that she tried to mask with her brazen stride...
[02:18p] Guest_jailyne has joined the conversation.
Dalamar~O finishing that, dresses completely, and reaches absently for the belt holding...oh yes, they're GONE, dummy, you're naked, you handed them to a stranger. Grumbling you lace up your boots and stamp them a few times in irritation, and head outside the tavern I rented a room from last night, and go in the direction of the guy i left the swords with
EyotaFW finishes the meal and starts to sew the lerther into a array of pockets of many shapes and sizes
[02:19p] › Guest_jailyne has left the conversation.
[02:22p] ¤zia¤ICF the scents of the spice assaulted girls senses as she entered the stall.. the Spice Master grumbling and stated she had better behave... with a smile she stated her business of buying spices for her Masters camp, The stall Master yanked her collar up causing her to lurch forward as he spied the tags and read to whom she belonged... with a grunt he cast her off and pointed at the shelves
Dalamar~O as I journey through the post i see the poor neglected wagon...I stop to stare at it, noticing now that it's been partially diassembled, my stuff hopefully stored somewhere safe, at least out of the weather. I grit my teeth then continue to the..what was he, a blacksmith? I forget, it was late. I eventually get there, and take a moment to look around the merchandise, grudgingly accepting that the guy might know what he was doing.
[02:26p] ¤zia¤ICF she thanked the Master and scampered to the shelves.... she looked over the array of dried spices .... with care she selected that in which was needed nothing more ... her left arm craddled the leather sacks as she approached the counter... unloading her arm of 5 different spices she waited as He Stall Master barked orders to a thrall to make quick work of measuring and filling small pouches with the spices... zia waited patiencely as the stall Master looked her over
EyotaFW hums as She sews away pretty much oblivios of whats going on around Her and busy with the task at hand
Q Master : ?me finishing ale walk towards wagon stopping and getting some of that Borsk jerky and continue onto wagon and head out to check on traps
[02:29p] › Q Master has left the conversation.
[02:29p] ¤zia¤ICF she could not stop the brazen arch of her back as she felt His gaze. she displayed a proud piece of tuchuk property. Soon the thrall finished and slide the correct coins across the counter... the thrall started to reach for them as the stall Master sent a crack of a small whip striking the air... eyes turned blazen blue as she jumped and scooped up the spices... the thrall backed away with a haunted look. zia thanked the Master but darted from His stall before she felt that whip find her flesh
[02:29p] cheree has joined the conversation.
[02:30p] ¤zia¤ICF with her arms craddling the small pouches of spices before her taunt belly she walked towards her Masters stall. He was away tending other matters as zia sauntered down the walk
EyotaFW places the pockets down rubbing Her hands resting them for a brief moment taking another drink or water
[02:33p] ¤zia¤ICF she darted about a set of hands from a Master and tossed her head in a show of beauty ... rich laughter rent the air as she quickened her stride and slipped into the stall of her Master
[02:34p] cheree smiles gently as she walks in from the entrance. Moves careful and happily towards the Trading post. Gentle feet will the slave girl forwards. Feels a light sway of red silks about pale form and keeps movement going. Beams, happy to be out in the fresh air as she moves forward. Stops near a stall, smiles looking it over and moves forward. Brown eyes peeled for signs of movement nearby. With a well paced stride she continues forwards. Breathes in and finds peaceful bliss as she proceeds over the ground.
[02:35p] ¤zia¤ICF dumping the pouches of spices in her small basket placed under the table.. zia pushed it back and decided she would stay within the stall for a bit and settled on the slave mat
Dalamar~O The merchant eventually spots me and brings me my weapons, and after a moment of looking them over, takes one of the swords from him, unsheaths it and holds it up to the light, inspecting it, ignoring the man's exasperated sigh. I move back a few feet and test the balance. After all, a stranger handled my weapons, one could never tell until it was too late, if they got sabotaged, or mistreated. After a few forms, sheaths the sword with a grudging nod and does the same with the second sharpie
EyotaFW looks around and spots zia motioning her to Me
[02:39p] ¤zia¤ICF seeing the motion of Mistress hand zia rises respectful and with a measure of grace as she approaches with care... stopping she sinks to bent knees thighs kissed tightly as hands lay over thighs she speaks softly
¤zia¤ICF : yes Mistress ?
Dalamar~O puts on the belt, getting the swords comfy on my hips, doing one more examination with just my hands between the hilts, then nods in satisfaction, and a brief flash of silver, the man gets a silver tarn for a tip. It isn't like i can't afford it. Plus I might need his services again. I sigh, then look around as the merchant walks off shaking his head, trying to find something..or do while waiting on the wagon
EyotaFW : I have a task for you
¤zia¤ICF : yes Mistress how might i serve You ?
EyotaFW places a pouch on her neckand says
EyotaFW : I need more leather thread will you please fetch me some
¤zia¤ICF : yes Mistress leather thread...
[02:45p] cheree smiles as she continues to walk. The stalls all varied and were different shapes and colours. Gentle steps will the beast forwards. Smiles as she moves on gentle strides. Stops close to the edge of the post, her long brown hair now swaying down form. Stops and leans against a rock. Always watchful for anyone around her. Quiet and considering the energy of the place.
[02:46p] ¤zia¤ICF rocking back zia pushed to feet her long mane now hung before her breast and belly like a veil of gold... turning with the pivet of feet she set off across the open walk slowly vanishing from sight of the stall as she weaved about the walk ducking a group of FM as they bantered and boisted amoung themselves... casting a wicked smile over her shoulder as she watched one grab is croach crudely and licked His lips... a soft tinkering of laughed bubbled up as she shamelessly taunted the men ...
[02:49p] ¤zia¤ICF turning back to task at hand she strided with a confident glide hips rolling wantonly as breast jiggled beneath the thick display of golden hair.. the red leather cord draped her forhead adorning the mass of wild locks .... she approached the stall selling leather thread and seeing no one but the stalls Owner and slave, zia spoke informing the Mistress of the stall what she was sent for and to whom it was to go... The women gestered her to enter with a keen eye the Mistress watched zia
[02:52p] ¤zia¤ICF i walked to the basket heavy with wooden spools laid heavy with woven leather thread... selecting the finer spools for Mistress ... zia lifted the leather coin pouch hanging at her neck... fishing out the coins she dumped them in the upturned hands of the slave girl who stood trembling ... the stall Mistress grunted as she pointed her slave to bring her the coins post hast... i did not delay as most FW found zia distasteful in her brazen form... collecting the spools i set off back towards Mistress
Dalamar~O I hear people laughing, and walk in that general direction, pausing to buy some cooked meat on a convenient stick, looking around to see what the joke was. I don't see much funny business, just groups of people doing...stuff...must have missed it. I shrug, sit on a bench and eat my impromptu lunch
EyotaFW : baby...zia just place it unfrt the furs please
[02:56p] › EyotaFW went away.
[02:58p] ¤zia¤ICF gliding down the lane i noted the Master who took a bench to consume His lunch.... it looked to be the cooked meat on a stick. zias mouth watered at the sight as she sauntered on past with a soft call of greetings... "warm greetings Master" walking on zia scampered over to the Mistress area and noticing she was gone placed the spools of thread on the furs and drug the leather strap from her neck and returned the Mistress pouch of coin tucked under the furs
[02:58p] cheree smiles as she moves about the Post, the girls mind swirling with thoughts.Walks gently and with a smile on lips. The girl watched out for any way she could help and contribute, with gentle steps and mindfulness she proceeds forwards. Smiling sweetly she rocked hips, red silks lightly swayed up and around her form.
¤zia¤ICF : ( rl need to depart for a bit )
Dalamar~O : ain't stoppin ya)
¤zia¤ICF : thank You Master)
[03:02p] ¤zia¤ICF she moved through her Masters stall and slipped out the backdoor leading to His wagons... she walked up the ramp and pushed through the heavy curtain to finish up the chores of straightening His wagon...
[03:02p] › ¤zia¤ICF has left the conversation.
Dalamar~O notes a slave said hello to him, and in response, nearly choked to death on my lunch instead of the eloquent hello i had in mind. I throw the empty stick into a nearby cookfire, and stand, easing the stress on my stomach, taking deep breaths
[03:07p] cheree smiles gently moving. The girls mind now awhirl of thoughts, brown eyes seek out people nearby. Finds a rock, kneels up on it and lightly smoothes red silks down and around thighs. Becomes peaceful in this posture.
Dalamar~O So this is like to be around people....getting swindled out of property and monies, sleeping in strange beds, choking on food when wimmen talk to embarassing, never choked like that on wimmen before...and going around not knowing anybody. And watching your home lying on the ground in pieces. Disheartening.
Dalamar~O If i drank mind-bending substances, I'd be all over them right now. How do people manage this every day? Oh I saw the men clustered together and boasting, but of what? Wimmens? that one slave? So what? When you can sneak your way into a camp of Panthers and leave a bar of soap on a log as a "message" and escape with all your hair, THEN you can brag.
[03:18p] Q Master has joined the conversation.
[03:19p] Q Master returns from checking trap line parking wagon at the edge of the post
Dalamar~O but, no, ain't hardly anyone does that sort of thing anymore. There's no danger, just ennui. No excitement, just routine no-travelling unless it's to a safe place where excitement can't happen.
Dalamar~O begins to walk towards his wagon again, to go stare at it
[03:22p] cheree smiles peeking up from her rock, seeing Master Dalamar, she speaks
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">Greetings Master!
[03:22p] Q Master makes sure everything is secured down on wagon turns and walks back towards the Tavern
Q Master : oops sorry
Dalamar~O looks around for the voice's source, then sees the slave...
Dalamar~O : Hold on, I've got to go get some food to choke on it before i talk to you.
Dalamar~O : Well. Maybe not this time.
Dalamar~O : You guarding that rock from invaders? Wagon people? Barbarians? Pirates? Brundisians?
Dalamar~O : Gotta watch those Brundisians.
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">Mostly just kneeling on it, taking the sites in Master, no guarding intent1
Dalamar~O : Oh..
Dalamar~O : Well it sounded good.
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">yes Master..
[03:28p] Q Master seeing the person walking nods and says Tal
Dalamar~O hears a Tal, and turns and gives the man a nod
[03:30p] cheree smiles over seeing Master Q
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">Greetings Master
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">May cheree be excused for now?
Dalamar~O shrugs
Dalamar~O : I don't own you.
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">yes Master
Dalamar~O : That was a yes.
Dalamar~O : Shoo.
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">Thank you Master, wish you well
[03:33p] cheree smiles to Master Q
Q Master : So they have any slave auctions here?
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">Wish Master well
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">Wish cupped Master well
Q Master : looking fro a thrall to help with the winter trapping
cheree : apyrus; font-weight:bold">Wish Mistress well
[03:34p] › cheree has left the conversation.
Dalamar~O : Well, had that one been caught there could have been one.
Q Master : Is that the one FW tried to tie to post?
Dalamar~O : I don't know
Dalamar~O : just got here last night
[03:36p] › Iskander is back.
Iskander puts his sign back behind the counter
Iskander : whats going on
Dalamar~O : Just finished looting the place, was about to chunk a torch behind me on the way out)
Q Master : was inquiring about a thrall to help with the terapping
Iskander : I do not know any thralls willing to aid a Man, usually theyll hump a FWs leg
Q Master : Understand
[03:41p] Q Master heads back to wagon crwls in the back and calls it anight
[03:41p] › Q Master has left the conversation.
Dalamar~O : >.>


Might continue it later, dunno