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This blog was brought to you by the letter O!

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Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2018-10-30 12:26:57 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 814 times Likes 4

I thought I would take the time to explain the O.  It seems to be a very misunderstood letter, and it gets very sad at times, requiring consolation, therapy (not group seizure), and comparison to the letter W, of which O considers itself much more superior.

O is for Outlaw.  Many believe that Outlaws rob, steal, kidnap, capture slaves and sell/keep them, murder innocent bystanders, bully and torture people for monies, and other oh-so-horrible things that actually do happen in the books.  Some do, but this does title not describe the general group as a whole.  People who think all this need an educatuon.

In Gor, an Outlaw is someone who does not have a Homestone to be sworn to, most of the time, this is a Warrior.  Warriors of an ethical sort did not do any...well, most, of the abovementioned acts.  Okay, okay, half, but i'm not saying which half.  No, sorry.  You had to have been there.  Moving on!  These people tended to be avoided, ran away from, mistrusted, and if they ever went into a city they were impaled at the slightest hint of trouble in the city, regardless if the Outlaw was there or performed the deed.  It was automatically the Outlaw's fault. 

Why would I want to play such a one?  I wanted to show people who at that time felt that once you started playing in Gor you had to join a home, get a craft, and "be one of us", were idiots.  One didn't need a random rock to swear on; most people even if they did read the books sometimes didn't understand it, but would make the oath, and eventually find a place where they were treated better and go to that place, nevermind the almost sacrosanct original oath.  Plenty of people home-jumped, it was common with dissatisfied people.  So I wanted to set the example of someone who didn't need a house, didn't need walls, didn't need people or a rock or an Ubar or an Adminstrator, to survive.

Some saw it and liked it, and became travelling merchants, or nomads, and i supported this sort of thing, as it made them easy prey.  Yes, I did say prey.  Dalamar isn't a Warrior.  No , Codes, no snooty attitude, no touchy sense of honor.  He's just a guy by himself.  He hunts, fishes, merchants and tradesmen are actually as a whole...hold on to your seats you won't believe this...are as a whole, left alone, physically.  Financially they tend to be a bit richer afterwards because stuff gets paid for.  If anything gets stolen it tends to be something cheap, like a tankard (always losing tankards) or flatware to eat with.  You try drinking water without a cup or similar container sometime.  Water isn't a solid object.  And eating hot sizzly meat and cheese without a fork?  Totally not fun times at all, I can speak from realityland experience, on that.

Ain't no one been robbed or killed or generally mishandled in many years, I don't go into rooms with that in mind..anymore.  And when it did happen it tended to be arranged in whisper beforehand as part of an arranged plot or story.  Helped my reputation, gave people something to do, everybody was happy all-round except people who didn't like me, who hungrily read the events afterwards really hoping I'd die in prearranged plot to create more plot.  Silly people. 

There isn't anyone to do any of that to nowadays, anyway.  There isn't any danger, there aren't any people travelling, everyone's holed up in two or three rooms and that's where people stay.  And that's that.  it'll take a massive influx of people (hopefully people that want to learn what to do instead of follow examples of what we have here, and yes that includes me, i don't want people to copy me, i want people to do what they want to do. 

But..if they do want to copy me...and insist, fine.  We can all be horrible people nobody likes or trusts.  Eventually there'll be enough of us that we'll outnumber you home-hiders, and you'll be sad you're missing out. 

And we won't let you join either.  Because we're horrible meaniefaces that do all of the above.  So there! :P

2018-11-01 7:17:47 pm
i know. its like a cross to a vampire.
2018-11-02 2:30:57 pm
well wash your mouth out for using a cuss word Dalamar !
2018-11-03 12:20:50 am
What? "I"?