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Traffic hazards, finally pots, and self flaggelaton

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2018-11-15 4:29:06 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 493 times Likes 1
15 November 2018
[12:28p] Connecting to
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[12:28p] Topic is: The Trading Post is a Gorean Market on the Vosk River, where you can get anything. Come in and either learn Gor and or roleplay Gor. Simply use your imagination.
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[12:30p] ¤zia¤ICF for some reason she all a sudden had a hankering for meat on a stick ...
Dalamar─O a familiar wagon rolls into the Post, the driver looking around avidly at all the stalls, trying to decide which one to stop at. Which would be very inconveniencing to everyone else because it's a damn big wagon, enough to fully block a street. This is practically a house. Go big, or go wagon. Er..home. Time to do some more shopping, in a place where you won't get instabanned for trying to apologize for stuff.
[12:41p] ¤zia¤ICF i heard a rumble as a wagon was pulling into the lane of the post trading central... crawling to the doorway of her Masters stall she spotting that familar wagon... and just knew now why her senses where calling for meat on a stick... So it would seem His wagon was finally mended and for the looks of it well traveled since zia last seen it
Dalamar─O Ah, the general merchandise and outfitting supplies, and foodstuffs just over there. Perfect parking too, completely in the way like a building on wheels should be.The driver climbs down from the driver's bench and enters the nearest stall and begins to converse with the merchant inside. Yes yes i'm blocking the street, yes i know this isn't the parking area, yes i know i'm blocking the light too...but i have this shiny silver tarn that just flew into my hand here, and you can't hear it sing unless...
Dalamar─O and with a smile the driver says, you shut up for a moment. Said man then turns his back and sarts to look at what's on the shelves, tossing the silver tarn into the air as if it really could fly, and ignores the merchant from that point on
[12:49p] ¤zia¤ICF spying as the driver climbed from His perch i watched from the doorway leaning out of Masters stall as a cackle of voice took flight at the huge wagon blocking the whole lane ...
[12:52p] ¤zia¤ICF watching as group of FW tried to gain the other side of the lane away from the wagon.. a wicked smirk curved my lips.. their veils seemed to huff out as they spoke amoung themselves... i could only imagine what was the issue. drawing back some from the doorway i twisted and looked at my Master as i spoke, "did You see that wagon Master"!
Dalamar─O I finish in that one merchant stall, he has some decent things and a couple items did get bought; a couple blankets and pillows, which porters put in the back of the wagon under the careful eye of the driver.
[12:54p] ¤zia¤ICF with a smile of mischief zia crawled back within the stall and to her Master ... she draped her sedductive form before His boots
Iskander :  polish boots well too
Iskander grins
[12:58p] ¤zia¤ICF hearing His command she drew her form up from the plush comfort of furs... sliding her thighs wide she lifted her body upward as she reached over His left thigh pressing her breast against His leg as she reached for a rag.... slowly her body settled back ass kissed to upturned heels as she lifted first his left booted foot and placed it nestled between her heated thighs and took to rubbing the rag along boot to beckon a polished shine
Dalamar─O as i leave the stall i look down at the merchant and ask him if there's a slaver in here somewhere, as i've got some work that needs doing, and not a thrall because i aint sleeping in that wagon with another guy, i have an image to maintain. He scratches his chin and shrugs, suggesting i look towards the center of the post, maybe there. I sigh and nod, and go to another stall in the area
[01:02p] ¤zia¤ICF blue eyes bright and focused as lips of soft pink part, i finish the left boot and slip His boot from the warmth of thighs... taking hold of right booted foot i slide that boot once more nestled between spread thighs as i snap the rag and ply it to the boot .. hands working the cloth back and forth as i drag up a shine.. moist tongue slides over lower lip as i ply skill to task.
Dalamar─O lesse...blankets and pots and cooking stuff Food is next. Might have to go to Brundisium for that, but that's a hella long ride. Still...there might be something here. I'd like to get some meat but it won't sit well for long unless it's cold, and i can't keep ice for very long in large qualities yet.
[01:06p] ¤zia¤ICF finishing polishing those boots of Master she rose up almost riding that boot as she tossed the now dirty rag to a basket in the corner. sliding her warm body back down His leg she eased back ever so slowly unashamed of her nature as she went ...
[01:12p] ¤zia¤ICF rolling to her belly she drapped her form once more in a sedductive manner before Him on the furs... round ass poised as she propped her chin on pams bracing herself on elbows
Dalamar─O So after browsing several stalls i'd managed to select a few choices of salted meats, some suls...i see some blackwine beans in very small supply and nod in approval that the supply's small as it should be, but doesn't buy them, and goes back to the wagon, climbs up, and moves the wagon to the center of the post, to see if there's any slavers around..
Iskander : are you looking for something Dal
Dalamar─O jerks the reins of the bosk to, make them stop, then peers down, squinting and i see Iskander down there in his stall
Dalamar─O : Oh hi there!
Dalamar─O : Behold, the Wagon!
Iskander raises a brow at the wagon
Dalamar─O : They do good work over there once you try to cripple them into obedience
[01:18p] ¤zia¤ICF i slithered in a sensual crawl half off the furs as i gazed at the huge wagon... the light was completely blocked by its size
Iskander : it looks pretty nice
Dalamar─O : And yes, i'm sorta kinda maybe in the market for a slave woman
Dalamar─O : its been a long time
Iskander : have you spoken to Zackary, he seems to be the resident slaver around
Dalamar─O : Besides, i need laundry done
Dalamar─O : I've never heard of him.
Iskander : I havent seen many girls around here
Dalamar─O points at...
Dalamar─O : I see one right there.
Dalamar─O : aint doing much
Iskander : and of what use do you need her for?
Dalamar─O : like i said. laundry. general housecleaning.
Dalamar─O : has to be good with a broom
Dalamar─O : i can cook just fine
[01:23p] ¤zia¤ICF listens as the FM converse back and forth...
Iskander : and would you prefer a breathing one or mechanical?
Dalamar─O : well i certainly don't want a corpse, and brooms don't push themselves
Iskander : I can lend her for a bit, but she is not for sale, unles you want a useless one that is hanging around the post, but doenst come around much
Dalamar─O : slave seems ever to be for sale..fine, i suppose.
Dalamar─O : and if it don't come around much i've no use for it
Iskander : will keep my ear to the ground to ee if anyone else comes
Dalamar─O : mkay.
Dalamar─O looks at zia
Iskander : but in the meantime, if you need her services, zia can help
Dalamar─O : There's a basket near the back door, laundry's in that. They're all whites. several changes of shirts and pants.
[01:32p] ¤zia¤ICF hearing the Men i arched slightly on knees and then felt the Master Dalamar gaze i turned my attentions to Him as i spoke " yes Master
Dalamar─O : I'll come back for them when i'm done.
¤zia¤ICF : yes Master
Dalamar─O jerks a thumb at the back
Dalamar─O : Use soap! I happen to like soap!
[01:34p] ¤zia¤ICF rising from a kneel i tossed the thick mass of hair from view to tumble down slender back... gliding from the stall along the walk a brazen essenses filled her zia approached the huge wagon.. coming to the back door i climbed the foot step and yanked the door open spotting the basket of laundry as He stated
Dalamar─O looks at Iskander
Dalamar─O : What's it worth to ya
[01:35p] ¤zia¤ICF gathering the basket as i backed out holding the heavy load before me i jumped down and turned heading towards my Masters wagon to gain the soap flakes for washing...
Iskander : hmmm good question, I will add the pots I had given you earlier, plus this, for a silver
Dalamar─O : tarsk?
Dalamar─O nods, rummages around in the pouch on my belt and after some brief digging takes out a silver tarsk and tosses it down to him
Iskander catches it with a nod
[01:37p] ¤zia¤ICF measured steps moved her with a whisper.... hips rolled provocative as the basket was braced now at hip arm draped over it... zia walked down to the river and went in search of a clean flat rock surface she had found when last she bathed
Dalamar─O : Okay. what was i doing again..
Dalamar─O : oh yeah
Dalamar─O : so i guess there's nothing in the center for me to make it worth my while going there, slavewise
Iskander : ive seen the Pass stockpiling girls, but not sure how well off they are
Dalamar─O : stockpiling..? like, stack them up in a shed somewhere like cordwood..?
Dalamar─O : sounds dreadful
[01:41p] ¤zia¤ICF locating the area she quickened her steps to the rock... and bent at the waist settling the basket down pulling the leather sack of soap from arm.. she stood once more and began unlacing the chatkas she let it fall to the ground.... bare she slide the basket of laundry closer to the waters edge as she slipped to water... its cold biting her warm flesh sending a shiver to caress form
Iskander : hypnotizing them into believing their bullshit and collaring them
Dalamar─O shakes his head
[01:44p] ¤zia¤ICF reaching in the basket zia dunked the first shirt into the flow of water serveral times then taking up the soap she rubbed it over the garmet and worked it into a lather.... spotting a stain she took her wash stone worn smooth and thin for many uses and plyed it to the spot scrubbing until it was free
Dalamar─O : not really my problem i guess
Iskander : well put your feelers out
Iskander : look for slaves
Dalamar─O : i ain't a part of the slave grapevine like i used to be
Dalamar─O : used to be really REALLY a part of that..
Dalamar─O : most of the ones i know are gone
[01:45p] ¤zia¤ICF once more she turned and dunked the shirt into the water sloshing it up and down as the soap was rinced free.... the water rode up to the curve of her fine ass as she worked... before long the cold numbed her limbs yet added a rosey hue to skin ... willowy arms and slender fingers coiled and twisted the shirt wringing the water free
Iskander : and they arent like they used to be
Dalamar─O : most just don't know better
[01:49p] ¤zia¤ICF draping the shirt over the edge of the basket she gained a part of pants and twisting slightly she bent at the waist and sunk the pair into the flowing water ... ass arching sweetly exposing her as she began working the soap over the pants ... before long she gripped the two legs of pants and scrubbed them together... the area was quiet but for the flow of the river licking and splashing overe the banks and rocks... zia began to sing to herself as she worked .... her voice drifting on the river...
Dalamar─O : so not all their fault
[01:51p] ¤zia¤ICF dunking the pants to rince away the soap she splashed them up and down .... soap trailed down stream as she began twisting the pants to wring the water free... her voice rose slightly a vixen call within the wilds ... soon she took to a slow roll of hips and steps of feet beneath the water dancing as she worked to wash the Masters clothes
Dalamar─O looks around..
[01:54p] ¤zia¤ICF she was wild and carefree in her skills as she draped the next pair beside the clean shirt... gathering another shirt she sunk the shirt to the water and gained the soap and took to lathering up the shirt ... dainty hands scrubbed and caressed over the shirt as her voice tinkered in melody... breast jiggled kissed with pert buds of dusy rose... bending she plunged the shirt in the depths of the water and swished it to free the soap leaving the shirt a bright white clean
[01:57p] ¤zia¤ICF working through the pile she danced at the edge of the water... as she scrubbed and and soaped up each piece of the Masters clothes.... coming to the last of the pile she wrung the water free laying it over the wet clean clothes as she climbed up out of the waters edge
Dalamar─O : So where's them pots?
[02:00p] ¤zia¤ICF lifting the heavy basket of wet clothes she slung her own over her shoulder... a shiver ran up her spine as she moved to the worn path heading back up near the post ... i the back lane where her Masters wagon was stationed she had strung a line for wash to dry
[02:01p] › Iskander has left the conversation.
Dalamar─O : pots then.
[02:01p] ¤zia¤ICF placing the basket of wet clothes to a stump she took up a white shirt and snapped it in the air... freeing the wrinkles as she slung it to the line and pinned it to place, one by one she drapped His clean clothes to dry
[02:03p] ¤zia¤ICF once she had finished she wiggled back into her own chatka and tied the leather string to place... walking back out before the stalls where the Masters huge wagon remained poised like a grand house... she approached with a wiley air and stopping before Him melted to tender knees back arching up sweetly as she bore her skyblue eyes apon Him and spoke
¤zia¤ICF : Master Your clothes are washed and drying at the line of my Masters wagon
Dalamar─O : Alright.
Dalamar─O : And I suppose since he's not here...again...i can't get those pots. Again.
[02:05p] Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm has joined the conversation.
[02:05p] › Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm +q Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm trods up, opens up, sits down
¤zia¤ICF : zia can fetch Him if You please Master
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm looks at the chatterboxes
Dalamar─O : Do so. It's only been...what, a month or two since i bought them?
Dalamar─O : Tal)
¤zia¤ICF : yes Master
[02:07p] ¤zia¤ICF rising like a vision of passion she spun on feet and sauntered off to the stall to retrieve the pots
[02:09p] ¤zia¤ICF entering the stall she went to where she knew the pots where... zia had put them in a crate .. squating down at the back table she reached out and slide the crate out from under the table... lifting the cloth she had placed over the crate she inspected the wares to assure herself it was as it should be
[02:12p] ¤zia¤ICF lifting the crate as she rose to stand bracing the crate before taut belly as she moved back out into the light of day walking along the lane towards the Masters wagon...
[02:13p] ¤zia¤ICF willowy arms steadied the crate of cookware as she came to Masters wagon... she looked to Him as she asked
¤zia¤ICF : where does Master desire zia put the crate please?
Dalamar─O : Put it where you got the laundry from. Good enough for now.
¤zia¤ICF : aye Master
[02:15p] ¤zia¤ICF she slide the crate to the ground as she climbed the foot peg and opened the back door... jumping down she bent and picked up the crate brancing the crate at her hip as she climbed up the huge beast of a wagon and stepping within... placing the crate on the floor... her gaze looked up and over the Masters wagon interior for a moment... but no more as she went to back out
[02:16p] ¤zia¤ICF gripping the sides of the hand rail she placed left foot on the run and wiggling her form back out and jumped to the ground
[02:19p] ¤zia¤ICF returning to the Master that had paid for her services zia fell to knees in His presences and poised herself as she spoke
¤zia¤ICF : Master might zia be of futher use to You this day?
[02:20p] ÄÅ·anì has joined the conversation.
Dalamar─O : i guess not.
¤zia¤ICF : i will fold and return Your clean clothes once they dry Master
Dalamar─O : mhm
[02:22p] ÄÅ·anì I sat atop my favored Kailla , I had the packs strapped to Her back carefully , I looked out from the deeply hooded cloak as I neared the post I had been too before
[02:24p] ¤zia¤ICF withdrawing from Him on all fours she turned offering a teasing poise of slave ass as she then rose slowly and with a toss of golden mane took to brazenly walking back towards the wagons to check on the Masters laundry ... hips took to a hypnoic roll side to side golden mane flowing wildly down the arch of back she soon faded from sight
Dalamar─O shakes the reins to get the bosk moving again and goes to the workyard which i now own, parking the wagon outside and climbing down, and going inside
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm shifts from my chair to make sure I have my supplies in order
[02:26p] ÄÅ·anì swings down from Her back , face and body painted in yellow ; black and scarlet , I stepped forward
[02:26p] ÄÅ·anì I was looking for My friend Mapiya as I hadnt seen Her in some time
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm takes a quick inventory of things
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm rummages thru a few things
[02:27p] ÄÅ·anì looked around
[02:28p] ¤zia¤ICF passing the Physician's office she called out in passing."greetings Master"... offering Him a blazen smile ... she kept going as she went to finish the work set before her
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm looks out at the squaky voice
[02:29p] Mapiya Shikoba has joined the conversation.
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm goes back to my inventory
[02:30p] ¤zia¤ICF with a wink she kept pace moving with a sedductive glide, she was shameless and poised with a carefree nature as she moved. gliding to the wagon of her Master she went to check the laundry
¤zia¤ICF : brb please rt phone
[02:30p] ÄÅ·anì walked along and stopped at the clinic peering inside and saying
Đŷanì : Tal , Have You seen Mapiya ?
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm looks over the the savage woman poking her head thru my door
[02:31p] Error: Command "mw" is not implemented in this client.
Dalamar─O : ok zia)
[02:31p] › ¤zia¤ICF went away. Reason: BRB
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm walks to my door to speak properly
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : It's nice to see you again
[02:32p] ÄÅ·anì takes a few steps back
Đŷanì : well . ashoge
[02:34p] Mapiya Shikoba had taken a long ride on her trusty old kaiila seeing the old sites along the way, when finlly comeing to a complete stop , I hop off her rather large beast, Mapiya was small in stature, long black hair, feathers clipped into her hair on the right side, her dress was merely below her knees, moccasins covered the rest of her legs, the swishing of fringes could be heard as she made her way to the crowd
[02:34p] ÄÅ·anì lifted my head and turned
Đŷanì : Hau, Mita Choonweh
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Osiyo Mita Choonweh
[02:35p] Mapiya Shikoba smmiled looking to her
[02:35p] ÄÅ·anì smiled back at Her
Đŷanì : I wanted to invite You to My new Home .
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">I see a Bashir
[02:35p] Mapiya Shikoba just grinned
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Osiyo Bashir
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm looks over and rolls my eyes
Dalamar─O exits the office after hearing the good news and giving my goodbyes, and goes back to the wagon and climbs up onto the seat, and begins to turn the gargantuan wagon around and getting it moving again
[02:36p] Guest_Jaylin has joined the conversation.
[02:36p] › Guest_Jaylin has left the conversation.
[02:36p] Mapiya Shikoba decided just because he rolled his eyes she would to on a teasingly mocking manner
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm thinks I need to work on my savage tongue
Đŷanì : Its called the Painted Kailla
[02:37p] Mapiya Shikoba grinned broadly once she seen Dalamar
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Osiyo Mita Koda
Đŷanì : I have built a lodge for You there too .
Đŷanì : if You care to come visit
[02:37p] ÄÅ·anì smiled a little
[02:37p] ÄÅ·anì looked Her over
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">me?
Đŷanì : I just wanted to make sure You were okay
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">can I paint the hide of the lodge?
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm sits back down in my chair
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">to anything i want?
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">I shall wish to paint the face of a kindface... and a Sukmani tu tanka ob waci face... even a Bashir face on it
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm does the eyeroll thing again
[02:39p] ÄÅ·anì chuckles
[02:40p] Mapiya Shikoba grins broadly once more noticing his eye roll... saying
Đŷanì : for our people , He would be .. Medicine Chief
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : Every face should be painted with my kind face
[02:40p] ÄÅ·anì snorts
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Bashir... you're a green, han?
Đŷanì : yes if We want to scare the Young ones away
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm strikes a pensive pose with my hand under my chin
[02:40p] ÄÅ·anì laughs and slaps My thigh
[02:41p] › ¤zia¤ICF is back.
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : Yes, because everyone is afraid of the big bad Phy
Dalamar─O I drive the wagon towards the clinic, because this place seems to pass for what a city would call a main hall...whatever a main hall is, and stop directly in front, blocking the whole street, and climbing down, going into the back and getting out feed bags and putting them on the animals
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Bashir?
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">ooo well Bashir, is there a cure for them eyes of yours?
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : Dunno, depends on how much ale is in the tankard
[02:42p] ÄÅ·anì looks up seeing Dalamar
[02:42p] Mapiya Shikoba laughs heartedly
Dalamar─O looks around and sees what'serface...
Dalamar─O : Oh...Tal and all.
Dalamar─O hops up and lands with one foot on a step, sets the brake and nimbly lands back on the ground
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Onkwaho Mita Kooda, nice to see you this day
[02:44p] ¤zia¤ICF once more before the laundry line i reached up to check the clothes... seeing as they have dried well enough in the breeze... pulling one down at a time i folded the pants and then the shirts returning them to the basket ... bending forward to lift the basket up.. standing true as i looked about and hoped the Master was where he was once before ... gliding down the walk lane once more a shameless air about her as zia saunters along...
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">so on the god note I have begun to DL alll the systems to restart my radio station}}
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">good note}}
Dalamar─O : I don't..understand what you just said. I never really went to the Barrens much, i don't like sweating if i don't have to.
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Onkwaho is another way to greet, and koda means friend}}
[02:47p] ¤zia¤ICF rounding the corner she does not spot His mamoth wagon... pondering as she kept pace where such a wagon could hide.... weaving her way around a few FM she came in sight of that wagon... noticing Others collected near the Physician's office she took to walking that way
Dalamar─O : But its fine, i don't actually pay attention to stuff that's said unless it contains, Here Dal, have some free whatever
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">cookies?
[02:48p] ÄÅ·anì snickers
Đŷanì : no cookies !
Đŷanì : stop giving away the cookies, Woman
Đŷanì : alright , I better go . the Kailla need Me
[02:49p] ¤zia¤ICF not wishing to bother the Free as they stood conversing she approached the wagon and once more had to juggle the basket of clean clothes and climb to stand on the foot rail as she opened the door sliding the basket from hip to floor leaning inward she pushed the basket deeper in
Đŷanì : Mapiya , You are welcome any time
[02:49p] Mapiya Shikoba decides she will keep him in dispense, she would speak all sorts of things and he would never know, Mapiya giggled with in her throat
[02:49p] ÄÅ·anì smiled with warmth to Her and hugged Her
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Ashoge Choonweh, I will make my way down soon
[02:49p] Mapiya Shikoba grins hugging her back
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">no more tears choonweh, I hate tears
[02:50p] ÄÅ·anì smiled to Her
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">han
Dalamar─O : cloying..
[02:50p] ÄÅ·anì looked at Her puzzled
[02:50p] ¤zia¤ICF wiggling her tush back out of the huge wagon she slide farther down and jumped landing to ground
[02:50p] Mapiya Shikoba shook her head as to dismiss what she said to her sister
[02:51p] ÄÅ·anì walks over to Dusk and swings up to Her back and nodded to Mapiya
[02:51p] Mapiya Shikoba looked behind her as Mapiya heard a sudden thump, pointing to Dalamars wagon proclaiming
[02:51p] ¤zia¤ICF turning slightly she watched as the Fw mounted but remained respectfully silent
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">INTRUDER IN YOUR WAGON DALAMAR!
Dalamar─O : Nah,
Dalamar─O : i had some work done.
Đŷanì : Ka dish Day Mita Choonweh
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">I shall take scalp for you?
Đŷanì : well wishes Bashir
Đŷanì : well wishes Dalamar
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">ego go han y techila mita choonweh
[02:52p] ÄÅ·anì wiggles her fingers toward zia
Đŷanì : well wishes , zia
[02:53p] ¤zia¤ICF hearing the other FW zia eyes went round as she thought oh no... and deciding tis best to be seen and not just heard she walked around the side of the wagon into full view but winked and waved to Mistres Dyani
Đŷanì : techila mita choonweh
[02:54p] ¤zia¤ICF approaching the Free she sank to knees in their presences
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : Did someone say....tequila?
[02:55p] ÄÅ·anì patted Her neck and grabbed the braided reins an headed toward Home
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">ear need cure to
[02:55p] Mapiya Shikoba looked to Bashir and grinned
[02:55p] › Đŷanì has left the conversation.
[02:56p] Mapiya Shikoba points to the kneeling winyela
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">and who is this?
Dalamar─O : Iskander's property.
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">oooooooo the one called sippa
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">zippa
Dalamar─O : i guess. people don't usually get all that happy around me or use nicknames, they think i'll give them an iron overdose.
[02:57p] Mapiya Shikoba smirked
[02:58p] › ¤zia¤ICF has left the conversation.
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">I dont know what you are saying free man, if people think of you less in such away then they must reinvaluate
Dalamar─O : no, i mean, they're scared of me in that i'll tell them they can't have any fun
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">why are they scared... do you torment?
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">do you create mahem and havok?
Dalamar─O : no, but they remember that i *can*, and that i'm very good at it.
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : He does that by walking in the door
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">I know Bashir is so old his eyes bother him and he hears things that shouldnt be heard, so no fear there
Dalamar─O : he's right though.
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : I thought I heard something
[03:02p] Mapiya Shikoba looked at Dalamar closely and then looked to where Bashir is looking and shrugged saying "I dont know what you see now"
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">now your hearing your eyes
Dalamar─O : he *does* have lots of drugs here.
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">Dalamar, as long as I dont whitness your mahem and havoc Im good
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : My eyes didn't say anything
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">you said you thought you heard somethhing, that it must of been your eyes... so you think your eyes make noise
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : you said "now your hearing your eyes"
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm : My eyes don't talk, so I can't hear them
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">I know what i said old man... I said it because you said you heard something and then said it must be your eyes
[03:07p] Mapiya Shikoba laughed
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">so you think your eyes make noise
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">you can hear them
Dalamar─O smiles slightly and goes back to the wagon to see what condition my laundry's in, opening the back and going in
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm does the eyeroll thing again
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">your eyes are loose
Mapiya Shikoba : alatino linotype; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold">such purty eyes but they have trouble staying in its place
Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm Not when they see something worth looking at
[03:12p] Mapiya Shikoba just laughed
Dalamar─O air dried, and yes a bit of soap was used..well good, can't stand being stinky. next I'll have to see about getting the place swept out and aired; i know the place has windows if i could be bothered to figure out how some of the portions folded out, they might bave been nailed shut for all i know. I put the clothes away, folding the clothes any ole way and putting them in a cabinet near the bed
Dalamar─O my eyes then land on the broom...then the floor. A hand reaches for the broom when suddenly the other hand slaps it on the wrist and i say outloud, no, that's slave work, or at least wimmen's work, and we ain't neither praise the Priest Kings, so leave it be
Dalamar─O sniffs disdainfully for a moment, then goes back outside

2019-11-01 7:17:57 pm
2019-11-01 9:49:19 pm
LOL yes I guess ... ew that is just gross
2019-11-01 10:17:26 pm
You and your necropostiphilac nonsense.