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Not true solitude, but close enough for gub'ment work. And yes, I can cook. And I know what soap is. And bathe. Am i the only one that does?

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2018-11-21 3:23:56 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 666 times Likes 3
21 November 2018
[01:06p] › You are now known as Dalamar─O.
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[01:06p] Topic is: Roleplay an entrance ! No Zones - The Land is beautiful and fierce
[01:06p] Welcome to Painted Kailla - Post , Inn , Kailla Ranch on the Edge of the Barrens - No Drama, No BS - No Zones 18+ to Enter Please have a profile
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[01:14p] Dalamar─O's bright outside, turn off the damn sun. I pull the blankets over my head and roll over, muttering about the injustice of the world, namely that there absolutely has to be daylight so i have to cuss about there being daylight. And its getting hot under these blankets too. Don't like being hot and sweaty, unless under certain circumstances anyway, so I get out of the bed, tossing the blankets aside.
[01:21p] Dalamar─O i dress in my newly cleaned clothes thanks to that slave whatsername, leaving my sword belt on its stand for now. I feel strangely placid in spite of the sun, maybe i stay at this place for a while in relative peace..which is really all i want right now. If this doesn't work out, there's one last place which I *know* I'd get peace and quiet, and I won't have to worry about leaving survivors. I jealously guard my peace and solitude. I climb down the steps and make sure the bosk that pull the wagon<C>
[01:25p] Dalamar─O are still tethered on the longest rope i have for it, and idly rubbing my hands together in satisfacion I go about making myself something to eat, going to the one of the wagon's sides to a water barrel and tapping it a few times to make sure its got water, and gets one of those shiny pots i bought in Boswell Pass before I got...anyway, fills the pot halfway with water and carries the pot to its stand on a firepit, and hangs it on it
[01:30p] Dalamar─O Lighting the fire is easy enough to do, and after doing so, smiles slightly and goes back into the wagon for a handsized bar of...Lo and behold, soap, and leaves the wagon after grabbing a towel and goes to the river nearby for what it seems very few people actually do, which is to take a bath. I undress and get in, taking the soap with me, because it's just not a bath without it. Here's where I don't describe washing all the bits, lengths, stubs, nubs, hairy places, non-hairy places, and misc places.
[01:33p] Dalamar─O No descriptions of how i don't need a fishing pole to catch fish, nor are there any about the size of my feet being related to another biologically improvable theory. No shiny muscles in the sun, sparkly water in the hair, or sudden ambushes by passion slaves magically appearing out of nowhere with loofas and lotions. These things totally do not happen. At all.
[01:35p] Dalamar─O Eventually I get out, and there aren't any descriptions of water running off of an excellent physique, though with quite a few scars on it. There *is* a description on how he dresses but I really don't feel like putting it in here, because not that many's interested in that, and what fun is that, eh?
[01:38p] Dalamar─O Dried off, dressed, and smelling reasonably neutral...because men don't use girly-perfumed soap, though some act like they do, i go back to the wagon and toss the towel over a rail and put the soap on the towel, then go to the pot finding it almost boiling.
[01:43p] Dalamar─O i go back into the wagon and get and chop up some suls, and some meat, because stew is about it until i find a refrigeration device i can put in the wagon so i can store meat properly. Or maybe get some ice, but i'd still have to specially renovate a small room for it. Something to consider later, but i don't know anyone that could unless i went to maybe Brundisium and threw gold at enough people to get results. So, stew it was, and went back outside with the ingredients and tossed them into the pot
[01:50p] Dalamar─O Now all i have to do, is wait. I might have to stir it once or twice, it's just meat and suls. Got some spices somewhere...lots of salt thanks to that water plant they have. I wonder if i can see the plumes from here? Looking that general direction I don't see anything so I guess i'm much much too far away, and I'd not be able to tell from this distance what it was even if. Sea salt, and clean water. Amazing, what that one Adminstrator did with the place.
[01:53p] Dalamar─O I heard he was some kind of nutjob, so i'm glad we never met, but he had some really big ideas, and some got made reality, making the place much much richer after he managed to convince the High Initiate and his underlings that it's not evil technology. And probably cut them in on the profits, too, no doubt, i'd do the same. Oh well, If i had to choose a home, it'd probably be there. But, civilization tends to get on my nerves fairly fast, so, that's a pipe dream.
[01:59p] kaylah has joined the conversation.
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[02:01p] Dalamar─O after looking in the pot again i go sit down on one of the furs i put down for just this purpose and watch the clouds go by...not much to do except watch slaves pop in and out without saying hi, or offering me a drink. Sad, i used to get treated very well all the time...maybe i stepped on a toe, somewhere, or maybe it's because I don't like dancing? I know it isn't because I don't bathe, i just got done showing I did, with all sorts of fancy nondescriptions
[02:10p] Dalamar─O Oh well. Who can tell with wimmens? Alien creatures, the lot of them. I get up and stir the pot, taking it off the fire since it smells done, and open a small sack near the fire and take out some spices, adding some to the food, and stirring some more, letting it sort of congeal a bit, going to go get a couple bowls, putting them next to the sack, keeping a bowl for myself, and ladling some in to eat, after getting utensils from the sack
[02:14p] Dalamar─O So I eat. Insert descriptions of mastication here. Its not bad, but not my best work. Steaks would be nice but salted ones aren't the best, i'd rather have fresh, and i'm not going to butcher my own. I wonder...are kailla edible?
[02:18p] Dalamar─O I'll have to ask. She ought not care so long as I pay for it first, but she's one of those wimmens, and she probably cares for it or something, and wouldn't even help cook it, i'll wager..
[02:21p] Dalamar─O I finish masticating and set the bowl aside, and lean back on the sunwarmed furs, and..sort of drifts a nap.

2018-11-21 8:32:31 pm
And maybe, mustard.
2018-11-22 10:22:29 pm
" I finish masticating and set the bowl aside, " I had to read that a feew times lol
2018-11-23 5:52:21 pm
I did too Mistress, but figured I best not anger the Outlaw if I said anything hmm what sounds like masticating..... He might not find that as funny.