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Slaves. Do we really want them? Can we really have them? Are they dangerous? Part of a nutritionally balanced diet? Some say yes. I say, making them do the laundry is the best way to tell.

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2019-08-15 7:30:41 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 178 times Likes 6

Bear with me, this is going to be difficult to put into words.  I've avoided thinking about this topic because I had decided not to capture one of the slaves in this server for my own.  I said "capture", because it's one of the few legitimate ways to get a slave. 


You do not ask their permisson. 

You do not entice them with promises of free candy and shiny things, including the collar. 

You are not their boyfriend or girlfriend.  You are a Free Person. You do not even say "please".

And you especially do not say things like, "Turn the key in the collar's lock if you really want to be my slave."  What if the slave says no?  Are you in the third grade, giving her a piece of paper that reads, "Do you like me?  Check yes or no"? 


If you have/had to do any of these things, you've no claim on your freedom, and you should continue to huddle in your little safe room, lest someone come and take it and your toys away.


Having said that, I feel that a slave should avoid people that do this sort of thing, but it's hard to say no, especially since there's a dearth of Free Men that know better, much less homes to join.  It's easy to understand the desire for security, and wanting to be taken care of.  I get that.  It's an owner's responsibility to maintain this for a slave.  But there has to be more to it.  If you don't feel like you're growing, gaining new experiences, learning something new every day, then....what?  You might not exactly be stagnating, but I guarantee you, you're going to get bored very quickly with tomorrow being just like yesterday.  I can say this from personal experience.  At least I didn't mention the option to manipulate or be in control by turning the man in whichever way the slave wants by tugging on his---




It used to be, when I owned slaves, that it was the owner's responsibility...I said responsibility not option, to train their slave to their own satisfaction.  From what I can tell nowadays, all a woman (or Priest Kings help me, a guy{THAT'S NO BOY FFS}) has to do is hit her knees and maybe even open the mouth, and ta-da, it's a gor slave, hooray!  And they usually stay that way.  I could be wrong though, maybe the owner actually intended for their slave to be a braindead-seeming serve spammer, and that's a shame. 


These are the people that do the work.  They make the food, milk the bosk, churn the butter, practically wipe your ass for you, and for what?   Brain-numbing serves and then they're forced to sit there for 20-30 minutes at a time without a dismissal because you're not aware that there's other people in the room that might want something too but are too lazy to get off their asses to get it themselves.  I'll wager that those of you that have what passes for a "meeting hall" don't even know where your kitchens ARE, much less how to make your own food.  Long...sometimes overly long flowery posts about how much a "pleasure" it is to serve, and they get back responses like the free could have done a better job.  This is why I stay the hell away from Kajuralia.  Revenge can all too easily boil to the top, and where would I be then?  Probably on top of a pile of dead slaves all carrying buckets of bosk milk and cheese spreading knives that tried to attack me, screaming "Death or cheese spread to the guy that can't pull his meat off the cooking fire without help!"   And I'd feel bad afterwards.  Thank you so very much!


Speaking for myself, I prefer my serves short.  I tell you what I want, you go get it.  I don't want to know how perky your parts get in the cold, I don't want to know about goosebumps in places not meant to get bumpy.  Health code violations, missy!   I managed to harry and train my own slaves to get it down to two posts maximum.  One to get up and go make it, the other to finish and bring it back, complete with an offer of "coffee, tea or me" for later (I tended to pick the coffee).  And don't go rubbing your stuff on stuff, you're not a cat.  Just get me the food, and bring it to me.  You can save the extra stuff for dessert, where it belongs.  Just make sure you don't have cooties.  Yeah, I'm looking at you, ebediyet.  You know what you did.  You don't even know where that ear had been! 


This was supposed to have been a semi-serious subject but it seems to have turned into something not quite so.  Am I hinting I might be in the market for another slave, now?  Maybe, but I'm not sure.  Am I Hinting that the standards have slipped?  No.  I'm shouting it from the rooftops, or would if i could reach them.  Are my words going to generally be accepted by all, proclaimed as good words, then chunked out the window like last night's bath water as they go back to acting like they usually do?  Most certainly. 


That's fine, it really is.  But when the slaves rise up, throw off their yokes of girlfriendment and spread you nice and thin with their cheese knives after milking you like the bosk you are, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves.  I might make anoher blog about this sort of thing when i can think of more serious things to say.

2019-08-15 8:09:22 pm
Funny but true. Personally I think this already started. Hasn’t many a slave already castrated their owners?? Probably with butter knives.
2019-08-15 8:45:04 pm
to a slave it nay matters where the ear was...just that she pleasures the Male she is serving...the lick to the ear prompted her getting you to order food and drink to which she was offering just like she would in the North the bonds were feeling touchy...which Master Dalamar you did order...girl is glad to hear you are thinking about owning a slave again... as for cooties no cooties on
2019-08-15 9:35:50 pm
How do YOU know? This calls for an in-depth study. A slow examination. No female cootie will be able to hide. @Bianciella Bobbit reference? That guy did porn afterwards, yanno.