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So it has come to this.

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2019-09-04 5:50:26 am Category RolePlay Viewed 611 times Likes 5

Yay, it's me!  Your friendly neighborhood criminal, Dalamar!  Yep, I said it, i am a crimiinal.  Why, might you ask?


Well I stole a slave.  I cut her former owner's collar off with one of my sharpies and tossed said cord into a canal without a second thought.  I then free'd this slave and claimed her as my woman, and i was just piling up offenses!  People either cried in outrage at the audacity of me, or they congratulated me on freeing someone from a brainwashing predator.  The sides were polarized.  Tensions were high.  So were the amount of guest flybys from TGF.  We're not stupid. 


Text messages to real life phone numbers were made, some unkind, some sad.  Blogs were posted.  Group messages had posts of "i was betrayed, she's the new hypocrite",  people had a hard time separating fantasy from reality, and and the slave in question said she thought she was never going to be free again.  And i got a hug.  Aww.  That was two nights ago.


Today (edit, yesterday now)I went to a certain woman's home room place.  She didn't want to see me, but at least she let me say what i had to say instead of permabanning me on the spot because of hurt feewings.  And for that, I thank her.  She gave me some advice, and in some ways it was good advice.  Her advice didn't occur to me, as I don't think along those lines, and she gave me an example or two.  I had no idea she had made a post or two then deleted them.  Wouldn't have mattered, I would have still said what i said.  What'd I say?  Why, I said, "I'm sorry".  I said some things that i had no business saying, allowing someone else to control my actions even though i told her the very same words and to be careful herself..and then i let it happen to i apologized for it.  I do that sometimes.  I know how to say those words.  What, you didn't think so?  You're so silly, gentle reader.  Shame, shame.


Her advice would have been good for her.  I don't think along those lines, as i said.  I saw her post about "indentured slavery", i think she said, but quoting the Bible without knowing that particular law, slavery of a fellow Hebrew, wouldn't have flown very far.  Read the book of Exodus, chapter 21, verses 2-4.  I prefer the King James Version, so try that.  It only requires a sixth grade reading level, so most Gorean rp'ers can understand it...barely.  Please note, there are no Gor quotes in that book.  Spoiler warning.  I'll even shorten it for you and save the trouble of googling it.  In a nutshell, you can enslave your fellow Hebrew for six years and let him go on the seventh.  If he came with a wife, he can leave with said wife.  If he had no wife when he got there but got one from his master and had kids etc, then they were the master's and he stll left by himself.  It goes further to say he has the option to stay to keep them, but that's not applicable here. 


There's also portions in Genesis about Jacob working for quite a few years to marry a certain woman only to get tricked by his soon to be father in law into marrying another, and working even longer to get the right one.  I think that this is what she's referring to, and again, this did not occur to me.  This is Gor.  Not Biblicall times.  The two are not the same.  If by some accident this were some sort of Bible roleplay, it may have crossed my mind, but the person i'd be working for isn't someone i have any respect for, and he'd just tell me no simply because he knew i'd been wanting this woman for a long time, and it'd give him a soft, warm feeling, to tell ole Dal no.  She told me not to give up, and try over and over if its love, for sure she'd be impressed if some man did that for her, she'd see that as love.


That's nice.  But we also talked about another option or two, or at least i tried, one of which she smoothed over and ignored as she tried to get her point across, and that was the "This is Gor" argument as used by a man.  Best used in this quote,


In the codes of the warriors, there is a saying; 'Be strong, and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits.'
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 10


I live in a virtually limitless world.  I know what i can get away with, and where i'll find resistance.  In this, I have no limits.  None will be set, if i were to go by this quote in this instance.  The most I'll get are whiny blog posts that'll eventually get deleted because of lack of attention or too much argument from the population.  I'm suire I'll get similar posts here, i do plan on leaving comments open, why make a wonderful post like this and not allow poison to reveal itself like it usually does?  Poison goes where poison is welcome.  It'll happen, just you wait.


She also told me that i should be careful of my "friends", that once my usefulness is at an end, they'll eventually turn on me.  Sure.  This is Buzzen Gor.  Our main export is backstabby tableturning (and getting preachy about dualling when it's not the case, which is another issue that cheeses me off, and possibly the topic of another blog in the not too distant future, but no one will read that one.  I'd be right.  No one likes it when i'm right, sometimes not even me).  She could be right.  The future is cloudy.  Time to shake the Magic 8-ball again.  I'm not making fun of her.  Well okay maybe a little but she's a tough gal, she can take it.  I've seen the guy wearing a cheerleading outfit for her and sounding her praises, and if she can handle seeing that?  This is nothing.  NOTHING, i tell you. 


So yeah.  I'm a bad man.  I do bad things.  I try to associate with bad people but i'll have to settle for slighrtly tarnished and somewhat warped people instead.  I can happily say though, I'm not the only Outlaw in gor anymore.  Thanks for that declaration, you know who you are!  Finally, not alone!  And that, was what I was really going for.  I'd been wanting this for many years.  I have what I want now.  One of my major goals in Gorland accomplished.  I have more.  Most will never be realised due to the lack and quality of the populace as a whiole, and that's not really your fault, gentle reader, how are you to know what i want from you, but this?  For now, I am satisfied.  But this is where i get social justice waved in my face, in the following replies.  I'm okay with that.  Comments will stay open.


I am an Outlaw.  I live in Outlaw country, as one of the greatest Outlaws I knew, Passion, once put it so long ago.  We don't have many laws here but what we enforcewhat we want to at any given time.  We set our own limits.  We walk our own paths.  We occasionally wish you'd walk with us, just so you can know what its like to set your own limits, instead of have others put theirs on you.  And then we'd kindly rob you and then ransom you to your kinfolk, because you're an idiot to walk into the wildnerness with armed strangers.  But we still want you to visit.  We always want visitors.  Tasty, ransom victims...coin...visitors. 



P. S.

On a side note this is the second time i had to write this.  The first time was eaten due to my unknowingly clicking offscreen with this laptop's built in mouse thing, and trying to backspace to fix a typo.  I had a page and a half, including multiple quotes, research references, and snark piled on snark.  So this is version two.  Obviously I'm not  a Scribe.  I remembered I didn't like to cherry pick quotes so narrowed it down to one, which sort of fit every character i ever played but one, and because he was an old man beyond fighting age.  I know there'll be sass, likes, snark, poison and intelligent questions and maybe even a "Why?  What did i do to deserve this eye rape  at a quarter to five in the morning?"  You're awake.  That's why.  I'm fixing to not be.  Just let me click "submit", right there....and...

2019-09-04 3:46:02 pm
And since Buzzen doesn't show posted stuff between responses, the order of things said looks weird.
2019-09-04 7:00:32 pm
allow me to correct a statement I made as it was not entirely truthful...I said I knew Dyani very well...when actually it was more a casual acquaintance chatting in messenger over a period of a few months...I guess the truth is you do not really know anyone very know what they allow you to know...I apologize for assuming more than was actual
2019-09-04 8:15:02 pm
Its fine. You have to be careful with people you're unsure of, or barely know. This medium is easily exploitable, you never know who you're talking to, if that person's even real.