Black Friday was coming up and something of mine had broke, so i went looking in my email for the warranty information, using the keyword, "service". Evidently the item i was trying to replace went out of warranty months ago, without being notified, but i had also found dozens of emails from 2008-2014, involving gor type activities ranging from a party, quite a few fights and spars, a few regarding rules for what was eventually AFH, and a few "complaints' about how wonderful i was back then. A certain person suggested i post some just to reminisce, and share, so i figured I'd dredge a certain one up from the depths, and drop it here. I hope it'll fit.
This is from 8/28/2008, and happens in Vendara. For some reason some of the names are unintelligible when transfered from browser to wordpad, but we'll see what happens here. And so without further ado, I present to you, a brief glimpse of the past.
Connecting to
› You are now known as Dalamar~Lyd~Adm.
› You have joined the conversation.
Topic is: Welcome all who come in peace...slave karta... city of learning and refuge
CaptainSinith : cut her throat
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : conan are you of Buzzen
CaptainSinith : and dalamar for interupting
Conan_ : I have read your Buzzen home rules these last few days
CaptainSinith stands in offensive stance ; his left hand gripped around the hilt of the quiva. He has a gentle smile upon his face.
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : are you or Sinith of Buzzen
Conan_ : IM of Buzzen as AR is out home and now an outpost here On this Buzzen
Gwar~~RaiderW : they are withme
Gwar~~RaiderW : and we are all of Buzzen
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : then why have you spoken so shamefully of your home realm
Gwar~~RaiderW : I have not seen any Shame I see my woman hidding in your home
Gwar~~RaiderW : IM Insulted by this
Kêñýå° pushes back the cloak that surrounds Me right hand laying to the Hilt of the dagger at My right I stand seeing the Men at approximately 8ft away from Me
Gwar~~RaiderW stands turning 90 degrees faceing Dal right hand dropping to my Blade pommel
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : OHH poor Kenya this is not my men I have 8 more comming from Merc, Buzzen dont know what real power is
CaptainSinith throws the quiva to the ground and steps back 8 ft more from kenya , 16 ft total distance , as he reaches within the stride to pull a bow with arrow knotches aimed
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm The man in white; once again, I walk towards Vendara, the night air cool on my skin. I shrug my shoulders to make my longswords and shield more comfortable on my back, as I approach the gates to speak to the guards stationed there, and this time, i tell the men that these really aren't vulo carvers...and walk past them unhundered, walking towards the main hall meetingplace
Conan_ stands 8ft from Kenya Scimitar still drawn faceing her ready to charge at any moment
Gwar~~RaiderW : looks like there gonna be some killing
Gwar~~RaiderW : Contezza you best come speak
Gwar~~RaiderW : or your friends will die
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : welcome Dalamar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : man, not even here yet, and i get hostility...)
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : if that's the way it'll be...then so be it)
Gwar~~RaiderW : if Cabot had not Insulted my Men this would not of happened
Gwar~~RaiderW : as Contezza is acting like a slave
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : my words have been very measured...
Gwar~~RaiderW : she needs to speak to me
CaptainSinith : dalamar , you have just come at a crutial moment.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm i stop at a public fountain to wash my hands, drying them on my pants legs, and continue towards the hall, then climbing the steps, i pause outside the door, then open it to look in, and raises a brow at what I see...
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : I can just feel the love, tonight
Gwar~~RaiderW : well as Tezza seems to be a spy from the Kuri
Conan_ : is she?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Tal, Kenya, Cabot..Strangers....
Kêñýå° glances to the door a moment seeing Dal enter then returns My gaze to the Men..
Gwar~~RaiderW : Oh Im a stranger lol
Gwar~~RaiderW : ok Tal back Stranger
Kêñýå° : no..she is in Training
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm nods
Gwar~~RaiderW : Training?
Gwar~~RaiderW : she accepted my claim
CaptainSinith : ashoge for the name of stranger.
Gwar~~RaiderW : she cannot run off
Kêñýå° : yes..and I stated earlier
CaptainSinith : you are a white man , I care not for your kind
CaptainSinith : come to the barrens and get scalped
Conan_ : lol
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Well that's a good thing, i don't particularly care for you, now
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : why not come here and try it now, if you feel that way?
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : cup tae
› «tæélâh»HòTålãríùs»sg»Vtgrs went away.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : afterall...i'm just a white man
CaptainSinith : taelah , get out of cut.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm smiles serenely
CaptainSinith : cup*
CaptainSinith spits towards dalamar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : so, what wonderfulness am i missing?
CaptainSinith : child.
Gwar~~RaiderW : why looky there
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : closeminded intolerant racist
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : nods
Gwar~~RaiderW : Dal you atract the best
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : That i do
Conan_ : so why wont this Contezza come and speak
Conan_ : if she has any Honor at all
CaptainSinith : fuck this lets call the reinforcements to kill this whole city
Conan_ : I have already challenged thsi Sar to a Death math and he wont name date and place
CaptainSinith : disrespectful
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : women are not bound by any known honor codes
Conan_ : nor are you Cabot
Conan_ : as I said you wear a dress
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : What is the issue over?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : since you call for a death match
CaptainSinith : dalamar , do not get in the way of free business.
CaptainSinith : you are a thrall
Gwar~~RaiderW : Contezza accepted my claim and now runs here and hides from me
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you obviously don't know me can't goad me that way
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : try again, with something else
Conan_ : NO I called out this Sar so when I kill him I will own this pathtic city
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i'm sure you'll think of something
Conan_ : oh he w/ill
CaptainSinith : if course the witted have always clever things to say. you are obviously new to gorean heritage.
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : if Vendara was mine ... perhaps you would own it... however... it is not
CaptainSinith : for this I can only give you the books to get a vision
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : yep, i guess my 11 years in this really don't count
Conan_ : so your just the Dress wearing Sar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : so i guess i'm a newb
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : come over here, and educate me, oh wise one
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm gestures in front of me
Conan_ : wow, this Buzzen is a home of fucking wanna be goreans
CaptainSinith : well first your demenour is of slavery. you have defensive motives. Inquisitions usually ended in slavery.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : well so far all i've seen are two toughtalkers that haven't done anything
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : again you insult what you claim is your home realm
CaptainSinith : if you wish your tale of personage to be of thrall
CaptainSinith : so be it
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : the only person not doing half of that is Gwar
CaptainSinith : none of my business.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : he's the only one with an even halfway legitimate reason for being here
Conan_ : I insult you Cabot and you do nothing
CaptainSinith laughs
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : the rest of you...well, you're just trash
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Gwar, are these your friends?
CaptainSinith : dalamar , step up , your honor is on the line
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i mean...really
CaptainSinith : pit
CaptainSinith : death match
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : ok
Gwar~~RaiderW : they served in a fighting force once
Gwar~~RaiderW : I came for Tezz
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : how about an honor match instead
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : your mouth isn't worth a death match
Conan_ : Honor matchs are for pussys
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : so did half the men of online Gor what does that prove
CaptainSinith : death only
CaptainSinith : if you do not stand up for who you are
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : honor matches, educate the foolish
CaptainSinith : then another takes your light
CaptainSinith : you become a dark vagrant
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : death teaches one nothing
CaptainSinith : nomad of the sleen
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : and you, need to get off the drugs
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : seriously, drugs are bad
Conan_ : never heard a man of the scarlet speak with as little conviction as you do Dalamar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : well i guess it's a good thing i don't wear a red shirt, eh?
CaptainSinith : red silk dalamar?
Conan_ : Man you were challenged
CaptainSinith : has a nice ring to it
CaptainSinith : .go upon your way nomad
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i've already told this guy to come over here
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : he hasn't moved, and i think i was the first to say to come here
Conan_ : he invited you to a pit
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : why a pit?
CaptainSinith : so that I can tear you up in front of everybody
Conan_ : you were challenged a Warrior does not ask why
CaptainSinith : while there is an audience.
Conan_ : are you not of the rarius
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm draws my right longsword from over my shoulder with my right hand, and takes my shield from my back and straps it to my left forearm
CaptainSinith : PIT
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i mean, there's plenty of room right here
Conan_ : nice he did not state distance
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i don't have to yet
CaptainSinith already with quiva in left hand , and his kaiila harden skin as armor over his breast and thighs .
Conan_ : Cabot has he read your tb rules
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : right now, there's not any intent
CaptainSinith : lol
CaptainSinith : I have a bow already knotched
CaptainSinith : you want to try to dodge ?
Conan_ : Sin teach that boy how to fight
CaptainSinith : come on now child
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : actually...i don't believe your bow exists
CaptainSinith : you need to know what you came in on
CaptainSinith : look at my profile thrall
CaptainSinith : booo ya
Conan_ : bol
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : umm...if you say so
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : but sure..
Gwar~~RaiderW : yes, they are a sorry lot here
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : as i said, drugs
Conan_ : ya think
Kêñýå° : then why not just go away
CaptainSinith : the reason I wanted to pit , is becuase you didnt know what you came in on
CaptainSinith : lets do this.
Conan_ : girl speal only when spoken to
Kêñýå° : that slave is in cup...and I am no girl
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Dalamar and I have been in on this for what a couple of weeks now...
Conan_ looks kenya over thinking she would make a cute ps
CaptainSinith : if you are new to the gorean theories, then ignorance and blasphemy can be excused.
CaptainSinith : other than that.
CaptainSinith : challenge is held
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm I move foward through the door and look at CaptainSinith from 20feet away facing his left side, raising my 42inch longsword in my right hand to point at his chest, my metal shield on my left arm held over my chest area, looking him over
Conan_ : looks like they stall here, is there only way
› Dalamar~Lyd~Adm's local time: Wed Dec 12 00:57:53 GMT-0600 2007
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : › Dalamar~Lyd~Adm's local time: Wed Dec 12 00:57:53 GMT-0600 2007
CaptainSinith moves to the left further 10 ft and does a little dance, while letting loose a knotched arrow towards his face attempting to gouge an eye .
Conan_ : hahahahahahahahaha how funny
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara steps to the wall
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm lightly hops 2feet to my right to try to avoid the arrow, then turns to face him again and moves foward 10feet towards him, raising my sword in preparation to swing at him
CaptainSinith throws the bow to the ground and pulls out with left and right hand knifes from his belt sheeth and throws them towards his groin and neck
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : takes down his longbow grasping three arrows... notches the first....
Conan_ walks over standing 6 ft faceing cabot scimitar still in my right hand 36' left forarm holding my 36' torvie sheild strapped to it
CaptainSinith does another little dance and begins to taunt him with voices of insult , then grabs bola around his waist and untied it with left hand and twirls it letting it attempt to wrap around his legs
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : draws and loses an arrow at point blank range to conan
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : uh...its turnbased, i get a turn, then you do)
CaptainSinith : Im pwning its ok.
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara notches the second...
Conan_ keeping my sheild at chest level charges to 2 ft of cabot swinging my scimitar in right hand from left to right in the direction of his throat
Gwar~~RaiderW watchs
CaptainSinith charges in towards dalamar and grabs his weaponed wrist and twists it opposite of right positioning ; lifting knee to the groin of the assailant
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm i move to my left 3feet to try to avoid the knives them move forward another 6feet, swinging my sword from right to left toward the left side of his neck, keeping my shield over my chest area
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : keeps standing on the three foot high dias watching conan stumble...
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm scratches my head)
CaptainSinith within 3 ft and free hand he begins to punch dalamar in the face repeatedly
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : ok....this is some screwed up fighting in here)
CaptainSinith continues to punch till this sleen is crying
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : are you sure you guys know what you're doing?
Conan_ seeing Cabot speaking not action swings my scimitar from left to right swinging towards his calfs standing now 3 ft from his big toe
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : come on Gwar..
CaptainSinith : dont cry cuz your dieing. scrolls saved always )
Kêñýå° : wow..that is some serious force posting
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : really, tell these noobs to leave
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Dalamar.... do we continue this farce
Gwar~~RaiderW : Forced where
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : tell you waht
CaptainSinith : this is real time bitches
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : leave it just like this
Gwar~~RaiderW : looks like Cabot in deep shit
CaptainSinith : you are gettin taken
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : and lets get a judge
Gwar~~RaiderW : he has yet to make a dodge
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : just as it is now
Kêñýå° : CaptainSinith charges in towards dalamar and grabs his weaponed wrist and twists it opposite of right positioning ; lifting knee to the groin of the assailant
Gwar~~RaiderW : ok thats bad I see where Sin forced
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : what do you say?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : skipping my turn twice, too
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Agreed
CaptainSinith : of course its a forced post ya whore
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : ie, he's dead
Kêñýå° : CaptainSinith within 3 ft and free hand he begins to punch dalamar in the face repeatedly
CaptainSinith : I am conducting a battle
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Gwar, you just lost a guy
CaptainSinith : shut up slut
CaptainSinith : get in tower
CaptainSinith : and let the free continue
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i'm sorry about it, but he left me little choice
Gwar~~RaiderW : well Cabot is abot dead
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i hate killing
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : maybe
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : he's not really my concern
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : he's a grown man, can take care of himself
CaptainSinith : from detail postings, sorry buddy
Gwar~~RaiderW : Capt ishis own man
CaptainSinith : you are half blind
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : he's also dead from a forced post dodge
CaptainSinith : I dont care about your stupid rules
CaptainSinith : be a man
CaptainSinith : not a follower
CaptainSinith : you sleen
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Gwar, you could have came alone for this, it isn't like Cabot's going to fight you
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i am, a man, and i just killed you
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : so...go be dead somewhere
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : this is why i said honor match
Gwar~~RaiderW : I came as I was told friends were here already
CaptainSinith : no all you did was do nothing but get bow arrows in your face , and then get knifes to vital parts
Gwar~~RaiderW : If Tezz would talk to me this would have not happened
CaptainSinith : bola didnt hit
Kêñýå° : friends you dispatched here
CaptainSinith : the rest is obsolete
Gwar~~RaiderW : prove it Kenya
CaptainSinith looks upon dalamars twitching body
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : well, i dont' know about Contezza
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i didn't come here for her
Conan_ : well I will get these scrolls to Tayen and Rolan
Conan_ : and get them posted
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : yanno, those two aren't exactly the most trustworthy people
CaptainSinith : post them on the buzzen gorean news
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : they're spies for someone else
Conan_ : ok but cabot never dodged my attacks
CaptainSinith : post a poll and let people vote
Conan_ : so he is fucking dead as shit
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : poll? vote?
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : what will that prove... what brave men you arent
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : since when is someone's fate decide by popular vote?
Conan_ : Cabot your in the city of dust
Conan_ : you have no head and no legs
CaptainSinith : how is there another way ?
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : pinches himself.... hmmmm I dont feel dead
CaptainSinith : get a judge
CaptainSinith : Ill get a judge
CaptainSinith : and then they can battle for each of us
Conan_ : because your a playere
Gwar~~RaiderW : Cabot you never dodged tb as Conan attacked you your own rules
Gwar~~RaiderW : like it or not not many will side your alive
Conan_ walks over to 0 ft picking up Cabots head tossing it in my leather bag to take with me, looks at it in my right hand
› Ä„Ä·ïħőķą‡VOK‡HJ has joined the conversation.
› gíâ¤Fídélìs has joined the conversation.
Conan_ turns walking over to Gwar, looking back at all the bloodshed
› Ä„Ä·ïħőķą‡VOK‡HJ went away. Reason: My steely green eyes survey My domain. I command and watch over all of My property from the lowest slut to My Life Mate Aymelek.
CaptainSinith : lets make this logical , post scrolls to , and lets settle this out with judges )
CaptainSinith : ( all cant be honorable about getting your asses handed to you )
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i refuse to let my fate be decided by popular vote
CaptainSinith : ( stop crying )
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : oh go be dead, forceposter
Gwar~~RaiderW : aye I have sent to scrolls to 3 judges and will see its posted in the paper
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i don't want..
Gwar~~RaiderW : sad 2 were kiled this night
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : for fuck's sake Gwar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you know better
CaptainSinith : Ill check the in a few moments to see outcome )
Gwar~~RaiderW : Dal, whats your issue
Gwar~~RaiderW : I saw Cabot die
Gwar~~RaiderW : did you not
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : this kind of crap doesn't belong in a paper other than "So and So is dead, blah blah"
CaptainSinith : scrolls prove everything
CaptainSinith : its a word game
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Gwar.... you know a long bow easily penetrates even a metal shield at close range
CaptainSinith : get your shit straight
CaptainSinith : low bow is a bitch
gíâ¤Fídélìs meanders along in my new boots enjoying the feel of them whilst tossing about a mane of unruly curls, the soft night air wafting over my naked form whistling a lil tune while weaving in and out the streets heading to visit Mistress Aurorah
Gwar~~RaiderW : you never took a shot
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : gia? get your owner, eh?)
Kêñýå° : cup gia
CaptainSinith : gia no obesience, be quiet while free speak
gíâ¤Fídélìs : Yes master smiles thank you )
Gwar~~RaiderW : I just read the scrolls and you never dodged
› gíâ¤Fídélìs went away.
CaptainSinith : and dalamar got fucked up too
CaptainSinith : got to see that
CaptainSinith : his detail vs mine
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : not really...andi'm a very comptent judge myself
CaptainSinith : obsolete he is
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Gwar should know who i am
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : he at least, knows a past name
Gwar~~RaiderW : indeed
CaptainSinith : I dont care. Gwar is chinyeh to the black hand mercs
CaptainSinith : you are offsides
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Gwar can also verify my skill in judging and fighting
CaptainSinith : period.
Gwar~~RaiderW : I wish you all well I need to take a shower and Ill return, I just got home from work when I was told 91 get to Ven
CaptainSinith : quiet now thrall and die peacefully
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : if i were the judge for this, you'd be quite dead
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : alright, Gwar
CaptainSinith : of course cuz your biased
CaptainSinith : I am not , I take upon words
CaptainSinith : I didnt hit you with the bola
› MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» has joined the conversation.
CaptainSinith : you should be happy
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : .....if you weren't dead already, you would be now
Gwar~~RaiderW turns making my way out wich I came
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i am never biased
› Gwar~~RaiderW has left the conversation.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i am known for fairness and unbiased judging
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i've declared very good friends dead before
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : don't you ever, say i'm biased or unskilled
CaptainSinith : then how about you post on the forums , then we will both deliberate the outcome.
CaptainSinith : I am completely fair
CaptainSinith : not very nice
Conan_ : so you dont think Cabot was Killed Dalamar
CaptainSinith : but fair
Kêñýå° : of course you force posted and anything after that is no good..and you continued to force post making it void
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i don't know about Cabot, i was too busy taking care of my own problems
CaptainSinith : shut up kajira kenya
CaptainSinith : detail = owned
CaptainSinith : dont care about your stupid rules
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : it isn't in the details.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : it's in the accuracy and rule following
CaptainSinith : you can try to claim your innocence
CaptainSinith : mentally you are already owned.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : all in the match
Conan_ : well he never actioned he was standing on a 3 foot dias , just said he moved to the corner of the room
CaptainSinith : throw out roleplay
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : math*
CaptainSinith : owned
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : are you asking me to judge what happened between you and Cabot?
CaptainSinith : and your fighting a man with a wooden leg , thats sorry )
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : the pity card won't work here)
› gíâ¤Fídélìs has left the conversation.
› gíâ¤Fídélìs has joined the conversation.
› gíâ¤Fídélìs went away.
gíâ¤Fídélìs : gosh )
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you opened your face, and you will pay the consequences for your actions)
Conan_ : well Gwar said he was psorting in the paper
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : I did not have to action the three foot dias... that is where I have been all night... and if you had done your homework you would have seen it
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : the paper never decides what happens
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : people seem to forget that
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : are you, or are you not, asking me to judge what happened with you and Cabot
CaptainSinith : ( please , I have been outside of reach the whole from posts of distance . so dunno what else to think , though post the forums and we will take this bit by bit, I am not unreasonable, and if we decide I died , then I take my journey to the city of dust honorably )
CaptainSinith : ( do the same , dont be a bitch )
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : max 10foot travel distance, i moved a total of maybe 15 feet, faced you the whole time, no forceposts on my part, the math was correct on my part
CaptainSinith : ( shut up )
CaptainSinith : ( blah blah
CaptainSinith : rules for freeform ?
CaptainSinith : come on now .
Kêñýå° laughs thinking..can dish it but not take it
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : this isn't freeform
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : weren't you told?
CaptainSinith : this is freeform.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : we have rules
CaptainSinith : get your shit straightr
CaptainSinith : dalamar are you the dungeon master?
CaptainSinith : LMAO
CaptainSinith : kids
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i've...been doing this for 11+ years...i helped make these very rules i just used to turn you into fertilizer..
CaptainSinith : and yet they dont matter?
CaptainSinith : hmmm guess your stance isnt appreciated.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : evidently not, tto you
CaptainSinith : get off your throne
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i like my throne, i earned it
CaptainSinith : too many goreans are filled with pride
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : if we didn't have pride, we'd be slaves
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : it's what makes us free
CaptainSinith : you earned the right to eat bosk dung in the savage community
CaptainSinith : you whites are all the same
gíâ¤Fídélìs grins
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you earned the right to *be* bosk dung, after your body turns to ash and fertilizes the grass
CaptainSinith : your heart is dead.
CaptainSinith : along with your soul
CaptainSinith : it is fine soldier
CaptainSinith : LOL
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : maybe so....but right now, it's your own body that's dead, and i can get laid later to revitalize my heart
› Conan_ has left the conversation.
CaptainSinith : save scrolls, post to news forums
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : go ahead...we don't subscribe to it
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : meanwhile...
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Go back to where ever you came from
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you, my friend, are dead
Kêñýå° : just die with that honor you all where spouting
› Ä„Ä·ïħőķą‡VOK‡HJ is back.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : please honor the deed, and do the appropriate time away
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i didn't want to
CaptainSinith : so pretty much you all have the same comformity to freeform events?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i hate killing
CaptainSinith : come on there has to one here with individual thought
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : this isn't freeform..
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : at least, the combat isn't
CaptainSinith : keep telling yourself that slave
› Ä„Ä·ïħőķą‡VOK‡HJ went away. Reason: My steely green eyes survey My domain. I command and watch over all of My property from the lowest slut to My Life Mate Aymelek.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm smiles serenely
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm :'re making me like what i did to you
CaptainSinith : it is completely fine for you to see as one way to get freeform accomplished , using counter-urth.
CaptainSinith : come on .
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : yahno i heard a bit about you
CaptainSinith : where is the originality?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you and your friend go around from city to city starting trouble, then get mad when things don't go your way
CaptainSinith : friend ?
CaptainSinith : lol
CaptainSinith : your a child
CaptainSinith : mentally
CaptainSinith : you may be an adult in earth years.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : well, soon as i get a judge to look at this, your fate, such as it is, will be officially decided, which will be, dead by sword to the neck
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i'm really sorry to have done that to you
CaptainSinith : LOL
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : well, that's a lie, now
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : but it sounded good to say
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : You did warn him
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : yes, i did
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : killing teaches no one
CaptainSinith : if you go by some stupid freeform rules then you should be sorry.
CaptainSinith : I am true gorean
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : really? ride a tarn to work?
CaptainSinith : I dont care of your cheap rules or ethics
CaptainSinith : I run what I want
CaptainSinith : when I want
CaptainSinith : and have the crew of all the mercs to back it?
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : mostly hot air so far
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : maybe catch the tharlarion bus to go to the bar? i mean, paga den?
CaptainSinith : come on , kiddy time is over
CaptainSinith : if you are 11 year prodigy of gorean theory , what does pythagoras say about the central fire ?
CaptainSinith : john norman isnt god , you are sucked into lies.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : the guy that came up with the algebraic theory for triangles?
CaptainSinith : 1000 years of philosophy has gone by
CaptainSinith : get your mind out of the ditch and all can be happy
CaptainSinith : that they learned something new
CaptainSinith : go look it up
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : off his meds
CaptainSinith only gives out a chuckle
CaptainSinith : post scrolls
Kêñýå° nods agreeing with Dal
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : is it time to clean the streets Akab Dalamar
CaptainSinith : post scrolls
CaptainSinith : dont back out of it now
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» pulls up in My wagon in full set of robes with matching veils and gloves gets out and moves into the City hearing people talking I move twords them and over to a apot about 20 ft from them kneeling in a Free Woman's Tower
gíâ¤Fídélìs waves to Mistress Shala from da cup
CaptainSinith : well there is at least a woman here that knows how to respect.
CaptainSinith watches the admiration of the tower position
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» ~winks~
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm considers...
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : occured to me
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : MaShaLa welcome to Vendara....
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : sorry the streets are such a mess
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : Tal ans Your most welconme Sar
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : not a problem I came for new clothing
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : Tal Dal
› CABOT~Sarf~Vendara +q CABOT~Sar
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» looks to the FM I do not know
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : Tal I am MaShaLA
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : Tal Kenya
Kêñýå° : Tal MaShala
gíâ¤Fídélìs : can i uncup now please?)
Kêñýå° : no gia
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : yes
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : there's no danger now
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Sinith is packing for the city of Dust
CaptainSinith : Dalamar as free to free , we obviously have different perspectives, nay is either wrong , though it must be sought out by words, not formulas, science and mathmatics of the pythagoreans is only an educated guess , emotional truth is stronger than the cosmos
› gíâ¤Fídélìs is back.
gíâ¤Fídélìs : Thank you Master
gíâ¤Fídélìs : Thank you though too Mistress
Kêñýå° nods to gia
CaptainSinith : so if you wish to make your declarations truth
CaptainSinith : post and have open discussion
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : no, see, now you're trying to kiss up to me, and i'll not have that. if i were the judge for this, you and your wooden leg would be fertilizer
CaptainSinith : if not get to your cave of insolence
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : at least Conan left
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : showed a small amount of sense on his part
CaptainSinith : yep both chinyeh.
CaptainSinith : on to another home
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : geshundheit
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : Sar have I come at a bad time?
CaptainSinith : so if you dont post , I will declare your actions as not legal. and needs no further discussion as to why you have no honorable tendencies
gíâ¤Fídélìs sneaks over and settles to a modest kneel near Mistress Shala and whispers...what you need new clothes for Mistress the ones you got on look rather pretty
CaptainSinith : step up
CaptainSinith : dont shroud in the darkness
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : side shows are over MaShaLa
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you, as a combatant, can't declare my actions illegal. neither can i, for you. a judge, as Gwar should be tellingyou right now, is the only one that can do that
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» smiles looking to gia and whispers cuzz I am a FW goof and need them
CaptainSinith : call me an initiate .
CaptainSinith laughs
CaptainSinith : come on now kiddie
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» ~Winks~
CaptainSinith : you believe in this shit ?
gíâ¤Fídélìs grins and winks back
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you....are the weirdest person i have ever met lady
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : amd i mean that
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : and*
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Ladies uncup at your own will
CaptainSinith : dalamar I knew that you wouldnt give honorable presentation.
CaptainSinith : lets take this to the forums
CaptainSinith : or remake to the pits
CaptainSinith : this is ridiculous
gíâ¤Fídélìs smiles over to Master Cabot
› LexyFW----Vendara is back.
CaptainSinith : you talk and cry
gíâ¤Fídélìs : Greetings Master!
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i've already fought you
Kêñýå° just falls over laughing as I listen
CaptainSinith : you didnt do nothing
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» takes My hand and moves gia slightly behind Me and out of arms way
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : there's no sense in doing it again
CaptainSinith : you got hit twice before any attempt
CaptainSinith : therefore you have been injured
CaptainSinith : this is common sense
gíâ¤Fídélìs scoots back just a bit so Mistress Shala feels better
› ÄÅ—ëãɱ has joined the conversation.
› Ä„Ä·ïħőķą‡VOK‡HJ is back.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : see, there's this thing you might not know about
LexyFW----Vendara : I can help you MaShala for clothing
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i'll tell you about it
CaptainSinith : rules you made up ?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : it's a very useful thing
CaptainSinith : LOL
CaptainSinith : come on child
Ä„Ä·ïħőķą‡VOK‡HJ rides up to Vendara from afar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : no, it's been around , also, for thousands of years
CaptainSinith : nobody is going to believe that.
gíâ¤Fídélìs turns a warm smile to Mistress Lexy
gíâ¤Fídélìs : Greetings loverly Mistress
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : like, i mean, stone age, years
CaptainSinith : thousands of years ? only thing is humanity has lived.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : indeed, i'm going back that far
CaptainSinith : civility didnt for hundreds
CaptainSinith : get to your history.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i'm talking primates
CaptainSinith : am I the only one here that is educated?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : listen good, only going to say it once
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : Lexy what do you have?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : it's called, dodging
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you might have heard of it
LexyFW----Vendara : what are you looking for?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i did that, both times you attacked
Kêñýå° laughs listening
CaptainSinith : so what I got is a 19 year old kid telling me how to be gorean ?
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t has been kicked out by LexyFW----Vendara.
CaptainSinith continues to dance
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : I am a FW lol I want everything
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : no you have a 35 year old man telling you how our rules work despite your not wanting to follow them
CaptainSinith : you have lost the aspect of being gorean then
CaptainSinith : you are a player
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm smiles serenely again
LexyFW----Vendara laughs
› AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t has joined the conversation.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you sure toss that name around alot
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : I admire your dogged patience Dalamar
› AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t +q AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t
CaptainSinith : bet you never even had a live in beast.
CaptainSinith : just acting online
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i do help educate people
CaptainSinith : kids here
LexyFW----Vendara : so robes, veils, thing like that
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : What'd I tell YOu about that shyt, Lexy
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : few do these days
gíâ¤Fídélìs inches up whispering to Mistress should get some leathers Mistress,,,bet ya looks sexy in em....grins and ducks
› AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t went away. Reason: up to no good...but not in a bad way...
CaptainSinith : yep .
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : anyway
CaptainSinith : it comes to this
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : wate desert and a peged leg Captn?
CaptainSinith : you post and be deliberate
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : Keep that damned hammer up Yer arse and away from Me.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : whoever's saving the documentation of this, do so
Kêñýå° : ooh please..isn't this enough to suffer through?? it is dead
CaptainSinith : or you get a judge and I get a judge
MąŞħąĻą«FW»Å–ŢĻ«Ä„MB» : am I hearing things here
CaptainSinith : and they make decisions vs scrollsa
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : when Rowan, or maybe Ludo or Axe comes on, send them to one of them
CaptainSinith : it will beposted on the forums right now
Ä„Ä·ïħőķą‡VOK‡HJ : hell ill judhe this
CaptainSinith : ( scrolls saved timestamp 12:38 AM , mountain time , dec 12 2007 )
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : let me try Rowan, he might be appearing offline
› ĆòηÅ£Îźźά۵M is back.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : if you want to
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : want Me to call Axe
LexyFW----Vendara : yes it seem so
CaptainSinith :
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : And I say again to YOU Woman. You will not get near Me with a hammer. And stay out of Me whisper while yer at it too
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : enters the court and sees a
ïÅ—ëمɱ slides softly to her knees at the door ebony lashes falling over emerald eyes...may this one enter?
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM lol___ Lexy)))
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : if you think he'll come on at this time of night, sure
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : Greetings Mistress
LexyFW----Vendara : though yo where sick and though you went to bed so did no biggy)
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s smiles to Mistress Contezza
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : it's a petty issue though
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : evening gia
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : ok but I know he was going to bed
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : Thank you Mistress!
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : Lexy, as far as We are don't have to think about Me.
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ aDalamr and nods t him looks to cabot and then to what appears to be a captain
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : then let him sleep
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : this guy here can wait a few hours
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i hate killing noobs
LexyFW----Vendara : grow up )
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : it's bad form
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : nobbs?
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : Tal
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Lexy... let it pass...
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : I am still confused at the Captain and the peg leg and the desert thing?
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : Tal Brother
CaptainSinith : ( make judgements ) ( hit me up on with the verdict and scrolls of judgement ) ( have fun )
LexyFW----Vendara nods
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s smiles and lowers my gaze to the place before where Master Dalamar sits
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : yahoo Gor where the sluts collect velcro collars
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : Greetins Master
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : shakes my head
CaptainSinith he turns from his current position and heads towards his kaiila and mounts the beast and rides it from site
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : see, that isn't necessary
CaptainSinith : sight*
Kêٌه° : seems he is a captain of a desert ship with a peg leg wanting mercy and now ca't accept death
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : Tal Aki
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : as i've seen im's where you've already accepted the death
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara nods to Aki....
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : so...goodnight, and try not to push up too many weeds
CaptainSinith : ( chuckles )
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Welcome Aki
ïÅ—ëمɱ looks confused not sure if she's chosen a bad time
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : a desert ship?
› CaptainSinith has left the conversation.
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : you are fine dream
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : scott beaqmed him to my home last night
Kêٌه° : yeah..well I would guess..since he is of the barrens and is a capt of a ship
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : interesting concept
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : lol
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : So says Tayen, in my im
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM lol
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm takes a deep breath
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm lets it out slowly
› AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t is back.
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : Welcome back and greetings Mistress Rorah
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Sorry about that
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : landed right smack in the middle of my long hall he must of came down the chimney
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Now..
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : you are a patient man Dalamar.... I can see why you Admin Lydius
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s blows the beautiful lady a sweet kiss
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : What forum are those....males from? Wanna make sure I stay clear.
ïÅ—ëمɱ takes a fur by the door
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Cabot, since you don't have a judge for your incident, would you like me to?
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : if you wish...
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : or will you simply not sanction it
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : its up to you, you're a combatant
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i know what a longbow cando
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : Dal the one in question is still popping in and out of My im
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t grins at gia and winks
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : I trust you to be fair and knowledgeable
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : I am that
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : yeah make a hole thu just about any thing with in 100 ft
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s smiles
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : let me scroll up to get the pertinent sentences
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : Mine too. I hope Tayen isn't really letting Him stay with Her.
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : you and Aki decide
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Tayen claims she had run-ins with these people too
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : i seen that man in a safe zoned home he burned it to the ground
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : He can't burn a safe zoned home, the moob
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you can
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : safe zone is for people
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : buildings can't be killed
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : nods
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : but the r/p startedall men dead and all females captive
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : was it a home or a city?
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : harder to burn a whole city
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t thinks that's a crock of spoiled tarn poo
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : a home called paradise island
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : BOL
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : ROFLMAO
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : thats My Home
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : and it involved BlackVain
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : well he was there
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : he did not burn it
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : he also claimed He collared Me
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : hes a fool
LexyFW----Vendara : you look really good for a collared slave it is odd see you still as Lady MaShaLa
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : ya it is ain;t it Lexy
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : last night they was in my house and took a slut uncollared of course with forced posts
LexyFW----Vendara : must have been one of those invisable collars I heard about
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : brb..... porcelain break
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : well I never felt it
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : they sad they was taking her to CT
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : of corse it was a Home I own and opened one night and then closed it
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : yeah
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : i know
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : lol
LexyFW----Vendara : lol
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : not Brother who would you think would come up with that
› «tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs is back.
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : did thid guy when he posted did it look like 777
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : back
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : what's ct?
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : Welcome back Master
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : Camp Topanga
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : welcome back Sar
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : may tae please seek her kennel?
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : nite tae and yes
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : you may tae... sleep well
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : g'night, tae
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : thank You, Mistress ... tae wishes You well
LexyFW----Vendara : nihgt tae
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : night tae
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs turns to Sar ... smiling warmly
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : well wishes Sar ... tae hopes You sleep peacefully
ïÅ—ëمɱ : well wishes tae
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : I shall tae I shall
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : Lexy I will need 5 sets of robes with matching gloves and veils
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s stands and quietly moves to where Master Cabot sets, folding to knees before him, dark eyes lowered to his boots, unruly curls framing a seraphic face she stills and begs...
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs turns to Master Dalamar .. hazel eyes lowering to His boots
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : may gia be of some use to you Master?
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae offers well wishes Master and hopes that Your travels home are good ones
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : a glass of ice water.... all this chatter has me dry
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : yes Master, thank you
LexyFW----Vendara : ok do you wish me to pick the color
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : frree form >
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs turns to Jarl Akihoka ... smiles softly as eyes lower to His boots
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : royal blue,and navy blue for two of them
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : nothing bright
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae offers well wishes Jarl and hopes You travels home are safe
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : not neon blue?
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : but deep rich colors please
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs turns to Mistress Aurorah ... smiling sweetly
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ nods to tea
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : naww Sar I am to old it hurts My eyes
LexyFW----Vendara : I will do my best to fill the order
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae offers well wishes Mistress and hopes You have a wonderful end to Your night
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : tae you master just signed in
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : I am in no hurry
LexyFW----Vendara nods
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s offering a warm smile to you before the wench inches back still pon knees, uplifting now to dainty height, tossing the honey hued curls over her shoulders before stepping off heading to the kitchen with a tempting sway of bare ass, stepping to the cabinets the beasty fetches a glass whilst snagging a rep with her other hand, a skillfull eye roams its rim while deftly swipping the cloth over the vessel
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae saw that Sar ... is speaking with Him now
Kêٌه° : Akihoka My whisper isn't working
Kêٌه° : the answer is yes though
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i've came to a decision
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : your attention
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : listens to Master Dalamar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : no damage
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : based on the distance
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Conan uses a 3ft long weapon at a distance of 2ft
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s tossing the cloth and watching as it drifts to settle amongts the others while prancing in my new boots to the coold room, slender arm extending forth, fingers grasping the handle a quick tug and the jar opens wide, the cold air drawing the slut into its frigid grasp as she dashes in seeking out the barrel of ice and proceeds to fill the vessel with ice and some cold crisp water while attempting to ignore the sensations coarsing over every inch of her unclothes form
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : aye?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : normally this wouldn't be a problem but the kind of attack he used isn't suitable
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : he hit woth his arm
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : had he stabbed you, instead of swinging it as he did, you'd be fertilizer
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : instead, the best he could do is bump you with his arm
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you're lucky
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : so thats where the bruise came from
LexyFW----Vendara : think you got of lucky sar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you, also, missed, mostly also because of distance, and some lack of detail on your part
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM lol...
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i can gamble that this will happen again
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : probably...
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : knows Sar is a skillful and wonderful fighter and luck had nothing to do with it
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : but... Gwar can be reasoned with....
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : taelah, shut your trap, eh?
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : you are a bit off tae....
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s a soft gasp spilling from slightly parted lips in a silvery cloud as she emerges once again into the warmth of the kitchen, the vessel held tightly as she prowls back to Master Cabot descending to the pelt before him, the glass drawn upwards now to pouty lips as they press a tender kiss to its side, head dropping forth as she extends the glass to your reach
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : yes, Master ... yes, Sar
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : get some practice in Cabot..
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s : Your ater Master gia thanks you for allowing her to fetch it for you and hopes it is satisfying to your taste
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae apoolgizes
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : what can an unarmed man do in a pinch
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : ask a physician
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ points top the table infront of you and says
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : those people could be the best damn unarmed fighters if they really wanted
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : nerves, soft spots, vital organs
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : don't piss off the Greens
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : you could tip that up to block
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ walks to Sar and takes my 36 in sword named honor and hands it to him and says
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : you could arm your self
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara takes and looks at the sword....
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : fine workmanship... and a spot of blood here and there
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : its yours now if you so choose
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : I am honored Aki...
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : tis been awhile since and old man used one of these....
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ nods
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs turns to Mistress Kenya ... hazel eyes lowered to Her furs
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : but old skills are there... just need to be brought to speed
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : aye
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae offers well wishes Mistress and hopes You travel to Your home safely
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : and here i thought i was gonna have to raid ya to piss ya off
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ chuckles
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs turns to Misress MaShaLa ... smiling warmly
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : nightees tae. I'll get that stuff to you as soon as I get it to fit)))
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : what is the expression.... I dont get pissed I get even
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae offers well wishes Mistress and hopes that Your travels home are safe ones
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : aye i was counting on that Fact
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ smiles large
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs turns to Mistress Contezza .. smiling with great affection
LexyFW----Vendara : tae you need to kennel darling
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ terns to Dalamar and says
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae offers well wishes, Mistress and prays that You have a great rest of Your evening
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s remains quiet holding the glass still
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : thank You Mistress
LexyFW----Vendara : be well tae now go
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : give my best to your Master tae...
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : So Dalamar what of sinith
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs : tae did that already, Sar ... tae sends Him the nights events, upon His request
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : well, Tayen told me in im that the idiot accepted the death in im
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : there was no denial in the room
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : all forced posts then
LexyFW----Vendara : what interest me was that Gwar did not fight at all
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : ?
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : because he had no reason top
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : to*
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs knows that tae wishes all else well wishes before Master signed on and she was distracted ... hopes Alll sleep peacefully
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ turns hearing Lexy and place my rt forfinger to my lips and says
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Gwar got suckered into this
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : SEW Lexy
LexyFW----Vendara nods
› Solveig_FC_Dalamar_Lyd has joined the conversation.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : no...he wasn't suckered
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : Gwar wasn't suckered.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : he orchestrated this
LexyFW----Vendara : that the waY it seem to me too and he let others fight for him why is that?
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : I had more the impression his friends pushed him into it.... but I have been wrong before
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : and i'm also willing to bet, that the person he was here for is probably talking to him
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : no, Gwar still wants her
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : And to think I stood up for Him.
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : the guy's a dualler
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : And no, She ain't.
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : I have not talked to Him
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : She's talkin to Me
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm shrugs
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i don't care either way, i didn't come for you
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : i came for Kenya
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : I didnt say You did....
Solveig_FC_Dalamar_Lyd does as previous told by Dal and pauses at gates...then walk quiet pass them towards min FC...staying quiet as I hear what seems important conversation goes on
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : Tal, Lady (Solveig) Welcome to Vendara, such as it is...
«tÙˆélâh»HÙTÙ‡lÙ…rÙŠùs»sg»Vtgrs walks up to gates, smiling sweetly to onduty guards, heads down the path and up the hill towards Master's house
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : Welcome Lady Solveig
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : I am AuRorah, goofiest Healer/Phy-t on the block. Pleasure to meet Ye.
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : Gwar~~RaiderW : If Tezz would talk to me this would have not happened
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ bows in the male gorean fashion whist greeting a FW says to the FW i have not met
Solveig_FC_Dalamar_Lyd touches Dal's arm gentle as i settles down near Him and smiles...looking to Aurorah and Cabot...
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : that makes it clear I havent talked to Him
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : when did He change that or make that new name Tezz
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara takes the offered water... and sips...
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : cuzz thats not what he has on it now
¥Ä·ïħÙÄ·¹‡VOK‡HJ : Tal FW I am Akihoka Jarl of Kassau
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : That's what He came in with, Aunt
gÙŠâ¤FÙŠdélÙ‰s smiles and waits to be dismissed
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : that was from earlier in here
Solveig_FC_Dalamar_Lyd : mange takk and greetings to all here room is busy enough I has to mass apologies but it is nice to be here
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : no his im
Solveig_FC_Dalamar_Lyd smiles
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm sheathes my longsword carefully, not wanting to accidentally get Solveig with it, and replaces the shield on my back, and puts my left arm around Solveig's waist, giving her the smile only she gets
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : Tal Solie we finely meet
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : I am MaShaLa
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : hell if I know I havent talked to Him doesnt anyone listen?
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : yes well you talk to BlackVein and they are one in the same
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : no
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : yes
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : oh yes, they are
Solveig_FC_Dalamar_Lyd just smiles
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : My Lady... I have read many of your reports in the papers...
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : we told you this
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : and Im not getting into this with You...
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : He said that in the room MaShaLa. It's in the scroll
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : fine
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : its just going to be another time later on where i tell you again, "Told you so"
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : believe what you like
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : this is not Dalamar
M¹Ú¾Ä§¹Ä»¹«FW»Å–Ù‚Ä»«¥MB» : Rorah trust Me on this
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : Not now, no
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : no
ئÙçÙÚºÚºÙ€ÛµM : I have talked to You about this already
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm shrugs again
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : fine
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : just so it is in the record...
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : the events of the night are sanctioned...
AuRorah~FC~HS~HPhy-t : Kenya, I want to thank You for coming in when Ye did, because I know how much Dal hates late night travelling, and it could have gone badly with three to one odds...
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : for them
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : keep the documentation of what happened
Dalamar~Lyd~Adm : you'll be eventually called on for them
LexyFW----Vendara : well thank you all for comming in
Solveig_FC_Dalamar_Lyd as meds kiks in leans head on in Dalamars arm and just hapies to be out n abouts...watching what is goes on
CABOT~Sarf~Vendara : who copied all this for us?