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le golf clap

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2019-11-29 10:28:35 pm Category General Viewed 380 times Likes 3

le golf clap

2019-11-29 10:44:48 pm
On behalf of myself, I apologize for involving myself in what was a clever way of asking troubling questions with no chance of consequences. I'm usually better behaved than that and so dear public and staff, I am sorry. But le golf clap for the sudden vanishing of the blog. Well played.
2019-11-30 11:40:00 am
I must have missed that installment
2019-11-30 5:47:07 pm
It lasted perhaps 10 minutes before getting killed.