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When you close comments,

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2020-03-06 12:39:37 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 816 times Likes 5

you can't ask questions.  Like this one.


What is this?  If this is true, and given that most of what she says is "true", for a given value of "true", we roleplayers in the fantasyland that is Gor...and it is just a fantasy, don't let anyone tell you differently...have a problem.  Yet another one.  I've been away a while.  Stuff.  Things going on. 


So, educate me.  Killing members of your own home?  I'd like to know.  Not sure what I can do about it, if anything, but I'd still like to know.  And I'm not going to close comments, or delete comments either, unless someone shows themselves to be especially moronic. 

2020-03-07 6:39:33 pm
𝓂𝑜𝑒̈𝓉 you are assuming all things that profess to be Gor - are. They aren't. This has been the issue all along in every Gorean venue in existence. You cant pick and choose certain aspects then add your own spin to them like electricity and lights and God knows what ever else and call it Gor.
2020-03-07 6:40:27 pm
Buzzen needs to make posts 'like-able' . Thumbs up thumbs down, whatever.
2020-03-07 7:44:04 pm
to answer faith yes some of Us still RP and not just stay to blogs and papers but life offline always comes first and well have not done much traveling like I would like to..that will change soon enough maybe even show when others are around and not during a dead time