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A confession

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2020-03-06 6:25:59 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 745 times Likes 6

To all those that know me, or want to know me, like and dislike me, and ignore me yet you read this anyway, I have a confession to make.

I "bull" people.  It's a habit.  It's a compulsion, and a degrading force in my life, that I sadly cannot rid myself of.  Whenever I see someone say or do something I don't like, I just have to moo at them, and charge at them with my forehead.  I can't help look for cows either, it's a bulling thing.  Occasionally i gore people with my horns, and moo as if I did nothing wrong.  And the things i do in china shops...I just cannot be forgiven.  Those poor gravy boats.  I am so ashamed.   Mmmm....gravy.


Anyway.  It's easy to have a battle of wits with unarmed people, and in this case I'm quite pleased to have Kyrielle lumped in with me as a fellow buller.  Would she be a cowwer?  She'd be udderly competent at whatever she chooses to be, I'm sure.  No, I'm not picking on her, it was a word i just had to use, i know it was cheesy to do...i did it again, didn't i?  Sorry, it's hard to control.  So, to distract myself from further puns, on with the thing i wanted to talk about.

Wait, one thing first.  I just thought of some kind of signature pic, of a bull and a cow in a pasture together, with some witty comment under it about bulling, cowwing, and/or gravy, with my and her names in appropriate places.  I believe someone can make this happen, and hopefully someone who whined about similar things happening to her last time won't cry about this one too!  At least I'm not calling her a giraffe, it'd not fit here.  Giraffes don't participate in bulling.

Deleting comments from blogs, and closing comments also. 

Yeah I know, here we go again, again.  I'm sorry, but this sort of childish nonsense really gets under my skin.  If you're going to make a blog for attention, be the decent sort and allow people to comment, and when they do, even if, especialy if you don't like it, let it stay.  Deleting comments from your blog tells people you're not mature enough to handle criticism, it tells people that you're emotionally insecure.  Unless that person uses curse words more often than regular speech and/or breaks the ToS agreements, then there's no real reason to do so unless you're afraid of getting your feelings hurt.  Are you incapable of being articulate enough to get your point across to people in such a way that the beauty and power of your words alone prevents people from giving them healty dose of cynicism?   Do you believe that people disagreeing with you means that they hate you?  Do you feel that the world is better with no arguments and disagreements?  What's wrong with you?  Because the problem doesn't lie with other people.


Closing comments, is a bit different, but not much.  If you're making an announcement, sure, but what if someone wants to ask a question and they're not on your friend list and doesn't want to go through the trouble of getting on it to message you?  Some have that setting but some don't, it's situational.  Other people though, prefer to make snarky blog posts from a superior (to them) tone of voice and declaim people to be lower life forms and make accusations while the original poster makes themselves a victim, or poses as the Voice of Reason for all Humankind...and closes the comments so people can't verbally knock them off their little soap box, much less ask for proof of said accusations.  So everyone else concerned has to get together to decide who'll make the responding blog with a link to the closed-commented blog, asking what it was about.

(I have no idea who did it last, but I hear he's a dashing, handsome, generous Outlaw with a lot of free time and maybe money on his hands.  And openings for a harem, provided they don't eat too much and bathe regularly.  I in no way claim to know anything about it.  Just relaying a message.   Ahem.)

Then there's more victim-acting, accusations and snarkiness fly about, and eventually the staff break out the delete-hammer and bye bye blog, and perhaps people involved get a warning of sorts, if not also a temporary ban for being children in an adult setting.  It's happened before, seen it done.   The staff here absolutely love the gor rp folks, so much.  They really do!


I'm not going to say this blog is or isn't directed at anyone, because it'd be a lie, in that if you think it's to you, then it probably is, and it'd be a waste of my and your own time for me to try to explain it isn't.  So, it's totally about you, even if you've got nothing to do with it.  I ain't gonna coddle you, you can either be mature and reasonable, or you can get your widdle feewings hurt and cry because i suddenly hate you because i said something you didn't like. 

Such as, moo.  And "Where's the beef?"

2020-03-08 8:27:13 pm
It is enough that we know they were here, if they vanish. I really don't hate her, feel sorry for, perhaps, because everything that's happened up to this point in gorland she did to herself, and even though she's had myriad opportunities to change, her obstinate pride and stubbornness won't allow her to bend the neck, and do what needs to be done. If she did, I would happily allow her to interact with me and mine. She *is* a good rp'er, and has the potential to add quality. But, that poison.
2020-03-08 8:33:29 pm
she's a good r/p'r when things are played by her rules and her way... if not - you are no longer acknowledged. What kind of person is honey sweet when in your presence, then 'unfriends' people for interacting with you. She's as two faced as they come. viper woman speaks with forked tongue. Today she got a dose of her own medicine - a long time coming.
2020-03-08 9:10:21 pm
I know, i've been the recipient of such treatment. I'm a forgiving person in realityland though, so i sometimes have a hard time permanently shunning people, especially if they have the potential to be a powerful force for good. She needs psychotherapy though. Or something.